Have a question about the prophecies? Leave it in the Comment Box.
* Rules for questions: before asking, make sure your question hasn't already been answered below: also please check the Timeline on the Main Page, and this list of clickable questions here:
~ Church Approval of Apparitions: How Does That Work?
~ How can we be careful and not fall for fake visions?
~ Do the (Credible) Prophecies Posted Here Support Sedevacantism?
~ How Do I Prepare for the Chastisement Plagues?
~ Is the Three Days of Darkness in the Bible?
~ How do I Recognize and Prepare for the Three Days of Darkness?
~ What is going to happen to the
USA? I mostly see France or Europe in the prophecies ...
Also, please check to see the visions that are on the 'Credible / Approved' vision list (click here) -
and also the 'Suspect / Fake / Dubious / Not Approved' list (click here) to make sure I have not already covered a vision or topic.
Note: I'm not a theologian, only a lay person doing their best to find
answers, however, my answers will follow the Traditional teachings of
the Church, the Douay Rheims Bible, the pre Vatican II Traditional
explanation of the Catechism by Spirago and Clarke, and also from
apparitions / mystics approved by the Church. (If you want to know why I started this site in the first place, click here.)
Take note this blog is a work in progress, so not every apparition or prophecy is up yet.
The purpose of this blog is to build a Timeline of prophetic events primarily around the Great Monarch and the Angelic Pontiff, which includes the chastisements, Three Days of Darkness, the Age of Peace, and how to prepare for it all, etc.
Researching all of this, finding trustworthy sources, translating original texts, and separating the real
apparitions and prophecies from the fake ones takes time, and I only have so
much time!
*** Please, DO NOT demand I cover an apparition that is not up yet,
please be patient.
Also, please take into account if an apparition or a mystic doesn't give prophetic details of what we can expect or they do not give a prophecy or a further clarification on the Great Catholic Monarch or Pontiff, or the events leading up to their arrival and afterwards, they probably WILL NOT be put up on this site.
**** When and how I answer Questions - similar to the rule above, I only have so much time to answer questions. I may not be able to answer everyone at once, and depending what is asked, may take some looking into. So please, if it takes a while to answer a question, or others seem to be answered first before you, do not take it personal. I'll do my best to to answer when I can to the best of my abillity.
**** Questions once answered may eventually be removed to declutter this page make space for new questions, so if you have left a question, please check in to this page from time to time to ensure you get the answer when I put it up before I delete it. The last time the page was decluttered is posted below.
******* Please note, you are free to disagree with me, but I cannot spend time into a load of additional answers if it looks like they will become or actually become never-ending disputes. The main goal of this site is to find and research the Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff prophecies - not get me into endless discussions that take me away from this because you disagree with what I may say. This page is not meant to be a social chat board. Which brings us to the next rule....
**** No spam, nasty comments or troll posts please, these will be removed.
Thank you.
Last date page was decluttered to make room for new questions:
* March 16, 2021.
* April 1, 2024
Hi everyone – yes, this page has been spring cleaned – it was taking me too long to get to the bottom of this page to answer questions, and then I realised this page had not been “decluttered” in three years! Not to mention some visitors were getting rather rude of late and breaking the “no troll post” rule, so definitely time for a spring clean.
ReplyDeleteNew answers have been added to the Q and A list, so if I’ve missed a question before this page got decluttered, please check to see if I have answered it. And if not, just ask your question again.
Thank you!
TY for correcting the translation of "sedebit" in the St. Malachy prophecy analysis. In Latin syntax the verb is placed at the end of the sentence. When translating to English, the verb (and its pronoun) should be transposed to the beginning of the sentence. So, prediction number 112 should read: "He will reign in the final persecution.of the Holy Roman Church."
DeleteAn essential book for the analysis of this prophecy is Fr. O'Brien's 1880 publication: An Historical and Critical Analysis of the So-Called Prophecy of St. Malachy. On pages 13 to 16 O'Brien proves that the list of papal predictions was composed sometime after 1557. That proof indicates that the list of predictions that appears in the Lignum Vitae is the original list.
In my opinion it is more correct to use Fr. Wion's original list of predictions than any subsequent publication, but that is exactly what every analyst has done. They have all gone by Fr. Messingham's spurious list of 112 mottoes. Fr. O'Brien promised us a list "transcribed word for word from Wion's book," but then used Messingham's conflated paragraph structure instead of that which was originally published in the Lignum Vitae.
When Pope Francis was elected, I realized that he did not fit the "Petrus Romanus" mold, and I was forced to find a new understanding of Fr. Wion's papal predictions. That understanding was the realization that there are actually 113 paragraphs in Wion's list and that the two line paragraph which preceeds the eight line "Petrus Romanus" paragraph is the prediction that applies to Pope Francis.
It still remains to be seen it the ominous prediction for Pope Francis will come true. I hope that it does not, as a "persecution" ought not to be desired.
Thanks again for your important work in compiling this extensive list of prophecies.
Hi, thanks again - but as noted before the 'declutter', I'd like to research the various sources before doing any more changes to the St. Malachy page. Please note, I don't know when I can get to it.
ReplyDeleteHi, i read your updated Q and A question on the matter of sedevacantism and i have a few qualms with it as i think it is logically inconsistent and inconsistent with church teaching. Firstly, if we define "anti-pope" as simply someone making a claim to the throne of Peter while there is already a Pope then sure, bergoglio is not an anti-pope (unless there is a secret Pope, then he is) but if we define "anti-pope" as any false claimant to the throne of Peter then we can assuredly define bergoglio as anti-pope, basically i think you are dwelling on definitions and missing the main point, which is that a heretic and non-catholic is claiming to be Pope when is in fact not.
I do not say this lightly or without proof either, i have source texts from the church and saints which i will share, but first i will provide another couple rebuttals before i provide these source texts. To say i don't believe in the doctrine of infallibility because i claim that the heretical "popes" are in fact not Popes is illogical, in fact i would make the same claim the other way around, i would say that to claim a heretic can be Pope is to claim that the Pope can be fallible in matters of faith, which is contrary to the doctrine of Papal infallibility.
I also disagree with your interpretation of "Church doctrine that there will never be a break in the line of the succession of Peter" since every time a Pope dies we are without a pope and the chair of Peter can be considered as "vacant" and there have been occasions where the seat of peter remained vacant for years (reminder that "sedevacant" means see vacant or seat vacant), is there a year of vacancy that suddenly determines the line of peter to be "broken"? 3 years? 10 years? 70? 100? from what i know such a proclamation does not exist, as such nobody can claim that the line is broken, even if we have had no pope for almost 70 years (which in itself may be prefigured in the bible, source will be provided if asked)
Now onto the actual proofs, first St Robert Bellarmine's teaching in De Romano Pontifice book 2, chap 30
"Now the fifth true opinion, is that a Pope who is a manifest heretic, ceases in himself to be Pope and head, just as he ceases in himself to be a Christian and member of the body of the Church: whereby, he can be judged and punished by the Church. This is the opinion of all the ancient Fathers, who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction..."
(this whole chapter is worth a read btw) Now, you could simply counter by saying that the teaching of a saint is not equal to the teaching of a Pope, and you would be right, however such an argument fails if you do not provide a counter-teaching by a Pope and it also fails since the infallible teaching of the church is that a heretic cannot be Pope, as is taught in Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio by Pope Paul IV in 1559:
"6. In addition, [by this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity We enact, determine, decree and define:-] that if ever at any time it shall appear that any Bishop, even if he be acting as an Archbishop, Patriarch or Primate; or any Cardinal of the aforesaid Roman Church, or, as has already been mentioned, any legate, or even the Roman Pontiff, prior to his promotion or his elevation as Cardinal or Roman Pontiff, has deviated from the Catholic Faith or fallen into some heresy:
(i) the promotion or elevation, even if it shall have been uncontested and by the unanimous assent of all the Cardinals, shall be null, void and worthless..."
(Again, the whole Papal bull is worth a read and even gives permission to bishops to seek the secular hand for help against such usurpers, which may in fact be the permission granted to the great monarch to kick the "anti-popes" (or "non-canonically elected popes") from Rome.) From this text we can clearly see the teaching of the Church, we can also see that it is in line with St Bellarmines teachings.
DeleteYou also quoted Matthew 23:3, however i think this quote is misplaced, since Jesus says to do as they say not what they do, but to do as the last few "popes" have said would be to accept heresies, i would rather not do what they say or do. Jesus was referring to priests who teach correctly but sin and do not practice what they preach, however "pope" francis neither teaches correctly nor acts correctly, so he does not match this criteria.
Further i would like to provide 1 more source which proves my position , this is Saint Bridgets (d.1373) 7th book, 7th chapter:
"...For it is the true and Catholic faith that a pope who is without heresy is - no matter how stained he be with other sins - never so wicked as a result of these sins and his other bad deeds that there would not always be in him full authority and complete power to bind and loose souls. He possesses this authority through blessed Peter and has acquired it from God. For before Pope John, there were many supreme pontiffs who are now in hell. Nevertheless, the just and reasonable judgments that they made in the world are standing and approved in God's sight."
As we can see with this source, which is in fact the words of Mary to Bridget, a Pope remains Pope no matter how stained with sins he may be, this quote also reflects Matthew 23:3, however there is 1 exception, which is heresy, as the quote clearly states; "that a pope who is without heresy", this quote literally includes the exception of "without heresy" meaning a Pope remains Pope no matter the sin, unles he has fallen into heresy, meaning a heretical "pope" is in fact not Pope.
and this quote from you: "Also, saints have said a heretical pope can never be elected" to which you followed up with a statement which did not disprove your first statement of "a heretical pope can never be elected", the Papal Bull "Ex Cathedra" does not contradict your first statement, and your first statement literally agrees with my position.
Perhaps you are reluctant to admit that the past few popes have in fact not been real Popes because it would take away from the legitimacy of a few of the prophecies that you have listed, but keep in mind that an anti-pope pronouncing someone as "blessed" or as "saint" does not mean that person is not blessed or a saint, they may very well be (although they may not be as well). Also consider that maybe a couple of the Prophecies you included as real may in fact not be real. It isn't impossible that you made such a mistake.
Lastly, St Francis predicted a "non-canonically elected Pope" which matches "pope" francis (and "pope" john XXIII), he did not use the word "anti-pope" yet in your own description above the prophecy you used the term "anti-pope", basically i don't want to play games about the exact definition of "anti-pope" when we both know that the usage of this term by sedevacantists is used for any man claiming to be Pope who is in fact not Pope, let our discussions be fruitful.
Hi EA, I have a serious question here.
ReplyDeleteWhen King David sinned God chastised him and his people with 3 days of pestilence. Is the 3 days of darkness a chastisement because the Great Monarch commits a serious sin? Are we going to be Chastised because of the Great Monarch? Glenn Hudson who is very knowledgeable about Garabandal (personal opinions aside) stated in an interview that the 3 days of darkness was the conditional chastisement prophesied at Garabandal. That got me thinking that perhaps we should be praying for the Monarch as was requested at Tilly, France, lest he fall into sin and we get chastised. If you are correct, could the Miracle of Garabandal be the return of the Dauphin? Which brings to mind a plethora of other questions. If the Count is returning to earth, was he in Heaven, and if not heaven what state and realm has he been in? If he returns, will he be able to fall from grace? Is this referenced in Chapter 10 revelations. "A mighty angel fell from heaven". I think if the Count returns, perhaps it will be a woman for which he falls into sin? What else could tempt a dead man returned? This also leads me to wonder about the nature of free will vs destiny. If it's conditional in one sense,and destined in another sense, then what to make of that?
I have other questions.
ReplyDeleteIf his return has nothing to do with Garabandal, how exactly does it happen. He is buried in a crypt in Austria. Is his body incorrupt or decayed? Didn't the woman who confirmed his identity also say he would have a wife? Is his dead wife coming back too, or is he going to marry a living woman? Would that be considered adultery if he remarries? If his body has decayed, are people going to witness the flesh being restored? How will he get out of the tomb?
I read your entire blog. You really have no idea what you are talking about, do you? Perhaps you should place yourself on the Suspect List.
ReplyDeleteTo 'Henri' - I was about to answer your initial question - until your third comment here: I regret to have to say such rudeness does not deserve a reply at this point. Discussions are going to be useless with you and will be a severe waste of all our time, yours and mine. If you disagree with my blog or opinions, you are free read other blogs that that fit around your viewpoints.
DeleteMy humblest and sincere apologies. Please take no personal offense. It's a touchy subject for a lot of people, but I would be amiss if I said your idea is without intrigue.
DeleteI asked something similar to this and I didn’t see an answer see if you had answered. So are Prussians, with a ‘P’, mentioned anywhere?
ReplyDeleteHi- sorry for missing your question before the 'great declutter'.
DeleteYes, Prussia is mentioned, but, Prussia is also modern day Germany, so, there are prophecies regarding Germany as well.
The fastest way to find them (on a computer at least) in the Timeline is go to that page, and hit the 'Ctrl' and F keys - a search bar in the bottom left corner should pop up in your browser - type in the search terms you want to look for on the page such as 'Prussia', 'Germany', etc. You can skip around the page quite easily then. Hope this helps.
Hello, i see you have responded to someone else's comment but not mine, is there a reason for this? did my comment break any rules? is there any inconsistencies or falsehoods in my comments which i am unaware of? if so please tell me. Is the amount of topics and information which has to be studied properly not worth your time? i tell you, on this topic a little bit of study is necessary, as you already know and since the subject is of extreme importance to your blog i don't understand why you haven't at least acknowledged it. perhaps you have yet to write a reply as you are still considering my words, or perhaps you are verifying my words and fact checking on whatever sources you have.
ReplyDeleteI tell you that the idea of the past few "popes" being anti-popes (or simply non-canonically elected popes if you prefer) is in fact completely consistent with the prophecies you have listed on your site and is not only consistent but is actually more so than with the theories you have suggested (i can explain and use some examples if you like).
Perhaps the reason you have ignored me is because you don't want to fall into the sin of disobedience to the Pope, perhaps you have thought to yourself that there is a possibility that although my arguments are sound and seem correct that you or I could be missing a profound variable which disproves my stance, as such you don't want to fall to quickly into changing your opinion just because of a random comment on your blog post (although my random comment does in fact quote a Pope, a Saint and Mary herself, so you should still contemplate those texts with humility)
But consider this, to many your blog could be considered as a "random blog" and you would like your texts and resource gathering to be taken seriously so you should take my arguments seriously as well, since you want people to consider your work you should consider others as well, even if their work is simpler (simple doesn't equal incorrect either, in fact it is often the complicated works which are incorrect)
As for obedience to the Pope? i don't believe those who say they are scared of falling into disobedience are actually more obedient to the Pope than those who simply refuse to obey and listen to the words of these false apostles. For example, I as a true and loyal Catholic will never disobey a true Pope and I as a true and loyal Catholic acknowledge that in matters of faith the Pope is always right and I acknowledge that the Pope can never make a mistake in matters of faith including Sainting people and other things, this is because of my loyalty, faith and my love for my Church. However to take your position would be to say that you don't believe the Pope is always right in matters of faith (you would have to deny Papal infallibilty), it would mean you believe the Pope can be a heretic and still retain his title and it would mean that you believe the Pope can make mistakes in sainting people (don't believe the vatican II "popes" have made mistakes in sainting people? i can provide some examples of people they have falsely sainted if you like). So tell me, who is truly more loyal to the throne of Peter?
This comment turned out longer than i initially intended, i still have so much more i could write on this subject (which i will probably write another time anyway). I just want at least an acknowledment of my original comments and your reasoning for not responding. please and thank you.
First of all, I like everyone else in this world, I have limited time, and I answer questions when I can, and sometimes that will mean not everyone at once all at one time. This blog is a labor of love. Daily duties come first, and depending what I get asked, I do take my time, especially if it is a deep theological subject. Time issues is why one of my rules on commenting is not demanding I cover an apparition that is not mentioned on the site – I can only research so much at a time and have to make decisions accordingly. Getting to questions is similar as well.
DeletePerhaps I was assuming too much people might have understood this, so, it looks like I have to add this too.
But, I also cannot help note it’s rather forward for people to expect I come running when they ‘snap their fingers’ so to speak, demanding I give reasons as to who I answer, and how and when I answer, and then be required to consider on what ‘they’ think is important for this blog. I wanted this blog to be open to questions regarding what I observed in the prophecies so people knew that a person was managing it and not some bot, however, taking what you have said into account now, i.e. ‘I still have so much more I could write on this subject (which I will probably write another time anyway)’, I also have to consider, if answers to questions start becoming a rambling, cyclic round of very lengthy debates with no end in sight and bearing no useful fruit, then this is going beyond the point of the blog and I do not want to get caught up into that. I now have to consider if I am willing to continue said never-ending round of ‘discussions’. Even if a topic is important, just keeping us all in a never-ending round of debate is not going to help anyone, and is becoming an unfruitful distraction taking me away from the entire point of this blog, which is finding and researching prophecies of the Great Monarch / Angelic Pontiff and related prophecies.
I wanted this blog to be open to questions regarding what I observed in the prophecies so people knew that a person was managing it and not some bot, and willing to give my observations, as I’ve always pointed out, I’m just a layperson here – if anyone disagrees with what I may observe, they are free to read and write blogs that suit their opinions.
Please consider this an acknowledgment to your comment as per your request, and, that I must close the discussion here.
Very strange reply, i did write "Is the amount of topics and information which has to be studied properly not worth your time?" in my previous reply. Had you politely said "yes, i am very busy and this discussion seems like it will be lengthy, as such i don't want to discuss it" or something similar as a response i would have understood (although maybe still dissapointed), but the reply i received from you instead was unchristian and nasty. Don't forget that it was you who made a page on this exact blog about sedevacantism and all i did was respond to it, yet now apparently it is out of the possible topics of discussion?! or is it that only you can share your opinion on that topic. Also at no point have i written in circles, i have been honest and straight forward, and each reply i wrote took less than 5 minutes, they are not that long. As for "never ending round of discussions" you have yet to reply and discuss one thing, there have been no discussions, so they can't be "never ending". Honest discussion and debate is how the truth is found.
ReplyDeleteFrankly your reply comes off as aggressive, snarky, and vitriolic, i did not expect such an attitude from you and i am taken aback by your unwillingness to discuss your own faith.
In my original 2 replies i debunked each of your claims and provided counter-proof, this seems to have upset you and now you refuse to even write to me.
The subject of whether the "pope" is or is not Pope is extremely relevant to the Great Monarch and Great Pontiff prophecies, it changes everything, i can't believe your unwillingness to discuss this. Please consider that a demon on your shoulder has made you behave this way.
Do you have any thoughts regarding the total eclipse over America today and some of the conspiracies surrounding it, such as Nineveh and the sign of Jonah?
ReplyDeleteHi – well, eclipses usually mean a warning – the sky darkened during the crucifixion, and, a blood moon eclipse was seen, and so, it was taken as a sign of the times of course, which St. Peter preached on in the Acts.
DeleteI haven’t actually looked to see what others have said regarding the sign of Jonah, but, looking at the Stellarium app, yes, I find it interesting the eclipse this time (April 2024) happened over the mid-section of the constellation Cetus – the monster representing the whale of Jonah, and, this whale also represents Hell, plus Christ’s descent into Hell after death, and His resurrection, the ‘sign of Jonah’ Christ foretold to the Pharisees. So they may not be wrong on that point. You can see a post I wrote regarding that symbolism here in “February 13th – Hell’s Birthday”:
The eclipse also occurred right at the ‘feet’ of the constellations representing Christ appearing in the book of the Apocalypse as the Alpha and the Omega with the Seven Stars, the Seven Candlesticks and, the sword coming from His mouth. I.e. Taurus, the Pleiades, Perseus and the Triangulum. How I arrived at this symbolism regarding these constellations, you’ll have to wade through this old blog post as well “The Lord Says – Look to the Skies for the Signs of the Times”:
Obviously, another warning was given regarding either Hell being unleashed, but, victory must be on the way, since Hell is ‘under’ Christ’s feet, but not without some considerable penance as Our Lord said to the Seven Churches in that section of the Apocalypse things they got right, yet also things they needed to improve if they did not want to suffer punishment along with the guilty and to receive the reward due the faithful. The Seven Churches warning also comes along with rooting out heresies and wolves in sheep’s clothing, plus, warnings of persecutions, etc. Remember the book of the Apocalypse is full of the prophecies regarding the punishments that will fall on the earth too near end the times. We also had a few earthquakes as a good reminder of this – eclipses can sometimes bring a few earthquakes due to the temporary gravitational pull – and, we’ve been promised earthquakes as warnings. So, another sign to keep watch and keep our spiritual lives in order, and work on things we need to work on or root out. Definitely a call to the lukewarm to pull up some bootstraps, and take a good look at Christ’s advice to the Seven Churches.
Hi EA, is there any mention by mystics of the causes of the Jewish Holocaust?
ReplyDeleteHi – according to the prophecies I do know – there is no specific mention of the Holocaust per se, only indications that WWII was sent as part of the chastisements, even the Church teaches that war is sent as punishment for the sins of nations. And, WWII was only the ‘spark’ of what’s going to be sent to chastise the earth according to Marie-Julie Jahenny as she was told she would live to she the ‘spark’ that would start the whole thing leading to the major chastisements – and she lived up to 1941.
DeleteWhat I do know is the Old Testament foretold the Jews would be a persecuted nation suffering all manners of punishments and set-backs if they turned from God, and, since the whole point of the Old Law was for the people of God to prepare for and recognize the arrival of the Messiah, refusal to accept Christ as the Messiah is definitely one of the causes of their continual punishment through the ages after Christ – they’ve been a scattered set of people ever since. We also know only a ‘remnant’ of Jews will be converted and saved near the end of time, so we can expect a decimating punishments to also be sent. Our Lady did predict nations would be annihilated if the world did not shape up and convert, and, the prophecies foretell populations will be reduced as a punishment via the plagues and definitely the 3 Days of darkness, so, horrific genocides could be part of this. The Turks tried to decimate the Armenian population, and just look at Rwanda.
PS- I had to removed the comments from another anonymous poster regarding the Holocaust being a hoax – that is going way off topic for this question which was a simple question regarding mystics / prophecies.
holocaust being a hoax is by no means off topic for the question. There is no prophecies regarding the holocaust because it simply didn't happen, therefore proving it to be a hoax answer their question.
Deleteyou are dishonest. it wasn't "off topic for this question" because the question was about the "holocaust", you are proving your dishonesty with such a statement. I can hardly trust you anymore after reading your replies to people, i will continue reading the source materials you discover but i will not only take your opinion with a grain of salt but i will be prepared to regard it is blatantly false from now on.
DeletePlease delete inappropriate comments that are racist and insulting. Your supporters do not like them.
DeleteHi EA, what is your comment about the current solar storm/aurora borealis that is visible in US and most of Europe today? It is like what happen in Fatima that BVM foretold that before the WWII will start there will be 'unknown light' visible on earth. BVM said, "When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that it is the great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, famine and persecution of the Church and the Holy Father."
ReplyDeleteAnd the current wars right now in Ukraine, Israel, and China's escalation in Pacific region are now unfolding as warning signs of global war.
I thank you for your great effort of answering our questions and deeply appreciated this site and your work, may God bless you for this.
Just ignore this hateful people and keep the work top job.
apparently being critical of people who are openly dishonest and manipulative is "hateful" now.
DeleteI don't believe she is being openly dishonest and manipulative, I believe she is warping reality to meet her conviction. It's no different than a man suffering from great Monarch Madness, albeit a female version. Everybody does it to greater or lesser degrees with their own perceptions and worldviews, the same way mass warps spacetime, we shape our realities based on our beliefs. Having said that, her hypothesis could be valid just as much as a friend of mine whose convinced he is the great Monarch. I don't know who the great Monarch is, but I know if by some chance it ends up being me, I would abdicate the throne, She could be right about the count of Chambord, I really don't know, but I don't believe it's coming from a place of malice. There is enough evidence to support the possibility that the throne of France will be restored at some point, but we could be long dead before that happens. Best just to live each day as best we can.
Deletethe open dishonesty and manipulation is how she deleted comments about the "holocaust" on a question about the "holocaust". The fact is the "holocaust" didn't happen, so saying it didn't happen and providing proof was sensible, yet she deleted that reply for whatever unknown reason. And not just that, another comment above had reasonable disagreements with her perception of who was Pope (or who wasn't pope really) and her response was so full of manipulation it isn't even funny. She is dishonest, manipulative and ignores critical information because it is convenient for her to ignore it.
DeleteAdding onto the United States question, I know that St. Hildegard of Bingen has a supposed vision of the U.S. getting partially submerged by the oceans, with a few other supposed seers like here for example: https://afterthewarning.com/messages-from-heaven/john-martinez/2024/march/17/future-map-of-the-us-and-additional-messages/
ReplyDeleteAny chance your thoughts?
Well, considering we're going to have earthquakes like never before during the chastisements and major coastlines are going to be wiped out, this seems likely. Although, keep in mind these particularly prophecies have been attributed to her, they are not in her actual writings that have survived. I'm still trying to find out the earliest source for this particular set of prophecies.
DeleteAlso to clarify, I’m not the same as before me atop
ReplyDeletePerhaps you could expound a bit on the role of Joan of Arc in the future of France?
ReplyDeleteHi - well, unless she revealed it in a credible prophecy, I would only be speculating on details. She has said she is going to appear again the future in several places in France. Either she is going to come in public visions where more than one person can see her, or perhaps to one mystic. She might give messages of warnings for France in particular, as France is meant to suffer the chastisements first. France is the 'canary in the coal mine' we have to watch out for. Or, considering she will pass through places she and her army passed when delivering France when she was alive, she might appear with the angelic hosts that will come to aid the Great Monarch when he arrives. Perhaps she has revealed the path his armies will take? It's hard to say. It is one of those prophecies we won't know or understand how it will come to pass until we actually see it come to pass, and then we know we're in the times foretold.
DeleteHi, and thanks for this forum. The section on St. Malachy's alleged papal predictions is still in need of improvement. The most serious error is the conflation of the last two predictions into just one. This mistake stems from the 1624 reprinting of Wion's 1595 list by Fr. Thomas Messingham in his hIstory of the Irish saints: FLORILEGIUM INSULAE SANCTORUM, page 378.
ReplyDeleteWhat Fr. Wion's original looked like can be seen on WIKI. The two line prediction, "In psecutione.extrema S.R.E. sedebit." is clearly a separate and distinct paragraph from the eight line prediction that follows it. Here is how Fr. Messingham conflated those two paragraphs:
"In persecutione extre-
ma S.R.E. sedebit Petrus
Romanus qui pascet oves
in multis tribulationibus:
quibus transactis civitas
septicollis diruetur,&iu-
dex tremed iudicabit po-
pulum suum. FINIS.
The Prophecy of the Popes can only be understood by using the original paragraph structure that was published by Fr. Wion in1595 wherein we can see the two line prediction that is for Pope Francis:
"In psecutione.extre-
ma S.R.E. sedebit."
In Latin the verb is placed at the end of the sentence. When translating to English, the verb should be transposed to the beginning resulting in:
"He will reign in the final persecution.of the Holy Roman Church."
Wion's predictions from 1590 onward contain two major validations. The first is "Aquila rapax" for Pius VII which refers to the eagle standards under which Napoleon's regiments ravaged Europe. The second is "Religio depopulata" which came 110 years later in 1914 and needs no explanation. Now we find ourselves a a third major validation. If a persecution of the Catholic Church should take place under the reign of Pope Francis, then Fr. Wion's prophecy will have received its final validation, and Petrus Romanus will be the next and last Pope of the Catholic Church.
Mr. Bucchianeri,
ReplyDeleteIt is not rocket science to do a correct numbering of Wion's papal predictions. The first 111 of these are composed of only one line. Number 112 has two lines, and number 113 has eight lines. The paragraph structure is clear in the original publication of 1595. Fr. Wion did not give numbers to his predictions, and that has allowed our commentators to fall into error.
In fact, the first to assign numbers to them was Fr. M.J. O'Brien in 1880. Fr. O'Brien promised us a word for word transcription taken from the LIgnum Vitae, and that he did. However, he used Fr. Messingham's edited paragraph structure instead of Fr. Wion's original and so ended up with only 112 papal predictions!
Sir, Messingham's book, FLORILEGIUM INSULAE SANCTORUM, can be seen online, and I have provided the relevant page number (378.) There you can see for yourself how Fr. Messsingham conflated the last two paragraphs of Wion's original list. Sir, just because most commentators have chosen to go by Messingham's conflated version does not mean that you also have to make that mistake.
Thoughts on Kamala Harris being the whore of Babylon?
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, too literal a description. She is not 'the' whore of Babylon, but if she willfully chooses the world and or Satan's way against Christ to the point she loses her soul, she will be part of that description to a point. Note: God's kingdom and His Church is refereed to in the Bible as a beautiful, chaste, humble, and obedient woman with a divine beauty such the 'woman clothed with the sun', and the heavenly Jerusalem as a bride adorned for her wedding day as seen in Revelations, etc, while the biblical 'whore of Babylon' in general refers to 'Satan's Kingdom' on earth throughout all the generations, a woman who is outwardly beautiful, but only with a worldly beauty made up of perishable things of this earth, and that's as far as her 'beauty' goes as she is described a wilful whore, a filthy amoral woman who is full of vanity, pride and all manner of looseness, etc. The 'whore of Babylon' represents all who follow the world against Christ and His commandments and His Church, and who spurn a life of virtue. Basically, those who follow everything contrary to Christ, etc.
DeleteThanks for the clarification. Maybe you could make a page decoding The Book Of Revelation for Catholics that struggle to comprehend it and clear up some stuff such as the rapture and all that?
DeleteI found interesting to read In the prophecy of Rigord de St Denis: "....and he will not pride himself with being counted among the Prophets"
ReplyDeleteThis would suggest to me that this man has or will come unnoticed . Especially if it did happen to be during our present time where advertising/marketing is king, so that no one would be the wiser , except a selected few. And would that not match what it says in the Bible"...I will come like a thief in the night.."?
Could it be a reality?
.."he will not pride himself with being counted among the Prophets .." this means that he will consider himself to be known as being just an ordinary person and no one will dare deviate from his wish. In our modern times how widely can a message be spread without some kind of promotion or advertising?
DeleteIt is also easy to imagine that if he did revealed himself publicly his whole life would be greatly disturbed by incessant demands and challenges that would certainly result impeding him from carrying his mission .
I believe (if prophecy copied by Rigord is accurate and does refer to the Great Monarch at that part), it refers to his deep humility. According to other prophecies, he will indeed be a great saint, and be given miraculous gifts from God in order to help restore the earth, but, he will be deeply humble and will not dare to be considered a great saint. One prophecy states he will be so humble and saintly he will be more like a monk than a monarch.
DeleteThank you for your reply. My personal impression was that what Rigord may be referring to was the " man from the east" that will bring about what Jesus promised to send. That is the "Paraclete" the "Holy Spirit" .
DeleteI hope it does not confuse but if poor, rich, sick, sinners etc
will be able to receive the Holy Spirit then Christian and Muslims etc alike are also in the same category. In fact it would bring real harmony on earth, meaning that if no one is above or below receiving its Grace it would also demonstrate that indeed we are all worshiping the same an all loving and just God.
Did you know that Islam also refer to the paraclete? They call it
the "Roh Allah"
You think Great Monarch will come from the sky, take away everything, and make everyone feel high, but if you knew what life was worth, you would look for yours in dirt, and now you saved a life...
DeleteHi, I hope I am understanding the latest question / comment....?
DeleteThe prophecies do not say that at all about the Holy Spirit, i.e., that He will simply pour out on everyone like that automatically so that everyone worships God as one, with the Muslims still being or remaining Muslims and Christians being Christians.
Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God. If people do not believe in God the way God Himself revealed in the Old Testament in union with what Jesus Christ revealed about God's nature in the New Testament, then, people end up worshiping their own opinion of God, not divine revelation, which is then worshiping a false god as St Thomas Aquinas explained. Human opinion is actually being worshiped under the guise of the 'God of Abraham'. So no, Muslims and Jews do not worship the same God that Catholics do.
1) Christians believe in the Trinity as revealed by Jesus Christ Himself – One God in Three Divine Persons. To receive the Holy Spirit you must be baptized into the One True Church founded by Christ, and in the Three Names: the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, in order to enter into eternal life. No baptism into the Church, no security of salvation. Christ Himself said this.
2) Muslims do not believe this, they basically believe in a one person God, no Trinity. Therefore, they do not believe in the same God, and only think of Christ as a prophet. They refuse His Divinity, even though He came and revealed He was indeed the Son of God the Father, and, that there is a Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. To willfully refuse belief in either Christ's humanity or Divinity is to reject salvation as literally described by St. John, Christ's Apostle. St. John says to reject one or the other is a sign of the Antichrist, or one of his precursors.
What the Great Monarch prophecies refer to is that the Great Catholic Monarch will be revealed by miracles by the Holy Spirit to show that he is the true monarch chosen by God to restore Catholicism, which will have grown weak in latter times – this king will restore the Church, and the miracles will be so great in his reign that heresies and false religions will be greatly reduced if not eliminated, Muslims will begin converting in great numbers, and enter into the Catholic Church through baptism and receive the Holy Spirit that way. I hope this explanation helps.
Thanks again for your time. You have guessed that I do not share the same opinion. There are many ways to worship and they all lead to
DeleteGod when one surrender with all sincerity and patience. A bit like with our education. There are many levels one can attend to in order to suit our individual capacities. University or college or high school etc there is no difference in the sense that eventually they have the same purpose. How best to prepare us for our working life. Therefore One can hardly say that one is better than the other, just like a uni student cannot say that primary school is a waste of time or vice versa.
Similarly Various religions reflect different stages of human spiritual development. Let me please give you a different angle. We have here in Australia what we call "the first people" the aborigines. Being around 60,000 years. Never build a house, planted a crop, domesticated wild animals, build a chair, a wheel, baked a clay pot or melted a metal spear...Why? Because all men are made of dust and knows nothing by himself except the knowledge he receive that comes down to us thru the Prophets and messengers of God. The aborigines never had the good fortune of a Prophet Abraham encouraging his tribes to look for and how to fulfill their personal and group needs. Hope you dont mind me too much ranting on .
Any thought to the "secret" of King Baudouin referred to by Cardinal Daneels, which was said would fill the world with awe,? If I recall, isn't there a prophecy that Great Monarch guy would come from cradle of Ardennes (Belgium). He obviously didn't believe in abortion because he abdicated not to sign the abortion bill into Belgium law, maybe him and another royal got a little too drunk at the Christmas party and to avoid a scandal gave baby boy up for adoption. It would also explain the condition Jahenny describes him in, orphaned, poor, unloved, etc. Thoughts 🤔
ReplyDeleteThe only 'secret' I've heard regarding King Baudouin of Belgium refers to the secret talks he had with the Cardinal over the abortion referendum in Belgium and the decision he had to make regarding it. I've found nothing regarding to the 'awe' you mention: perhaps it was the fact he refused to sign the bill after it was passed in parliament and caused a big uproar. Also, please note, the prophecies state Great Monarch will come from France and the last direct line of the French kings, not the Belgian line.
DeleteDo you think it's possible that the prophecy of the knight that comes from the west in IVes DuPonts book and the great Monarch are separate individuals? Ives DuPont refered to that prophecy as abstruse and immediately related it to the GM, but I think it may refer to someone else. Would love to hear your thoughts?
DeleteDepends on the prophecy? Also, keep in mind the Great Monarch will have already be knighted with many titles of 'knight', he being the head of many of the royal orders.
DeleteHola. Hace meses que sigo un canal de YouTube donde estudian profecias del apocalipsis. Hace dos meses uno de los " investigadores" subió un libro, al canal de Telegram, donde decía que el Gran Monarca era el ángel del librito del apocalipsis. También el niño que da a luz la mujer vestida de sol y que es arrebatado ( por ello dicen que cuando muera el Gran Monarca será arrebatado al cielo). Y lo fuerte fue que dijeron que el Gran Monarca era un ángel, probablemente San Miguel Arcángel que se encarnó en una mujer y nació en una familia. Creo que esto es una herejía y lo comenté y se armó un jaleo porque hasta decían que era como una prefiguracion de Jesús. Lo comenté con un "heraldo del evangelio" ya que ellos conocen y publican el tema del Gran Monarca. Me contestó que era una gran herejía, en efecto. Lo comenté en el canal, simplemente para que no cayeran en una herejía y se desató el caos. Insultaron a los heraldos, a mi ni me dirigen la palabra en los chat en directo y es una pena porqué tengo información pero prefieren no saberla antes que hablarme, no lo entiendo. La pregunta es si opina en efecto que es una herejía o si sabe algo de este tema del ángel o Arcángel encarnado, que fue muy pecador en su juventud y luego supo que era el Gran Monarca y se convirtió, que es lo que defienden. Muchas gracias y un abrazo desde España.
ReplyDeleteHola. La idea de que el Gran Monarca está representado por el ángel que le entrega a San Juan el librito en el Apocalipsis es una interpretación dada por el Venerable Holzhauser.
DeleteLa Mujer con el Sol y el Niño está abierta a muchas interpretaciones al mismo tiempo: representa el nacimiento de la Iglesia y, sí, posiblemente también del Gran Monarca. Personalmente, creo que también lo hace.
Sin embargo, la idea de que San Miguel se va a encarnar en el Rey es, de hecho, un gran error doctrinal con respecto a la naturaleza de los ángeles. Tenías razón al señalar esto a esas personas en el foro de mensajes, etc.
Un ángel es un ángel, no puede cambiar su naturaleza. Es puro espíritu. Son lo que son. Somos humanos, un ser creado diferente con carne. Un ángel no puede convertirse en humano. Es un grave error doctrinal decir que pueden convertirse en humanos. Creo que alguien está tomando el libro de Enoc (que tiene el grave error de que los ángeles engendran hijos humanos, lo cual no pueden hacer, Cristo mismo lo dijo, no tienen cuerpos físicos y no pueden procrear), y está mezclando este concepto con las visiones no aprobadas de "Luz de María", que dice que Dios está enviando una especie de "criatura espiritual" para ayudar a la humanidad. Las visiones de Luz de María NO están aprobadas por la Iglesia y contienen errores. Entonces, esta idea de San Miguel 'encarnándose' en el Gran Monarca debe haber surgido de esto, no sé quién inició esa idea, pero es de hecho una herejía grave / error doctrinal pensar que San Miguel se convertirá en humano, o, incluso, engendrará un hijo para convertirse en el Gran Monarca, etc.
I would agree that angels cannot beget human children , not just because they do not have a physical body but also that we are of a lesser entities. Similarly we do not unite with animals, we humans who are either male or female are incomplete compared to the angelic form of life.
DeleteQuería saber quien será, su identidad, biografía y de donde vendrá o será el anticristo Místico Arkel de la Torre. Muchas gracias.
ReplyDeleteNo sabemos mucho acerca de Archel de le Torre - se le menciona en las profecías de Marie-Julie Jahenny; pero no es "el" Anticristo, sólo uno de los precursores. Será un líder malvado que se levantará en Italia (después del gobierno de otro líder malvado que vendrá antes que él). Archel vendrá de Irán, y su reinado malvado durará un año y medio, será una época brutal en Italia, luego estallarán una serie de escaramuzas después de su gobierno mientras la gente se pelea de nuevo por el poder, pero eso es todo lo que sabemos básicamente sobre él.
DeleteI am disappointed to notice that your blog still conflates the last two predictions of the Prophecy of the Popes. This is a common error that stems from Messingham's 1624 reprinting of Wion's list of predictions. The pages of Florilegium Insulae Sanctorum can be seen online, and on page 378 one can see how Messingham conflated Wion's last two paragraphs. Correcting this error is important because the world is approaching the time when Wion's prophecy for Pope Francis will be fulfilled:
ReplyDeleteIn psecutione.extrema S.R.E. sedebit.
He will reign in the final persecution. of the Holy Roman Church.
Buenos días desde España. He leído todo lo que publicó sobre el Gran Monarca. Mi pregunta es sobre lo que leí, que San Miguel Arcángel, por orden de Dios , le resucitará. Que sería como cuando Jesús murió y resucitaron los muertos. Esto me hace pensar en algo catastrófico en el sentido espiritual y quizás físico. Hay gente que dice que ya está, vivo, entre nosotros, que tiene familia, otros dicen que no, que está escondido pero que cuando llegue el momento se dará a conocer y que tendrá un gran ejército que luchará, otros dicen que vendrá de Latinoamerica con su ejército, otros que de España o de Francia. Si lo de San Miguel es así entonces supongo que aún no está entre nosotros vivo. Y mi pregunta es sobre cuál es su opinión de cuando sucederá y ya si estará vivo. Si no opina esto también me gustaría conocer su opinión. Muchísimas gracias por toda esta investigación enorme y meticulosa que ha llevado a cabo. Que Dios la bendiga y proteja siempre.
ReplyDeleteDo you have any thoughts in regards to the so called visions of hell by Angelica Zambrano?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIs the Paul that wrote to the Thessalonians instructing them not to despise prophecy, the same Paul who in Acts was repeatedly warned not to go to Jerusalem, but did it anyway?
ReplyDeletePaul knew that what was to happen was to happen, at no point did The Holy Spirit say he should not go, just that he was going to be arrested. Surely you don't think you know better than Paul?
DeletePaul and I, are very close. He is one of my best friends
DeleteI think the Great Monarch has something to do with the "Man in the Iron Mask".
ReplyDeleteWhat year did you move to Fatima, Portugal? I am asking because I am wondering if I was the man that mentioned the Great Monarch to you, while I was bouncing around Europe, who you thought was crazy at first. I often mentioned it to people, which actually caused a lot of problems for me. What did the man look like? Probably 1 in a million odds, but you never know.