?? Olive Danzé / Sr Marie of Christ the King (1906-1968) / APPARITIONS OF CHRIST THE KING


Olive Danzé, Soeur Marie du Christ-Roi, (Sister Mary of Christ the King), (1906-1968) - APPARITIONS OF CHRIST THE KING

(??) STATUS / Apparently credible.

While there is no formal approval of her visions from the Church, there currently is no official condemnation regarding her visions either, and, they were favorably received at the time by one of the archbishops of Paris, and even Pius XII to the point her instructions to build a church honoring the Kingship of Christ were followed.

Marie-Julie Jahenny also mentioned her in her prophecies as a credible mystic. According to Marie-Julie Jahenny, “Sister Oliva, Marie du Christ Roi,” will come from Heaven along with many other mystics interceding for France and who will all lead the Great Monarch into Paris against the 'Chamber of Hell' aka the National Assembly. Of interest, if Henri Boucier was not incorrect in the dating of the text, then Marie-Julie made this prophecy regarding Olive Danzé in March 1882, LONG before Olive was born! A prophecy of these apparitions to come within a prophecy.

Hence, Sr. Marie's visions have been marked (??) for discernment.

In fact, How Sr. Marie's case was treated is indeed puzzling: the Church authorities in France persecuted her, even against the orders Pius XII! Apparently, they tried to bury her as they did with Tilly, but this is all part of God's plan.


Marie Catherine Olive Danzé was born on March 27, 1906 in Plogoff, situated in that blessed part of France, Brittany.

Following the example of her parents, petite little Olive also showed courage and self-sacrifice at a very young age.

However, life was hard for her family that were poor and lived in a one room attic, both parents had to work to make ends meet, and suffering long hours being left on her own, Olive as a little child cried due to the pain of loneliness. (Strange to say, I cannot find out what may have happened to her siblings to where she felt so lonely, apparently, she came from a large family.)

Then one day when she was five, something remarkable happened - the Child Jesus appeared to play with her! And, His visits would continue. He would watch her play, walk with her and hold her hand, sometimes joined her in her play, he even brought balls and toys for her to play with! He would also instruct her. She then was always known to be very joyful, childlike, this joy always remaining with her.


(Image: Olive Danzé)

Then, things grew more somber in 1916 when she turned ten years old. Jesus appeared to her at the parish church of Plogroff, this time as the Sacred Heart and clearly showing He was suffering and in anguish.

He said to her “My Heart is pierced by a thousand million knife blades.”

She asked who had done this to Him. He replied:

“Well! It is My children, My children who do not love Me enough. I am persecuted by sinners. I suffer because of them. Oh ! Therefore fly, dear friend, fly to the aid of these poor souls. Give them to Me, (...)! Give Me souls, all the souls you can.”

I am ready to leave everything to win You souls”
es, I need souls.
And where do You want me to go to save them?"
“Stay home for a few more years. And later you will fly away, My child.”
Yes, my Jesus. I will do Your will in all things.”

A few days later during her First Holy Communion, Our Lady appeared to her and told her of her future vocation. Our Lady appeared later in 1920 and told her where to enter the religious life: the Benedictines of the Blessed Sacrament in Paris, at 16, rue Tournefort, on the Sainte Geneviève mountain, in Paris, and showed her the inside their monastery.

You see, Sister,” Our Lady said, “this is where you will come. Here, we come to repair and console my Divine Son. »

You will come here, close to Him and to me. You will not be isolated. You will see me again. You will make reparation for the outrages done to my Son, who is King. It is sad to be the innocent Victim of fundamentally evil, wicked and perverse sinners!

The crown of thorns was braided by infamous hands, who wanted His death and crucified Him! They were afraid of losing their places and their privileges, seeing the Power and the Divinity of My Son…

Yes, you will come here, my little Sister, to repair the disrespects and the profanations of His Divine Presence in the Host. Do you know that there are many places in the world which are still in ignorance and darkness, because no one has gone there to make my Son known and to bring His beautiful Words of Life there? And where, therefore He does not shine, He Who is the Light of the world? You will come here to make known His love and His goodness present in the Host. You will make His Kingdom loved and you will contribute to making Him reign.”

Olive entered the convent shown to her on August 14, 1926 and became Sr. Marie of Christ the King. Immediately, there were miracles showing her to be a chosen soul beloved by the Sacred Heart.

Her confessor, Fr. Lena noted shortly after her admission she received the stigmata, and throughout Lent suffered the Passion of Christ.

According to the mistress of novices, she noticed her heart began to burn to where there were times she could not stand the pain. This happened especially at night, and, this intense heat even made itself visible. It seemed to her several times that a flame consumed her and came out of her heart.
And indeed, three of her shirts were burned at the place of her heart. The third also bore a stain of blood due to the wound of the spear blow, of which she bore the stigmata. From then on, the mistress could see that a bloody oozing and sometimes a sharp wound were occurring in in Sr. Marie' heart. She suffered extremely, especially on Fridays. Sometimes the flame that consumed her heart was so bright, so deeply consumed she was with her love for the Lord, that the fire burned not only her shirt, but also through her robe.

October 14, 1926, Sr. Marie saw a light come out of the tabernacle, Jesus appeared and showed her His Sacred Heart, flaming with love. After expressing His sadness over the ingratitude of men for failing to recognize His love, He said; “Endure this heat in your little heart. Burn, burn for My Heart which has so loved men and which men love so little”. 


It is reported that twice, a luminous Host floated over her bed when news had reached them of tabernacles being profaned. Was she asked to make reparation? She also made reparation for the atrocities committed during the Cristero War in Mexico (1926-1929) when the Church was persecuted and priests were on the run and martyred, for in March 1927 drops of blood began to appear on her crucifix, representing the blood of the Mexicans being shed at that very moment. To Christ it was as if His own blood was being shed. Our Lord told her He suffered to see His captive ministers there unable to say Mass or serve Him, and that it was necessary to pray with devotion through His Holy Wounds to bring an end to their captivity.

Of interest is the grace she received in that her childlike innocence of soul and purity was preserved, even to her petite height, she always looked like child. One vision explains this; one year after her entry to the convent, Our Lord appeared to her and reminded her of the days they played together, no doubt during the recreation period at the convent when nuns are allowed a few fun pastimes, we see from the wording He came to her during a game!

(August 30, 1927)My little flower, I come to visit you in the middle of your games. Go on, My little flower, you are an innocent child. I'll keep you company so you don't have fun alone. Remember, at the age of five, I was your friend, I played with you. Well ! Now I do the same. You're no taller than when you were five. Your innocence and your purity are at the age of five. Don't worry, my little queen, you please Me playing as well as praying. But it's time to leave you. Go My little flower. I give you My caress”.

On Tuesday, September 6, 1927, Our Lord promised to preserve her childlike looks and innocence:

“No, My little queen, you will not be a novice. My will is that you remain as you are. You are queen, you are holy, you are a childish Oblate, you are My little flower, you must not grow, neither in height, nor in age, nor in costume. You will tell My two dearly beloved spouses of My Heart (the prioress and the sub-prioress, mistress of novices), that you will be placed on the altar in your angelic and immaculate costume.  White flower, pure lily, holy child, patroness of children and the innocent, flower of pure souls, queen of France, victory in combat, support for combatants, life sacrificed for the Church, for souls and for France, this is My little flower, all the titles you will soon receive, once absent from this world.”


Apparition on Ash Wednesday, March 2, 1927 – Prophecy Sr. Marie would be found Incorrupt

As the ashes were placed on her head, Our Lord declared:

You were created from the Love and the Holy Spirit of God. Your body of flesh is dust and it will soon return to dust. I made you of Spirit and earth to become a great thing. In the midst of creatures, you will be in the earth, but within this dust, your corpse will remain intact.”

Our Lord also made it clear to her in her visions that she tell people that they should pray to her after her death in order that the Church would recognized what He Had done through her. He promised her she would also be given the gift of performing miracles after her death through her intercession so that she would become known more quickly. He told her again: “When the time comes for your body to decompose, they will exhume it later and find it as fresh as when you died."

He also told her: “But soon, very soon the hour is near when the proud head of the chief of the damned will be crushed by the all innocent Immaculate: she will strike down the dragon. Yes, the King of Glory is coming!”


March 3, 1927

Jesus inspired her, to write the following "Prayer to Merciful Jesus":

"Each time this prayer is said, I will attach to it a great blessing and the mark of My Love":

"O Jesus most merciful,
through Your Heart pierced by the spear,
snatch Your children from the perils of death,
slow down the persecutions,
unite all Your children,
let them all be Your members.
Rule over all hearts.
O Universal King,
give light to the Leader who represents You.
O My Jesus, may your Heart be honoured, known, loved
throughout the world!
May the Presence of God be known
in the Holy Eucharist!
May all creatures prostrate themselves before Him,
the Most High, the Only God! Amen.”


Other visions, beginning of 1927:

Our Lord Appeared to her and told her to pray for the conversion of the Christians taking part in the 'Action Française'.

Sr Marie asked why, and Christ replied: “They are those who want kings. But I am the only King.”

What was Action Française, and why did Christ disapprove of it?

According to what I can find on Wikipedia:

“The movement (Action Français) and the (associated) journal were founded by Maurice Pujo and Henri Vaugeois in 1899, as a nationalist reaction against the intervention of left-wing intellectuals on behalf of Alfred Dreyfus. Charles Maurras quickly joined Action française and became its principal ideologist. Under the influence of Maurras, Action française became royalist, counter-revolutionary (objecting to the legacy of the French Revolution), anti-parliamentary and pro-decentralization, espousing corporatism, integralism and Catholicism.”

While this 'sounds' good, I discovered this movement already was taking a very bad turn at the time under Maurras, for he promoted a monarchist orientation brimming with pagan and heretical Gnostic ideas, far removed from the Gospel, despite the movements so-called leaning towards Catholicism. St. Pius X had judged his writings to be particularly bad and, on December 26, 1926, Pius XI forbade Catholics to take part in Action Française, this ban would not be lifted until 1939 by Pius XII, but the condemnation of C. Maurras' books remained.

Therefore, Catholics joining this movement at the time Christ said this to Sr. Marie probably thought they were going to help promote the restoration of the monarchy but were actually going about it the wrong way, through a movement started by man, and badly at that. They were joining a society banned by the Pope at the time, an open act of disobedience against the Pontiff.

Yes, we do know from the prophecies of the true mystics God is indeed going to send a king to France, the faithful were right to want a Catholic monarchy to return, but, we see this is not going to happen until France accepts Christ as its King first according to Sr. Marie, and also according to the mystic Marie-Julie Jahenny who foretold any work done by man will not bring back the monarchy of France and the king of God's choice. It is only through God that the monarchy will be restored. We can be sure such efforts will fail when done in a manner disobedient to the Church!

We will see Sr. Marie will indeed be given a Great Monarch prophecy.


May 1927 – A Strange, Miraculous Sign Regarding the Future of Brittany, the Monarchy, and Paris – An Ancient Breton Legend proved True?

In May 1927, Sister Olive left for Plogoff for three days, sent by Jesus to her parents with the odd mission of convincing them to sign a document in which they would agree to authorize the Sanctuary of Christ the King to take possession of the body and personal belongings of their daughter.   Her parents refused, no argument succeeded in convincing them.

On the day of her departure for Paris, Sr. Marie received inspiration from Jesus to ask her father to accompany her one last time to the Baie des Trépassés beach, which was very close to the family home.

While they were both walking on the beach in good weather and calm seas, Sr. Marie suddenly disappeared, and her father, distraught, thinks she has drowned. She appeared three hours later, completely soaked. She then explained what happened:

"While we were on the beach, the Lord came and took me to the waters of the Baie des Trépassés. And to confirm what I am telling you, He gave me three marks (I.e. metal pieces or metal seals) that He took from the bottom of the Baie des Trépassés: -the coat of arms of Brittany, - the stamp of the King of Brittany, -a fleur-de-lys, (symbol of the monarchy and France)".

Since she was completely soaked some people believe Our Lord actually took her OVER the water similar to St. Peter when He asked to come to Our Lord out of the boat, and that He brought her to the site where He drew out these three very old metal pieces from the sea.

This stunned her father, and her parents agreed to sign the document requested.

For the Breton parents, this no doubt was a very striking sign, for a number of the Bretons believe the Baie de Douarnenez is the site of the legendary City of Ys that sunk into the sea according to their traditional stories, and the Baie des Trépassés is right on the western edge of it. See the map below.


According to some French websites, it is claimed the Trépassés was the actual site of Ys as it has the ominous name of 'Bay of the Dead', or even 'Bay of Souls', infamous to be a dangerous point to travel at sea, and associated in literature as a place of death and widowhood as it claimed the lives of sailors. There is also an old Breton legend that during Christmas night, the Baie des Trépassés resounds with the mournful songs of those departed souls lost at sea and are tossed about on the boat of the dead.

While all this may seem a digression, this association to the City of Ys, has a prophetic link to an old Breton prophecy concerning the destruction of Paris.

There are many variations to the myth of Ys, but there are basic elements. A king named Gradlon (or Gralon in Breton) ruled Ys, which was built on land reclaimed from the sea, sometimes the city is described as rich in commerce and the arts, with Gradlon's palace being made of marble, cedar and gold. In some versions, Gradlon built the city upon the request of his daughter Dahut who loved the sea. To protect Ys from inundation, a dike was built with a gate that was opened for ships during low tide. There was only one key that opened the dyke gate, and it was held by the king. Most versions of the legend present Gradlon as a pious man, and his daughter, Princess Dahut, as wayward. She is often described as frivolous and an unrepentant sinner, while some versions call her a sorceress. Due to the luxury and riches of Ys, some tales say the citizens grew sinful and committed many debaucheries. However, in an ancient ballad, Gradlon himself is blamed by his people for extravagances of every kind. According to the legends, Dahut eventually acquires the key to the dikes from Gradlon and its misuse leads to catastrophe. Usually, Dahut steals the key from her father while he sleeps, either to allow a lover inside for a banquet, or after being persuaded to do so by a flattering lover. She opens the gates of the dikes, either in a drunken folly, or by mistake thinking she is opening the city gates and not the dyke. A saint (either St. Gwénnolé or St. Corentin depending on the tale), wakes the sleeping king and urges him to flee. The king mounts his horse and takes his daughter with him. As the water inudating the sea is about to overtake them, a voice calls out: "Throw the demon thou carriest into the sea, if thou dost not desire to perish." Dahut falls from the horse, in some instance the king is compelled to throw his own daughter off, and Gradlon is saved while the rest of the glorious yet sinful city perishes as is swallowed up by the ocean.


 (Image: Poster for the opera 'Le Roi de Ys', the 'King of Ys', by Édouard Lalo, 1888.)

Some tales say the bells of the city's cathedral still ring under the waters, and, a few legends declare the city will one day rise from the ocean. According to one tale, when the city rises again, the first person to see the church spire of Ys or hear its bells ring will become king of the city and all the surrounding territory.

Another legend ominously declares: “When Paris will be engulfed / Will re-emerge the City of Ys”. Of interest, there is a word-play on 'Paris' in the Breton language: 'Par' meaning 'like' and “Is” = how Ys is actually pronounced in Breton. Basically, the word “Paris” sounds 'Like Ys' in Breton, and therefore Paris is a city 'like Ys'. Interesting. Paris, which was described as a brothel by St. John Bosco, has become 'just like Ys' in another sense and will be worthy of destruction.

Therefore, to see these old marks of Brittany and French royalty in the hands of his daughter plucked from the sea close to where Ys is believed to be, no wonder Sr. Marie parents were shocked and agreed to do what Our Lord wanted!

Is this a hint that there is indeed a city Ys that will rise from the sea? Sr. Marie would later pronounce additional prophecies regarding the destruction of Paris. Will the Great Monarch be the first to see Ys rise from the waves and claim it back for France? It would be interesting if Our Lord confirmed by these three marks that the once fabled city was indeed real, and it's actual location! Or at the very least, He used the legend to remind people again of the coming destruction fated for Paris and the return of a monarch.

Whatever became of the three metal pieces? There were described by one of the sister at the order in Paris regarding Sr. Marie's vision, and, she wrote a description of the pieces, but they have completely disappeared. From what I read online, they were not among Sr. Marie's belongings, and so if they were left to the care of her order, they must have been lost. However, it is possible they may be found again in the future....


Apparition of Jesus as Christ the King, June 1927.

His Request for a Church in Paris Honoring His Kingship

Our Lord:

“My little queen, I come to visit you to tell you that my Heart is wide open to receive you with your prayers and all those you love so much. From now on, I will not be able to refuse you anything: ask and I will give you. Yes, ask for peace for France, I will give it to you. Ask for food for your Sisters, I will give it to you again. Ask for Charity and Faith, I will give them to you too.

“But also ask that My Heart be loved, known, adored and respected. Ask that My commandments be obeyed, that My Name be glorified and My Kingship honored and respected. May all nations obey Me and take Me for their true King of Heaven and Earth. May every knee bend to My Name: "JESUS-CHRIST-King" over the whole world.

“May all consecrated persons remain faithful to Me and love Me more than they do (now). Ask also that all those whom I will call obey my Voice. I need evangelizers and priests: at all times, there will be priests in proportion to the evangelization that will be deployed and accomplished, hence the extreme need for numerous Apostles.

So ask for very many Apostles, the Apostles being those who are "sent" everywhere to give Me to everyone, Me and My revealed teachings.

“I need ardent and pious women to come to this privileged cloister. I need the Love of My spouses to repair the evil committed in the world at this time.

There will always be evil on Earth, because I created man free to choose good or evil. However, using this freedom, some prefer and therefore choose evil rather than good. Evil does not exist in My celestial Kingdom, which is that of absolute Holiness and, consequently, of Beatitude… All my Creation is exempt from evil; it is my free creature who causes it to arise by its preference for it and its free choice for sin. For the only evil there is the sin of being free.*

(NOTE: *The French: “Car le seul mal qui soit est le péché de l’être libre.” This is my a literal translation, which is obviously not coming across right in English. Thanks to the anonymous tip from one of my readers it should say: "For the only evil that exists is the sin of the free being."  (A free being, as in not accepting Christ as the King.)

Basically, the meaning is the same, creation is not evil, and cannot be evil in and of itself, but can be used for evil thanks to mankind's misuse of free will. Since having free will in itself is not evil, what is meant here is desiring to 'be free' from God and His laws and commandments, which is the complete misuse of free will, and which the French Revolution tried to do with its promotion of secular 'freedom' and the destruction of the Catholic monarchy of the country.  To depart from God and His laws is to reject the Kingdom of Christ and embrace the exact opposite -- evil itself, and will land such people in Hell. That is the one true evil. No doubt this is what meant.)

Jesus: “My little queen, I need a chapel, it will have to be built when I say so. But above all, I need you, in your obedience to go and ask for alms in the churches, which I will then show you. Go bravely. I will be with you. Affirm to my two spouses that it is My Will that you do so. I will lead you everywhere in the holy places, and you will bring back a lot to feed your sisters and pay the advance to the State.....” (NOTE: at the time the secular French state was making monetary demands that were worrying the sisters, they were afraid they might lose the convent as they couldn't pay.) My Will, is that all the nations learn that I am the King of Peace, Master of the nations, Master of all My children.”

I want this chapel to be made for my Heart and I will be the King of France and of all the countries of the Universe. There will come the souls of all states to seek peace and strength, and even the light to live and die under My laws.”

(NOTE: as promised, the sum the sisters needed to pay the State to secure the convent came as a surprise donation in the exact amount they needed.)


Apparition of June 25, 1927:

"My Work is that My children and all nations adore Me in the Holy Eucharist, that I am the living King in the holy Tabernacle. My Work is again that all nations learn that I am the King of Peace, Master of nations, Master of all my children. My Work is that My Heart be known throughout the earth.
My Work is that My chapel be built without delay. I am giving two whole years to build my Royal Throne. My little queen, (I.e Sr. Marie) I have already told you that no one should build any building on the site reserved for My chapel. I repeat to you again that the ground be delivered to Me, and kept for My Sanctuary I will arrange everything. I will put the buildings in their place. My little queen, it remains for Me to tell you this: that when the image of My Heart will be made, I want these words to be engraved below:

"Let us adore the Heart of Jesus,

Prince of Peace
Master of the nations".

My Heart will then be recognized as King and Prince".


(Image: Christ the King as he appeared to Sr. Marie)

Apparition July 7, 1927 - Vision of a Battle for the Throne of France:

"During the High Mass, I saw two angels, one on each side of Jesus Christ the King. They had in their hands a long white ribbon on which was written:

"Here is your King, come and let us adore- Then, submit yourselves to Him, He is the King of all nations".

Christ the King was joyful, handsome. He was dressed in red-gold, a crown on his head. gold surrounded by a white circle; the other hand showed his Heart to the people who were before Him.

There were several groups of soldiers armed with shining swords. But two groups began to fight against each other. Jesus, the King, looked at them sadly. Then it appeared on the ribbon:

"Come to Me, I will put peace between you."

Immediately the fight ceased between the two enemy groups.

But there were other groups of soldiers with a king watching over them. The soldiers went to Jesus, removed Him from His throne and set Him aside while other soldiers put their king on His throne, in His place. Jesus looked at the soldiers of the nations. On the ribbon held by the angels, appeared these words:

"I am the only King, you will have no other king, you have submitted to Me."

All then prostrated themselves in the dust, and all, including the one who was set as king, adored the true King of Heaven and earth who blessed them, while the angels sang the glory of Christ the King and honored Him. All the soldiers followed their Christ-King, Prince of Peace, Master of the nations.
The two angels were singing what was written on the ribbon:

"Let us follow our King, let us give Him glory and honors. To Him, praise, to Him all is subject in Heaven and on earth. He is the Prince of Peace, let us follow Him everywhere".

Jesus then explained the meaning of this parable on his Kingship over the nations:

"I am King of France and of all the other nations. I want this dear France to consecrate itself to My Divine Heart, that all souls love Me and know Me as their true King. It is then that I will pour My riches, My graces and My blessings on the beautiful homeland so beloved of My Heart.
But for that, you must pray, you must suffer, My little victim, you must even die. But you must also rise again to come here below to console your dear France, the souls and also my ministers and My spouses.
All will be worried to see the state of their country, the state of souls. They will ask: “Is God angry with us? He's punishing us?” Not you, my spouses and my ministers, but those who will not have wanted to submit to Me".

At the conclusion of this vision, Jesus then dictates to Sister Marie the prayer of Christ the King, the most important of the prayers He transmitted to her:

Prayer to Christ the King, Prince of Peace, Master of Nations

O Jesus, the only King of the universe,
We prostrate ourselves at your feet,
To adore you,
And to take you for our King and our Guide.

Yes Lord,
To you all nations are subject,
You alone are the True King,
You alone are true Peace,
You alone are true light,
We adore You alone.

You are our Only support,
You are our Master,
O Great God of Heaven and Earth.
We believe very firmly that You are really present,
In the Eucharist. You are there, alive, loving.

You want to feed us with the Bread of Life.
Yes, come and feed Your children.

Your gaze is fixed on souls,
You watch over all Nations.
Your Heart is for us a haven of rest,
We therefore consecrate ourselves to Your Heart as King and Prince.

To You Alone, Lord,
All Glory, Honor, Love, be returned,
Until the consummation of the centuries and in all Eternity.
Amen .

(OBSERVATION: this vision seems to concur with the visions of Marie-Julie Jahenny in that there will be a war that breaks out in various phases: we see one phase break out then becomes calm in the vision above, but then fighting starts up again and another faction attempts to put a 'king' on the throne, but he is taken off. This is not a king God wants as we see the fighting group intends to use their king to replace Christ! So, this cannot be the Great Monarch, the king after God's own Heart, it has to be the usurper Marie-Julie Jahenny warned about, he will be taken off the throne, and quickly she warned. Since Sr. Marie of Christ the King also names the chosen king, Henri of the Cross, in one of her visions, which we will get to, we know this is not a prophecy against the restoration of the French monarchy, but again a prophecy of what men want to do --- to put forward a king after their own desires and in their own way, i.e. possibly a constitutional monarchy and not the absolute monarchy after God' own Heart. Man's plans will not work, and only the king of God's choice will ascend the throne, and only when Christ the King is accepted as King of France and King of the Nations. Like Marie-Julie Jahenny, Sr. Marie will name Henry of the Cross as the true king chosen by God to do His will.)


Apparition of Christ, August 30, 1928

Oh! tell men how my Heart is grieved, and how My Divine wrath is ready to fall on earth, if souls do not pray and do penance, and if My Kingship is not accepted.

Yes, My Heart aches to see the disorder in the Church, in families, in souls, among nations together. My child, pray for your beautiful homeland.

I choose the most humble flower of the fields of France to come and throw perfumes, to warn the valiant soldiers of France. You, humble flower of France, throw the perfume of your childhood, of your innocence, on the valiant souls of your beautiful homeland. But I am looking for believing, loving souls, to understand you and to smell the perfume of My words, thrown by you, little mouthpiece.

No, I will not ask for any more work, this is the last one. My Kingship is above all glory, my Kingship will be announced to the countries of all nations. The souls will come, will glorify Me and will adore My Royalty. If the news is given to them without delay, the souls will ask for peace, paying large sums for my Work, but the announcements must be carried and fly away..."

The same day, Jesus appeared again and returned to the theme of an apocalyptic tone, of the establishment of his Kingship over the nations:

"I come at the End of time to ask the souls of all nations to come and kneel before My Kingship, to know My Merciful Heart for souls so that everyone asks for grace and mercy from My Divine Heart, before the end of this world.

I want to save souls. I am the Savior God, but I leave souls in wide freedom. The souls unfaithful to My Grace are numerous. There is no fault more serious than lack of fidelity to My Grace. My child, pray for infidel souls, pray for the souls consecrated to My service, pray for My Work. Behold, I have come at the last times, before the end of the world, to claim from the nations their love, their generosity for My Heart as King, Prince and Master. There will be no more work to do after My Royalty, (is proclaimed) everything will be accomplished, my Royalty will complete My Glory.

I have chosen a legion of children to make Me known to men. These innocent souls are chosen in My Kingdom, but here I only keep one little soul, the last, to make known My Royalty and warm up My Love among men, already cooled in this dark and empty century. Yes, say again how good I am, how infinite My Love is for the souls redeemed by My Sufferings.

This soul chosen in innocence will make known My Royalty, My Beauty, My Goodness, My Mercy, My Power, My Justice, My Love. I want to rule. I will reign over all nations.

I will strike down with plagues the wicked, the critical souls, the blasphemers, the profaners, the liars, the gamblers.

Yes, my child, I will reign. I will be the victorious God. All nations will be subject to Me.


 Apparition of March 1929


 "My little flower, I come to you again to tell you to console my Heart, to make reparation for the souls who offend Me. Pray for the leader who leads the souls of Action Française (Charles Maurras, the leader of the movement who was not approved by the Pope as mentioned earlier) Yes, pray for him and my Heart will let itself be touched. My blessed flower, you will tell my two dear spouses that the time has not yet come to place stone upon stone in My Work, but tell them that it is near.  Generous souls will come to Me and I will go to them through my Graces, my Lights, through My Love, My Peace and My Mercy, My innocent flower. 

You will still tell my spouses that I want the Image of my Royalty to be carried in triumph.  The souls will form a throne for Me in this place where they will all come and throw themselves on their knees in my Presence to ask for peace.   Yes, there will be miracles of peace, love, light, union, mercy.   It will be granted to souls of faith and love.  My Power remains hidden, but I am there. I see everything. 

I want the Court to be formed promptly, simple but grand. There will be a leader who will represent me, there will be a King who will be my image, a Queen who will represent My Blessed Mother, and there will be men and women saints, that is to say husbands and wives forming the Royal Court. But when the Court is formed, I will speak, I will command and I will reign.  Human souls will represent the Royal Court.  I am the only King, the unique Member of the Church, of the whole universe".

 (OBSERVATIONS: this is the first prophecy I know of that mention the Great Monarch will have a queen, who will represent His Mother.  Does this indicate the King and Queen will have a 'spiritual marriage' similar to Henry II?  Interesting.  Also, this king will reign in Christ's name, and Christ will reign through him and establish His Universal Kingship over the nations.)


The Building of the Requested Shrine - A Grace Amid Persecutions

Sr. Marie received authorization for the construction project from the Archbishop of Paris, Mgr Dubois, and the nuns began soliciting the Catholic faithful from all over the world to obtain the funds necessary for the construction of the basilica dedicated to Christ the King, the site of which was Mont Sainte Geneviève facing Montmartre. The young State of Ireland, then under Éamon de Valera, was particularly generous and provided the most donations. Donations also began to flow in from everywhere.

However she suffered horrible slander from a mother superior from another convent who was upset Christ chose Sr. Marie's poor community and not her rich one! Then, after Archbishop Dubois passed away in 1929, a mysterious document from Rome was received by the Auxiliary Bishop, M. Crépin. It was an order of condemnation and that Sr. Marie be sent immediately away from Paris. It later turned out to be a fake according to accounts I'm finding all over the internet, but, this strange document caused nothing but problems. She was transferred from one convent to the next, until finally she was brought back to Paris in 1934.

In 1935 Cardinal Verdier, the next Archbishop of Paris, presided over the blessing and laying of the first stone of the basilica and blessed the bells. The inauguration with the first Mass ever aid in the basilica took place on October 27, 1940, the feast day of Christ the King.


 (Images: above the basilica and its grounds.  Below, the blessing of the bells.)


Since Cardinal Verdier had died in April of that year, it was a grace that the inauguration went ahead, for after his death things began to change drastically against Sr. Marie again. The clergy began to grow less enthusiastic for the project, and, she herself felt the brunt of their sudden coolness when she was asked to leave the convent. Expelled in 1941 thanks to the fake document from Rome, she returned to Plogoff in Brittany. She never ended up making her final vows, which Our Lord had predicted, she would always be an oblate, and, the persecution continued.

She herself also knew of the future destruction of the shrine, for she prophesied it 1946 it would be 'rebuilt':

“ … Then your hearts and your hands will open again to continue your generosity in rebuilding the palace of the King of kings, an edifice desired by Him, worthy of Him and of all those who will come from all countries to prostrate themselves before the divine Majesty.”


Audience with Pius XII - 1953

Despite the persecution, and, the knowledge the shrine would eventually be destroyed, she nevertheless requested an audience with the Pope in 1953, for, Christ had a message for him. In her petition for an audience, she wrote that the building of the Sanctuary had preserved the city from destruction during the last war (WW II), but Christ had a warning:

“ … if My ministers do not do My will, if the work is not recognized, this city (Paris) will be punished and burn.”

On November 14, 1953, Sr. Marie was received by the Pope in Castelgandolfo, he placed his hands on her head and said: “Be faithful and fervent religious for the consolation of the Heart of Jesus.”

Apparently, this audience must have helped with the continuation of the construction, for on June 16, 1956, Cardinal Feltin finally consecrated the basilica under the triple title "Christ the King Prince of Peace, Master of Nations” as Christ requested. Cardinal Suhard consecrated the altar.

(The inside of the Basilica.)

Also, from what I can find, Pius XII ordered she be allowed back to her convent, but upon returning to Paris, the three nuns found the convent door closed against them by the orders of the Archbishop, thanks to the fake document of condemnation! She was always forced out again. With the two other sisters who had been expelled with her, she lived in Provence in 1954, until they all returned to Sr Marie's town of Plogoff in Brittany in 1958, where Sr Marie would end her days, and, the persecution against her and the two other sister did not stop.

They were accused of not being official Oblates, and, accused of selling 'unapproved pictures', no doubt of Christ the King in an attempt to make the visions known, but, I still have not found any official condemnation of her actual visions as 'not supernatural'.

Sr. Marie died in Plogoff on May 2, 1968. Her body several days later was found incorrupt as foretold.

Also as foretold, the fate of the Basilica rapidly declined. The monastery in Rue Tournefort in Paris was cleared for lack of young nuns and new vocations. As property developers showed up, a few of the faithful tried to save the Basilica of Christ the King, but the religious authorities did not get involved, and the convent buildings were sold. The basilica of Christ the King was demolished in February 1977, residential buildings were put in its place.

Ominously, Our Lord told Sr. Marie of the basilica's future destruction, but He also foretold the following, confirming the name of the Great Monarch as it was first given to Marie-Julie Jahenny:

“The destruction of My sanctuary will lead to that of Paris. This place belongs to Me until the end of the world and My sanctuary will be rebuilt when Peace is restored to the world. This will be Henri de la Croix's first work after the restoration of his Palace”.


Our Lord also foretold where her body would be placed after the Shrine was rebuilt. Sometime before she was forced out of the convent, He ordered her to plant three box bushes on the monastery garden grounds where He indicated, and to water them every day until three lilies spring up straight from them: , one would be red, the other white, the third a double red and white lily. She did as instructed and the sisters saw the three different lilies grow and bloom from the box trees just as predicted, marking the spot where the altar will be where Sr. Marie would one day be raised upon after her death.


If this work is not recognized soon,, Paris will be burned and destroyed as the rest of the other mystics have foretold. The sanctuary had spared Paris during WW II, and it is now gone since 1977!

Christ has also warned He is going to send plagues to strike those who refuse to recognize His Kingship.

Near the end of her life, some visitors asked Sr. Marie about the future purification of France. According to their words she told them: … about very serious social unrest, France would be falling to its knees in the face of such a catastrophe! She also spoke to us of an invasion of foreigners : she had had a vision of France being invaded, fought from all sides, of the poor little French flag floating all by itself and the French completely exhausted,falling to their knees, not knowing more where to turn, imploring Our Lord and saying to Him, 'Lord , help us!' And Our Lord , in a way never seen before, raised France up and made her more beautiful than ever. ” Sr Marie said: “ When France has fallen to its lowest point, it is there that the Lord, in an extraordinary way, will save France, His beloved Daughter".

One of the last prophecies Our Lord gave her He said: “For My Work, I do not want a president, but the one who comes is noble of heart, noble of family, noble of spirit. It is he who will preside in My Name. I ask him to accept to preside over My Work . This will be enough for My Work”.

Thankfully, we know the Sanctuary will be rebuilt when Christ is recognized as King in France and the world, this is when Henry of the Cross, the Great Catholic Monarch, the one noble of heart, family and spirit, will come to restore France. This no doubt is the 'extraordinary way' as seen in other prophecies from various mystics, especially Marie-Julie Jahenny.


A Prayer Said by Sr. Marie

"O Jesus Christ – King, over all nations be also the King of my heart and my soul. O Master of heaven and earth, be master over your child. O Divine Heart of Jesus, I want to recognize You as my home and delight in your pleasure. Yes, my Jesus, you are the true God, the only God, Christ-King. O my Jesus, infinitely good for the poor sinners who turn to you, show me Your Heart, open Your Heart to me to hide myself completely so as to see only You alone. O Jesus, I want to love you for those who outrage and despise you in the Holy Eucharist. You are misunderstood, forgotten, well my King, I want to know you and make you known to souls who do not know you. I believe, O my God, that you are truly present in the Holy Host.”



(Image above, inside view of the dome of the basilica, 

the words are "Tu dicis quia rex sum ego " - "Thou sayest that I am a king" - John 18:37)


Return to the GreatCatholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecy Timeline, click here.



SOURCES for this Information on Sr. Marie-de Christ-Roi:

::: “Summary of the Life and Mission of "Marie-Catherine Olive Danzé ... who will become Sister Marie of Christ the King, at the Benedictine Monastery in Paris:" (https://myriamir-wordpress-com.translate.goog/category/soeur-olive-christ-roi)

:::: Marian Encyclopedia, “Olive Danzé, Sr Olive of Christ the King (1906-1968)”, (https://www-mariedenazareth-com.translate.goog/encyclopedie-mariale/les-grands-temoins-marials/aux-xx-et-xxi-siecles/olive-danze-sr-olive-du-christ-roi-1906-1968)

::: Plogoff: Olive Danzé: http://lalumierededieu.eklablog.com/plogoff-olive-danze-p90604

::: “Olive Danzé, Soeur Marie du Christ-Roi (1906-1968)”, https://nouveauroidefrance-forumactif-org

::: “L’enfant Olive et la demande du Christ Roi”: https://m.20-bal.com/law/1253/index.html

::::  Biography found on the 'Wayback Machine": http://www.temoins-amour-esperance.org/Francais/Messages_fichiers/Messages_fr-SoeurOlive_2.htm

::: Photos of the basilica: https://lhomond-fr.translate.goog/benedictines/basilique.html



Posted May 21, 2022