!? - August 5th the 'Real' Date of Our Lady's Birthday


!? August 5 as Our Lady's 'Real' Birthday -

SUSPICIOUS – SIGN OF a 'RED FLAG' that a visionary may be a false one


At Medjugorje it was first allegedly revealed that August 5 is Our Lady's 'real' birthday.

However, this CONTRADICTS the holy tradition that Our Lady's real birthday was indeed September 8th and which was confirmed by other apparitions, visions and miracles.

Therefore, this new birth date seems to be a 'red flag' warning us of fake mystics at work.


The September 8th Tradition as Honored by the Church and Confirmed in Miraculous Apparitions

  • In France, there is a pious tradition that the date of September 8th as Our Lady's birthday was revealed to St. Maurille, (St. Maurilius) bishop of Angers c. 430 AD. Some accounts say he received this personally, but other accounts say it was given to another man, and the story of which reached St. Maurille, who then was the first to institute it as a feast in the Church, at least locally in his own diocese. According to the pious traditions, the man heard angels singing on the night of September the 8th, and asking why they were singing, they replied they were rejoicing because the Blessed Virgin was born on that night. Tradition also states Our Lady herself came with the Christ Child to St. Maurille and asked him to have September 8th celebrated. (Source: “Month of Mary – Queen of France”, Fr. Marin de Boylesve.)

  • While historians dispute this pious tradition associated with Sr. Maurille as there is no historical evidence apart from medieval accounts, Bl. Catherine Emmerick in fact confirms September 8th as the real birthday of Our Lady, and that was even revealed a couple of centuries earlier. Before starting her narrative, she describes the joy nature displays on the eve of Mary's birth:

“What gladness throughout all nature! Birds are singing, lambs and kids are gamboling, and swarms of doves, are fluttering with joy around the spot upon which stood Anne's abode. (i.e. a house at or near Mount Carmel where Our Lady was born according to Bl. Emmerick.) I see only a wilderness there at the present day. … But I had a vision of pilgrims in the far-off times who, girded and with long staves in their hands, wended their way through the country to Mount Carmel. (…) They too, participated in the joy of nature. An when in their astonishment they asked the hermits that dwelt in the neighborhood the cause of this remarkable exultation, they received for answer that such manifestations of gladness were customary. They were always observed upon the eve of the anniversary of Mary's birth around that spot where once stood Anne's house. The hermits told them of a holy man of the early times who had been the first to notice these wonders in nature. His account gave rise to the celebration of the feast of Mary's Nativity, which soon became general throughout the Church. And now I, too, beheld how this came to pass.

I saw a pious pilgrim, two hundred and fifty years after Mary's death, traversing the Holy Land, visiting and venerating all places connected with the actions of Jesus while on earth. He was supernaturally guided. Sometimes he tarried several days together in certain places in which he tasted extraordinary consolation. There he prayed and meditated, and there also he received revelations from on high. For several years, he had, from the seventh to the eight of September, noticed a great jubilation in nature and heard angelic voices singing in the air. He prayed earnestly to know the meaning of all this, and it was made known to him in a vision that that was the birth night of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He was on his way to Mount Sinai when he had this vision. In it he was informed also of the existence of a chapel built in Mary's honor in a cave of the Prophet Elias. He was told to reveal this, as well as the circumstances of Mary's birthright, to the hermits on Mount Sinai.

I saw him again when he arrived at the Mount Where the convent now stands there dwelt, even at that early period, hermits scattered here and there. It was then as inaccessible from the valley as it is now. To reach the top of the mountain from that side, hoisting machines were used. I saw that in consequence of the pilgrim's communication, the eighth of September was here first celebrated in the year 250, and that later it was introduced into other parts of the Church. (….)

I learned from St. Bridget (of Sweden?) that if pregnant women fast on the eve of Mary's birth and say fervently nine Hail Mary's to honor the nine months she passed in Anne's womb; if they frequently repeat these prayers during their pregnancy, and especially on the eve of their delivery, receiving then the holy Sacraments devoutly, she ill offer their prayer to God herself and bring them through even very critical circumstances to a happy delivery.

I saw the Blessed Virgin on the eve of her nativity. She had said to me: “Whoever says this evening (SEPTEMBER 7th ) nine times the Hail Mary lovingly and devoutly to honour the nine months spent in my mother's womb as also my birth, and continues the devotion for nine consecutive days, daily gives to the angels nine flowers for a bouquet. This bouquet they bear to Heaven and offer to the Most Holy Trinity to obtain some favor for the one that prays.

I was transported to a high place between Heaven and earth. I saw the earth below me gray and somber, and above me Heaven where, among the choirs of angels and the orders of the blessed, was the Blessed Virgin before the throne of God. I saw prepared for her two thrones of honor, two buildings of honor, which finally became churches, yet, whole cities, and there were formed out of the prayers of the earth. They were built entirely of flowers, leaves, garlands, the various species typical of the different value and characteristics of the prayers of individuals and of who congregations. Angels and saints took them from the hands of those that offered them and bore them up to Heaven.”

(Source: “The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations, from the Vision of the Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich”, Vol. 1, Chapter 5 – Eve of Mary's Birth)

(OBSERVATION – if fake mystics and visions can get people to believe another date is Our Lady's birthday, look at the graces they may lose if they practice this devotion on the wrong day! Our Lady had specifically revealed September 8th was her birthday, and these devotions have the condition they must be started at this specific time. Not to mention, the devil would like nothing more than to see Our Lady receive less honour on her actual birthday of September 8th as it lines up with the feast of the Immaculate Conception. He obviously would like nothing better than to remove as much honour from Our Lady or have it twisted wherever possible.) 



(Miraculous image of Maria Bambina)

  • The feast day of September the 8th was also confirmed by a miracle which occurred with the miraculous statue of the Maria Bambina, Baby Mary, that was was made prior to 1730 by a Franciscan nun who afterwards entrusted this statue to others. During the ensuing years the statue came into the care of the Sisters of Charity at Lovere, Italy. In 1856 these Sisters of Charity were asked to take over the management of the Hospital of Ciceri in Milan and in 1876 the waxen image was carried to their Mother House there at Via S. Sofia 13, where it has remained ever since.

    The image of the Maria Bambina was once only exposed for veneration only on the 8th of September, the Feast of Mary's Nativity. In 1884, this changed due to several miracles. Sr. Josephine Woinovich was bedridden and in unbearable pain due to paralysis in her arms and feet. On the 8th of September she begged the Mother General to get the statue of Maria Bambina and leave the image near her overnight. The following morning the Mother General was inspired to take the image, so old, worn and now gray due to age to the other sick Sisters in the infirmary so they could kiss it. There was in the infirmary a good novice, Giulia Macario, who also was unable to move because of her serious illness, but who, overcome by her ardent faith, took the image into her arms and pleaded with Her in tender and loving words for the grace of healing. She was immediately and miraculously cured, for such faith moves mountains. And at the same time this image itself underwent an amazing transformation from the former dull gray color to the warm flesh hues it has today, as can be seen, where She is enshrined in the Sanctuary of the Mother House in Milan before the public.

Many graces and miracles have come from devotion to the Maria Bambina, among them the recovery of Sister Josephine Woinovich herself. And that is why these sisters are now commonly known as the Sisters of Maria Bambina. Each year on Our Lady's birthday, (September 8th) the Sisters of the Bambina touch small pieces of cotton to the miraculous image of the Maria Bambina. These pieces of cotton are then distributed as sacramentals to those who have become attached to devotion of Maria Bambina. (Source: from information provided by the Sisters. Imprimatur: In Curia Arch Mediolani die 14-1-196; Theresius Ferraroni)

Considering Our Lady's birth date was already revealed to be September 8 by Our Lady herself as well as through other heavenly means, we may dare say that any mystic giving “August 5th” as the 'real date' of Our Lady's birthday to be another red flag to watch out for.


A SIGN the August 5th date is not from Heaven and comes from human or demonic confusion:

  • MEDJUGORJE - Apparently, this set of apparitions is what got the whole 'August 5th' started up, therefore, this may be another red flag Medjugotje is not supernatural. Medjugorje even contradicts itself!


    In the earliest visions, of 1981  Our Lady did NOT correct the visionaries when they honoured her on her September 8th birthday, 1981: ""It is for me a beautiful day. With respect to you, persevere in the faith and in prayer. Do not be afraid. Remain in joy. It is my desire. Let joy appear on your faces. I will continue to protect Father Jozo."


     But then Our Lady 'changes her tune' and makes this declaration on the beginning of August 1984 To Jelena:  "This message is dedicated to the Pope and to all Christians. Prepare the second millennium of my birth which will take place August 5th, 1984. Throughout the centuries, I consecrated my entire life to you. Is it too much for you to consecrate three days for me? Do not work, on that day, but take up the rosary and pray."

     (Also note: there appears to be a red flag with the strange statement she 'consecrated her life' to us - things or people are consecrated to the service and worship of God.  If it is a translation error and should read 'for' us, then there is still something amiss as Our Lady consecrated her entire life to and for God, to His will first and foremost.  Also, here's another red flag - while it is nice to honour the day, as of yet, her birthday is NOT a holy day of obligation in the Church.  Unless we are legitimately enjoying some vacation time, or sick, etc, Our Lady would NOT tell us to neglect our daily duty to work on days that are not holy days of obligation.  It sounds like a command to not work here - a true vision would request the Church to raise the day into the greater dignity of a holy day of obligation FIRST, then when that is done, this request to not work would be LAWFULLY and LEGITIMATELY already applied.)  

    Our Lady then supposedly declared again that her birthday was August 5 during an apparition on August 6, 1986. A pilgrim asked Marija: “Marija, can you tell us about Our Lady’s birthday?” She replied: “August 5th is Our Lady’s Birthday. She was dressed up yesterday.” (‘Dressed up’ refers to the Virgin as being garbed in a golden dress.)

If find it very, very strange Our Lady did not 'correct' them right away in 1981 if she intended to 'reveal' the 'real date' of her birthday, and in fact accepted the September 8th date at first in 1981!  When apparitions begin to contradict themselves and suddenly get more 'grandiose' about the change, then, there is some 'red flag' material afoot.

Note, Medjugorje is NOT APPROVED - and there are quite a number of red flags and doctrinal errors in a number of the messages.

* The OFFICIALLY CONDEMNED visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle of 'Holy Love' in Ohio also claims in a vision dated August 5, 2021 that August 5 is Our Lady's birthday. “Dear children, as it is My earthly birthday today, Papa God allows Me the privilege of addressing you .”  The familiarity and lack of the dignity and respect due to Almighty God with the cutsie title 'Papa God' from Our Lady in English from and English speaking 'visionary' already shows something is not quite right!


Note: Maureen Sweeny-Kyle has been officially condemned by her local bishop. Her messages contains many red flags and errors.


Therefore, I consider highly suspect any new mystic daring to 'confirm' that August 5 is Our Lady's 'real' birthday. This looks like another red flag we have fake mystics at work.


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