!? Bl. Théolophre (Theolophis /Theophilis) (16th century)


!? Bl. Théolophre (Theolophis /Theophilis) (16th century)

MISATTRIBUTION, which originates from a fake cobbled together with heretical prophecies in any case

French prophecy books from the 19th century, such as 'Dernier Mot de Prophéties” (1878) by Adrien Péladan, quote a lengthy speech that was foretold by a 'Blessed Théolophre' who said the speech is what the Angelic Pontiff would utter at the coronation of the Great Monarch.

This is a complete fake, which unfortunately is repeated on several French sites.

The major red flag: this 'prophetic speech' was allegedly quoted in the 'Livre Mervilleux', aka the 'Mirabilis Liber' first printed in France in 1522 and is a mishmash of fake and misattributed prophecies together with only very few credible ones, and, was condemned by the bishops of Portugal.

Since 'Bl. Théolophre' doesn't exist, and, is not in the 'Mirabilis Libre', after conducting some research I've discovered the Latin version of 'Théolophre', aka, 'Theophilus' refers to the pseudo-prophet Telephorus of Cosenza, who is mentioned in the book. (Source: Marjorie Reeves, 'Joachimist Influences on the Idea of a Last World Emperor' in “Traditio”, Vol. 17, Cambridge University Press, 1961, fn. 77)

However, Telephorus' own prophecy is not credible, was altered to suit the times, and, was included with the heretical prophecies of 'Brother John of the Cleft Rock'.

  Click here to see the page on Telephorus of Cosenza.   

Click here for the 'Brother John of the Cleft Rock' 'prophecies.

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 (Oct. 2020)