Abbé D. Souffrant (1755-1828)

ABBÉ  D. SOUFFRANT (1755-1828)

Abbé Souffrant was a humble and zealous priest born in 1755. Once ordained he began his priesthood in 1780 as vicar of Maumusson near Ancenis in the diocese of Nantes, Brittany. He braved the turmoil of the French Revolution, during which time the legitimate bishop had also made him his vicar general. He then ran many dangers and later, under the imperial regime and that of the Restoration, he suffered several persecutions.

After the Revolution, he believed the son of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette had survived and had escaped from the Temple prison, caused the Abbé to write two letters, one to Napoleon I and the other to King Louis XVIII, to reproach them for their 'usurpation' of the French throne; hence he caused a measure of the government's persecutions against him.  No doubt he was influenced by Peré Nectou's prophecy that may have been wrong.

Of interest though, Abbé Souffrant must have changed his mind later, for his own prophecies predict that it is the elder Bourbon line but 'from a cut branch' that the Great Monarch would come from, and since number 3 of his prophecies properly predicted the 'elder Bourbon line' will go into exile' before the 'Turkish War', there is no lost living heir of Louis XVI, for it is the 'elder Bourbon' Henry V and his family that went into exile at the time indicated. 

This also fulfils the description of the man revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny, Henry V, who is the last direct descendant from an elder branch of the Bourbons, yet through a side branch that was 'removed' as was revealed to her.  The prophecy of Bl. Catherine Racconigi also says the royal line would be restored via a brother Jewish-style, which was fulfilled in the 'side branch' of Charles X, Henry V's grandfather, and the approved apparitions of Tilly France also show that the 'side branch' of Charles X was recongised by Heaven.  

The Abbé Souffrant lived for nearly fifty years his parish of Maumusson. Despite the offer of a more important parish, he would never leave it and remained there until his death in 1828.

Through Abbé prophecies, he remained famous throughout western France. Unfortunately, copies in written by him have been lost, but copies were made and continue to circulate.

According to a note left in the records of the parish of Maumusson by his successor, Abbé Siché:

"In the year 1821, I arrived as vicar to the venerable Monsieur Souffrant, then sixty-six, and with whom I spent six years, how sweet and agreeable his society was! At that time, he often spoke of prophecies, and people came from far away to hear him, and I saw many great people in his house who spent days and nights with him taking notes, the most was to see in M. Souffrant two characters in the same man. He spoke of his ministry, he always did it with calm and moderation.It was prophecies, he was much more animated and seemed deeply convinced of what he was saying, how sorry I was for not listening and copying, but, I confess, I could not believe, only (until) the events (occured) that triumphed over my unbelief. "

Apparently, Abbé Souffrant had predicted to his friends MM. de Charrette the events of 1814 and 1815: "How do you see the future?" they insisted in 1817. To enlighten them, he wrote a document in his own hand as an answer, which as mentioned, circulated later in copies.

Below is an expanded version of his prophecies, written between 1817 and 1828.

As I have not found any condemnation of Abbé Sourffrant, I have included his prophecies in the Timeline. However, while they they proved remarkably accurate with regards to events that occurred in the early 1830s after his death, some of his prophecies appear to be his personal interpretations or repetitions of Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser's commentary and his 'Ages of the Church' as Abbé Souffrant mentions him in the first prophecy.  Also, there are obvious interpretions or influneces of Peré Nectou's prophecies.   Abbé Souffrant's possible deviations due to personal interpretations of these other prophecies will be marked out by "notes / observations".


1. "At the end of the fifth age, where we are, we will no longer believe," says the venerable Holzhauser, "that in the time of Noah they were called foolish, because he was building the ark to save himself from the flood. (NOTE: i.e. It will be like the age of Noah when everyone thought him mad for building the Ark, instead of seeing it as a warning sign. Also, could mean people in the latter times will no longer believe those who mocked Noah were 'foolish', i.e. The people of the latter days will be doing the same sins, and are 'worldly wise' in their own eyes, while those who are like Noah will be considered the 'foolish' ones.)

2. Do not rejoice over the Restoration because your joy will not be long. You will still see the tricolor flag, and three governments succeed each other before the Great Monarch appears: Orleanism, the Republic, Bonapartism. (NOTE: Half has come to pass, the restoration of the French throne with Charles X did not last long.  He was forced into exile. The Orleans then later ousted Henry V from his rightful throne. The Republic came after.  Next, is a Bonapartist restoration. That is yet to come according to the rest of the prophecies below.)

3. The eldest branch of the Bourbons will still leave France, and the movement will be near, when the vicinals will be arranged everywhere and the war against the Turks will be waged. (CAME TO PASS TWICE: Charles X went into exile.  Then, his grandson, Henry V and his mother and sister were forced to leave in exile as well after the 1830s July Revolution.  The prophecy also is mostly related to the rise of Napolean III.   Henry V's throne was usurped again when Napolen III came to power during the Second Empire and Henry V was forced to stay out of France.  Napolean III was the last to see the construction of new local roads at the time, which are also known as 'vicinals'.  This is possibly related to prophecy #8.  Also, the 'Turkish War' could be a prophecy of the Crimean War, which occurred
1853 to 1856.)

4. After the fall of Charles X, we will have a prince of Orleans who will do a lot of harm to religion. Under his reign, we will establish pernicious schools that will do a lot of harm. (See number 2, Charles X was Henry V's grandfather.)

5. In the reign of the usurper, a movement will be attempted in the Vendee, by the Duchess of Berry and her friends, but it will be little and it will have no success. The Duke and Duchess of Angouleme remain strangers to this attempt. (NOTE: Came to pass, Henry V's mother, the Duchess of Berry attempted a failed coup in the Vendeé, Brittany after the July Revolution of 1830 to take the throne from Louis-Philippe I and restore it to her son, Henry V).

6. The usurper will be hunted in his turn, the moment of his fall will be preceded by movements in Italy. It will arrive in a moment of great prosperity; it will usually be said that I am wrong. (NOTE, came true. The Orleans usurper, Louis-Philip I who forced Henry V from the throne in the 1830s was in his turn forced to abdicate after the outbreak of the French Revolution of 1848. He lived out his life in exile in the United Kingdom. His supporters were known as Orléanists, as opposed to Legitimists who supported the main line of the House of Bourbon. Napoleon III, the next usurper, founded the Second French Empire and was its only emperor until the defeat of the French army and his capture by Prussia and its allies in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. He worked to modernize the French economy, rebuilt the centre of Paris, expanded the overseas empire, and engaged in the Crimean War and the war for Italian unification. The war for Italian unification must be the 'movements in Italy' Abbé Souffrant predicted. After Napolean III's defeat and downfall, he went into exile and died in England in 1873. The Third Republic commenced after his death as Henry V never took the throne when the country rejected his call to restore the Catholic White Flag of the Ancien Regime.)

7. When a law is enacted to regulate the practise of hunting, you can expect the Republic to be near. (NOTE: May 3, 1844 a major hunting regulation was passed in France. This happened right before the historic events listed above.)
8. When France is crisscrossed by highways, the usurper will be near his fall. He will be hunted and die in exile. (NOTE: this came true, at the time, Napoleon III was the last to oversee the creation of new highways in France that began under the reign of Napoleon I according to an article dated 1893. Source: Manufacturer and Builder (Vol. 25,), ‘‘French Road Building, 11, November 1893), 244-245.)

9. After him, a Republic will be proclaimed that will give full and complete freedom and will not do much harm to religion.

10. It will not be long, and you will have a Napoleon who will govern you.

(NOTE: it appears some predictions between the 'two usurpers' have become confused and may have backtracked a bit. Numbers 9 and 10 appear to be predictions of The French Second Republic and was a short-lived republican government of France under President Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte. It lasted from the 1848 Revolution to the 1851 coup by which the president made himself Emperor Napoleon III and initiated the Second Empire.)

11. He will do great harm to religion by his hypocrisy. Under his reign, universal impetus for the construction of very beautiful churches. (NOTE: if the prophecies have backtracked, this is true in the sense that Napoleon III may have helped support the Church, but by reigning under a constitutional monarchy favourable to the ideal of the French Revolution and sitting on a throne that wasn't his was acting the hypocrite. About building churches: Napoleon III continue to seek the preservation of numerous medieval buildings in France, which had been left disregarded since the French revolution. With Viollet-le-Duc acting as chief architect, many buildings were saved, including some of the most famous in France: Notre Dame Cathedral, Mont Saint-Michel, Carcassonne, Vézelay Abbey, Pierrefonds, and Roquetaillade castle.

HOWEVER: this COULD be a future prediction too. We could have another 'usurper Napolean' before the Great Monarch as Marie-Julie Jahenny mentions there will be several contenders again for the throne. See number 33.)

12. What will be his power? I can not say it too much, but he will have enough power to coin money.

13. He will be near his fall when we travel with the swiftness of a swallow. He will make a heavy fall. (NOTE: travel with the swiftness of a swallow' obviously means future times when the ability to travel fast will be made possible. See #20.)

14. Then a bad republic that persecutes religion and ends up with a catastrophe.

15. A great number of honest people, royalists, priests, and nobles, will be eager, more eager than others, to recognise the Republic, to find it good, to desire its maintenance.

16. There will be several assemblies of deputies: the royalists will put their hopes in these assemblies, but they will not bring them any realisation of these hopes.

17. Peace is impossible: we will be afflicted with the greatest evils. Terrible events will happen. These misfortunes that God will send us to do penance, will not be so great if we convert.

18. These evils, and all that the Republic gives birth to, are necessary to purify the area and to bring in the good grain before the arrival of the Great Monarch.

19. The conversion of the bourgeois would serve marvellously to diminish or arrest many evils.

20. The moment of great events will be near when one travels with the greatest speed. I do not know how these trips will be, but I see the (voitures) vehicles (cars / waggons) go with the speed of the bird.

21. The coming of the Great Monarch will be very near when the number of Legitimists who have remained truly faithful will be so small that, to tell the truth, they will be counted.

22. In these events, the good ones will have nothing to do, because it will be the republicans, the bad guys who will load each other. (NOTE: possibly mean the good people or monarchists on the side of the king will be able to do nothing as the Republicans will have all the power at the time.)
23. The upheavals will be appalling. Religion will be persecuted and its ministers will be forced to hide in many places, at least momentarily, the churches will be closed for a while.

24. Before the arrival of the Great Monarch, there will be great evils, frightful disorders, misfortunes must happen.

25. The blood will flow in torrents to the north and to the south, and I will see it run like rain on a stormy day, and I see the horses having blood to the straps. (I.e. Saddle strap? NOTE: sounds like influence from Peré Nectou's prophecy.)

26. It is mainly in the cities that blood will flow.

27. In these times and after a new republic will then be proclaimed, but that will last little, you will see three parties in France, two bad and one good. The first two will do much harm in Paris which will be destroyed, and in the rest of the North and the South of France.

28. These evils and ruins will, above all, ruin the great cities.

29. Paris will be treated with unparallelled rigour, as the centre of crime and corruption. Paris will be destroyed in the midst of all these calamities, so destroyed that the plough will pass there.  (NOTE: repeat of Peré Nectou).

30. The upheaval will be general in Europe and everywhere republics will be established.

31. The West, which was so roughly treated under the first revolution, will be spared in the events. It is because of this that the West has found favour with God, because of its faith, and the misfortunes that may happen in the West will be very little compared to other countries. It will suffer only the counter-blow of the great concussions. (NOTE: the west of France is meant here, Brittany and the Vendeé – they suffered much during the French Revolution, but will be spared many of the upheavals in the coming events. This was also foretold to Marie-Julie Jahenny).

32. The countrysides will be spared. (NOTE: possibly also refers to the rural areas of Brittany and the Vendeé)

33. A Bonaparte will cause great sorrows to the Sovereign Pontiff, and will eventually force him to flee. He may go to Russia.
(NOTE: may be one of the contenders who will rise up again before the Great Monarch comes. The usurpers will cause trouble.)

34. Cries will be uttered; those who dominate will be those of: "Vive la république!", "Vive Napoleon!", and finally "Long live the Great Monarch through whom God guards us!" (NOTE: the evil Republican parties will be strong until finally the monarchists will win out).

35. Invisible things will happen; thunder, lightning, and earthquakes will have to convert more people than other evils, wars and massacres. There will come a moment when one will believe everything is lost. (NOTE: the chastisements that will shake the earth.)

36. The misfortunes predicted above will be the result of our crimes. If, as God desires, we enter into his views and those of the Church, our ills will be alleviated. (NOTE: conversions and repentance for sins will lessen the chastisements.)

37. It is when one believes everything lost that everything will be saved; because between the cry: "All is lost!" and the cry: "All is saved!", there will be no interval - the time to turn (or flip) a cake. (NOTE: repeat of Peré Nectou.)

38. The foreign powers will arm themselves and march against France. (NOTE: repeat of Peré Nectou).

39. The Emperor of Russia will come at the head of a great army to the Rhine. Russia will come to water her horses in the Rhine, but they will not pass it.  (NOTE: repeat or influence from Peré Nectou.)

40. Then, in this sixth age, God will comfort the Catholic priests and the other faithful by sending the Great Monarch and the Holy Pontiff. (NOTE: 'Sixth Age' - obvious influence from Ven. Holzhauser's prophecy.)

41. At that time, a monk who has peace in his name and in his heart, shall pray; he will have the same mission as Joan of Arc ...

42. Driven on all sides, he will come to take refuge in his seminary in the West of France, and (also) the Great King whom God reserves for us, descendant of the king martyr ... (NOTE: it appears the holy monk with the same mission of St. Joan of Arc, ie. To aid the Monarch claim his throne, will flee to Brittany or the Vendeé where he was in the seminary, he will take refuge there, and so will the King. The King is a descendant of a 'king martyr'. Of interest, the man who was revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny as the Great Monarch, Henry V, his father was murdered by a Bonapartist supporter who knifed him to death. Also fulfils the prophecy of St. Ceasarius of Arles who foretold one who would come before the King, the 'father of the people' will die from a stab wound.)

43. They will have many difficulties with some prelates. (NOTE: means some church officials will oppose the Great Monarch and his followers. Marie-Julie Jahenny foretold the same thing, only four bishops will support him according to her.)

44. The Great Monarch who will be (of the) Lys, will arrive by the South of France; he will be brought by the Holy Pontiff and the Emperor of Russia, a prince of the North who will be converted. It is especially by the care of the Sovereign Pontiff that this emperor will be determined to be recognised (by) him. (NOTE: this is interesting. It is difficult to translate this part from the French, but it appears it is the Emperor of Russia will be a 'Prince of the North' who will be converted, as why would the Great Catholic Monarch need to convert? The Great Monarch will have already been chosen by God as an exceptional man to restore France and the Church. Prophecy number 60 below shows this must be the interpretation as it says the Russian Emperor is the one who will convert. Apparently, the Pope will be interested in seeing that the Russian Emperor is formerly recognised by the Great Monarch to aid the restoration of the Russian royal throne, for why would the the Pope make the Russian monarch recognise the authority of the Great French Monarch as miracles will accompany him? Rather, it seems that if the Russian monarchy is to be restored, it is the French Great Monarch chosen by God who must help make Russia's throne officially recognised again. See the next prophecies below.)

45. The French generals, who will march for the fight, will not fire a single shot; they will lay down their arms as soon as the Great Monarch is presented to them, so surprising will his arrival be, and accompanied by dazzling proofs of his right and his virtue.

46. The Great Monarch is from the elder branch of the Bourbons, and comes from the branch of a cut branch. (NOTE: Abbé Souffrant has already revealed the 'elder branch' of the Bourbons would go into exile.  He says it is a 'cut branch'-  this also fulfils the revelation given to Marie-Julie Jahenny regarding Henry V who was exiled, and cut off or 'removed' as a punishment, but will be return to his subjects as he is 'reserved for the great epochs'.)

47. The great Monarch will appear against all odds, when the friends of the Church and the legitimate rulers are in consternation, and so anguished, that they will be obliged to take the weapons to which God will give the most marvellous and the most brilliant success.

48. Brilliant and manifest signs will make the prince be recognised by everyone and overcome all obstacles.  
(NOTE: miracles will point out the Great Monarch chosen by God.) 

49. The good republicans, more impressed than the others, will be much more eager to submit to him than the royalists.

50. For the rest, few will resist; the striking signs and calamities will have sufficiently prepared the minds to receive it.

51. The Great Monarch will do such extraordinary things that the most incredulous will be forced to recognise the finger of God.

52. Moreover, it will be the beginning of a new era of peace and triumph for the Church, an era of innumerable conversions.

53. The success that will be the triumph of the Church and the friends of legitimacy will take its main source in the devotion to the Sacred Heart. This devotion, without stopping events, can greatly diminish the extent and intensity of the evils announced. (NOTE: not only will the Reign of the Sacred Heart begin under the Great Monarch, but devotion to the Sacred Heart will diminish the chastisements beforehand.)

54. A noble of the Loire-Inferior - a Breton general - will be called to take part in the events and he will play an important role for the restoration of the Holy Pontiff and the Great Monarch. He will bring him back. (NOTE: appears this general will be instrumental in the events at the time.)

55. France, pacified first, will restore calm and prosperity to other nations.

56. The Great Monarch will reform everything, make a new code, a new nobility, and all his acts will be so perfect that all the other sovereigns will be submissive to him.  (NOTE: appears Abbé Souffrant confirms there will still be other monarchs if 'other sovereigns' will exist, only they will be under the rule of the Great Monarch and his ally, the Russian Emperor according to him.)

57. With the Emperor of Russia, he will put an end to confusion, usurpation and injustice all over Europe.  (NOTE: this may have been influenced by the commentaries attributed to Bl. Joachim of Fiore, who said there would be two leaders, one in the East and one in the West, but did not specifiy which kings.  The Abbé Sourffrant may have guessed at this.)

58. But above all, both will re-establish the reign of religion and the authority of the Church.

59. They will both have such supremacy over other powers that they will be like the only two monarchs.  (See prophecy 56 above.)

60. Of course, the Emperor of Russia will convert to the Catholic faith so brilliantly that he will be regarded as another Constantine.

61. In concert with him, the Great Monarch will exterminate the race of heretics and the ungodly, restore order, and restore to each his good: "reddet cuique suum bonum".  (NOTE: again,  possibly influenced by commentaries attributed to Bl. Joachim of Fiore,  Numbers 62-63 also.)

62. There will be, so to speak, only two empires in Europe, the Eastern Empire and the Western Empire.

63. Russia will convert and help France restore peace and tranquillity to the world.  But above all, they will restore the reign of religion and the authority of the Church.

64. Under the reign of this Great Monarch, all justice will be done. The Catholic religion will flourish throughout the universe, except in Palestine, a country of curse.

65. Full of the spirit of God, he will weigh the merit of each person like gold in the scales and will do him the most scrupulous justice.

66. Those who possess stolen goods will be the first to return them. National assets will be taken away from their buyers.

67. Then he will only take the crown and place it on the head of his direct heir. (NOTE: this is one of the rare odd prophecies that says the Great Monarch will have an heir, probably Abbé Souffrant was relying again on Ven. Holzhauser who said said the Great King will have an heir, but Holzhauser then contradicted himself in his own prophecies saying the Great Monarch will always rule. This prophecy of an heir must be taken with a grain of salt.)

68. God, at the same time, will raise up the holy Pontiff, who, supported by the great Monarch (called "Auxilium Dei"), “The Help of God” will exterminate all the heretical sects, all the superstitions of the Gentiles, will spread and shine more than ever the reign of the Catholic Church in all the Universe, except in the infernal region of Palestine, a country of curse where the Antichrist must be born. (NOTE: the detail of being called the 'Help of God' - possibly another influence of Ven. Holzhauser.)

69. Under the reign of the Great Monarch, religion will be honoured and God glorified as it has not been for centuries; the greatest virtue will be observed around the world and the earth will produce fruit in abundance.

70. After the crisis, despite certain oppositions made by the clergy themselves, everything will end with a general and decisive Council to which the entire universe will submit until the last persecution, that of the Beast, or the Antichrist. (NOTE: there will be one last great council held in which all will be restored, until the coming of the Antichrist.)

71. Then there will be one flock and one shepherd, because all the infidels and all the heretics, but not the Jews, whose mass will be converted after the death of the Beast, will enter the Latin Church, whose triumph will continue until the destruction of the Antichrist. "