Bl. Tomasuccio de Foligno (b?- died c. 1377?)


Tomasuccio was born in Nocera, Umbria Italy.

As a young man, Tomasuccio was as a follower of Pietro da Gualdo near Rigali to the south of Gualdo Tadino. It appears that they were both brothers of St Francis and sought to live according to the pure rule of the life that he had advocated. When Pietro da Gualdo died in ca. 1367, Tomasuccio moved to one of the five hermitages in the Valle di San Marzio, (these hermitages were later were joined to the Convento di Santa Maria Annunziata in 1521).

After three years there, he attracted the attention of the Inquisition when a colleague accused him of refusing to hear confession. This could have happened on account of the movements against the Franciscan fraticelli taken by Pope Urban V in 1365. Blessed Tomasuccio was acquitted of the charges against him, but nevertheless decided to leave Umbria for Tuscany.

It was in Arezzo, en route to Siena, that Tomasuccio met his follower and future biographer Giusto della Rosa. He was imprisoned once again while in Siena.

After his release, he made a pilgrimage to Santiago da Compostella, and during his time in Spain he became associated with the new eremitical movement that became known as the Hieronymites (Hermits of St Jerome). While the hermits of Italy based their way of life on that of St Francis, those of Spain looked to the example of St Jerome in the desert.

On his return to Italy, the Blessed Tomasuccio travelled to Florence where he spent another short period in prison, and then went to Perugia. It was during this stay that, at the request of Bartolomeo di Ser Riccardo Lardi, he apparently wrote his famous prophecies. Also, an angel appeared to him and ordered him to go to Foligno where he should spend the rest of his life. The angel also told him that he would die there after four years. 

While en route to Foligno, the Blessed Tomasuccio stopped in an abandoned church on the Feast of All Saints and had a vision of paradise that lasted the entire day. St Francis appeared to him and ordered him to remind his brothers that he had shown them the way to salvation through the 'holy Rule and poverty'.

At Foligno, the Blessed Tomasuccio became attached to the Ospedale della SS Trinità. He probably joined the quasi-Franciscan group known as the Clareni. In 1377, he prophesied the imminent violent death of Trincia Trinci, and shortly thereafter Trinci was murdered by Ghibelline exiles led by Corradino and Napoleone Brancaleone. The author Mario Sensi suggests that a misreading of documents relating to this prophecy led to the common misconception that Tomasuccio himself also died in 1377. In fact, the year of his death is unknown.

The prophecies attributed to the Blessed Tomasuccio take the form of a poetic lament in 212 verses, which starts with a denunciation of the popes involved in schism of 1378, Urban VI and Clement VII. They also decry the civil strife that would arise in Italy, the murder of Queen Joanna I of Naples in 1382. His prophecies end with the so-called 'Prophecy of the Worthy Shepherd' which predicts a legitimate pope who was overshadowed by an Anti-pope will “emerge from the shadows” and bring the Renewal.


"One from beyond the mountains (i.e from beyond the Alps, or, outside of Italy) shall become the Vicar Of God. Religious and clerics shall take part in this change. Outside the true path, there will be only disreputable men; I shrug my shoulders when the Bark of Peter is in danger and there is no one to lend it help...The schismatic shall fall into the scorn of the Italian faithful..."

By about twelve years shall the millennium have passed when the resplendent mantle of legitimate power shall emerge from the shadows where it was being kept by the schism. And beyond harm from the one [the usurper anti-pope] who is blocking the door of salvation, for his deceitful schism shall have come to an end. And the mass of the faithful shall attach itself to the worthy Shepherd, who shall extricate each one from error and restore to the Church its beauty. He shall renew it."


(Observations: it appears a non-Italian pope or one not born in Italy will bring about a 'change'. A 'split / schism' is hinted at for there will be those who will go outside the 'true path' and they will be disreputable men. It seems there will be nothing done to stop it, nor can anything be done, and even Bl. Tomasuccio is left shrugging his shoulders as if it is an inevitable event that must happen and no one will be able to stop it. Eventually the Italians will scorn the schismatic or those turned schismatic.

The anti-pope who brought about the changes will no longer be able to keep the legitimate pope in hiding any longer. The legitimate power that was overshadowed by the schismatic pope shall come forth and start the renewal c. 12 years after 'the millennium has passed'.

The millennium when referred to is considered to be the year 2,000 as other prophecies all indicate the chastisements, the horrible schism / apostasy will begin and escalate during the 19th and 20th centuries.

Since we have not yet seen the rise of the promised 'Angelic Pontiff' or 'Worthy Shepherd' in 2012, it appears the mercy of God has stepped in: God will change the timing of punishments and prophecies if mankind responds to the warnings sent. So, the full strength of the schism and chastisements has not happened yet, but we must be on the threshold if Blessed Tommasuccio foretold the Church would be in trouble and then saved so close to the turn of the millennium. Also, Abbot 'Werdin' d'Otranto predicted he would appear c. 2038

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