!? - 'The Book of the Bee' – Bishop Solomon (Shelêmon) - (c. 1222 AD)


(!?) “BOOK of the BEE” – Bishop Solomon (Shelêmon) - (c. 1222 AD)


Recently another possible source for an early Great Monarch prophecy was brought to my attention for me to take a look at: the “Book of the Bee”, which was translated and published in 1886 by E.A. Wallis Budge (1857-1934), the curator of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities at the British Museum from 1894 to 1924. He was also a Sometime Scholar of Christ's College, a scholar at the University of Cambridge, Tyrwhitt, and a Hebrew Scholar.

According to Buge, this text was actually written ca. A.D. 1222 by a Syrian bishop named Solomon (Shelêmôn). Budge noted right in the beginning of the Preface of the ‘Book of the Bee” that Bishop Shelêmon was a Nestorian, therefore he believed in the heresy of bishop Nestorius stressing the independence of the Divine and human natures of Christ, suggesting that they are two persons loosely connected, thus, Nestorianism is a heresy against the united Divine and human nature of Christ. Already a long time before this ‘Book of the Bee’ was written, Nestorius was condemned and deposed from his see at the Council of Ephesus in 431 AD.

Even Budge says Budge says in another book he worked on, “The Cave of the Treasures”, that Bishop Solomon's object in writing the “Book of the Bee” was to present a full history of the Christian Dispensation according to the Nestorians. So, the “Book of the Bee” was definitely written from a heretical viewpoint. A book written by a heretic is not a reliable source.

We even see in the text a blatant deviation from the Gospels in  that Bishop Solomon wrote there were twelve wise men that came to Bethlehem to honor Christ, not three!

And, the chapter about the Great Monarch, comes from a text allegedly from St. Methodius, who is erroneously described by Solomon as being a bishop of Rome, which is not true.When the author cannot even get his history straight, (on top of being a heretic), we certainly cannot view his book as trustworthy.


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March 20, 2024