!? William Kamm (William Costellia) “LITTLE PEBBLE” (1950 – to present day)

!? William Kamm / William Costellia / “LITTLE PEBBLE” (1950 – to present day)


Cult leader from Australia that claimed to receive messages from Our Lady and Our Lord, but this visionary is in fact a completely diabolical hoax.

He founded a so-called 'religious community' called the 'Order of St. Charbel', or simply 'The Community'– trying to cloak his nefarious polygamous sex-cult under the guise of Roman Catholicism and used the name of St Charbel, a real saint.  The Holy See and the Maronite Church have declared his fake order has nothing to do with them.  He also goes by the name 'William Costellia', (See source for his new alias here).

Kamm was sentenced to five years in prison for a string of sexual attacks including aggravated sexual assault on a 15-year-old girl living within his "community." He claimed to have received advice from Our Lady that this girl should be chosen as one of 12 queens and 72 princesses who would all become his 'mystical wives' with whom he would spawn a new human race after the world was cleansed and burnt by a ball of fire. Kamm himself continues to defend his polygamy, claiming to believe that Our Lady has instituted him to be the "new Abraham" spawning a numerous people. Kamm has declared that he will take the name "Pope Peter II" as a future Pope.

Kamm claimed that Pope John Paul II, who remains widely venerated throughout Kamm's cult movement, would consecrate him a bishop and appoint him as his official and sole successor to the papacy. When this prophecy was unfulfilled on Pope John Paul's death in 2005, Kamm quickly issued a press statement, saying "heaven clearly changed its plans" and declaring, that they would accept Pope Benedict XVI as legitimate Roman Pontiff. They claim prophecies have changed and stated that Kamm is to be the successor to Benedict XVI, instead of to John Paul II as previously claimed. One of Kamm's claims is that Pope John Paul II will rise from the dead and reappear on the surface of the world again to fight evil along with Benedict XVI and possibly to appoint Kamm.

He was excommunicated from the Catholic Church on June 10, 2003.

This guy is really sick and needs some psychiatric help.

And, his official site is trying to put out his false messages, as well as posting messages from other non-approved visions.  He also includes REAL Catholic visionaries and mystics in order to make his site look legitimate, and this is only sowing confusion and making false messages look real.

It's terrible to think Catholics are still following him and sharing his posts. Needless to say, his so-called 'visions' will not be included in the Timeline.