St. Maurus Rabanus (776- 856 AD)

ST. MAURUS MAGENTIUS RABANUS (776 - 856 AD), also known as Hrabanus or Rhabanus, was a Frankish Benedictine monk, theologian, poet, encyclopedist and military writer who became archbishop of Mainz in East Francia, the Kingdom of 'East France', which later became the Kingdom of Germany. He was the author of the encyclopaedia De rerum naturis, “On the Natures of Things". He also wrote treatises on education and grammar and commentaries on the Bible, many of which remain unpublished. He was one of the most prominent teachers and writers of the Carolingian age, and was called "Praeceptor Germaniae," or "the teacher of Germany." In the most recent edition of the Roman Martyrology (Martyrologium Romanum, 2004, pp.133), his feast is given as February 4th and he is qualified as a Saint ('sanctus'). 
(Image: St. Maurus Rabanus is on the far left, presenting his work to Archbishop Otgar of Mainz)
Although many of his commentaries are not published, a paragraph he wrote regarding the Great Monarch prophecies of his day has circulated and is important as he remarks that the principle early Doctors of the Church were in agreement with these prophecies:


St. Maurus Rabanus: “Our principal doctors agree in announcing to us that towards the end of time one of the descendants of the kings of France shall reign over all the Roman Empire; and that he shall be the greatest of the Empire; and that he shall be the greatest of the French monarchs, and the last of his race. After he has governed his kingdom he will go to Jerusalem, and lay down his Sceptre and Crown on Mount Olivet. Thus shall come the end of the Christian Roman Empire."


(After this...)
"Antichrist will heal the sick, raise the dead, restore sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb, raise storms and calm them, re-name mountains, make trees flourish and wither at a word, rebuild the temple of Jerusalem, and make Jerusalem the capital of the world with the vast wealth from hidden treasure."

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