St. Francis is so well
known as the founder of the Franciscan order, and as so many
biographies of him are available I will simply begin with the
question – did St. Francis predict a heretical anti-pope would plague
the Church in a future age beset with demonic tribulation?
Circulating on the
Internet is a prophecy attributed to him that is controversial in the
fact that it foretells a 'destroyer' anti-pope will be sent during
particularly turbulent times when the demons will be given a greater
power on earth, obviously as a chastisement, for as the saying goes,
we get the leaders we need or deserve.
According to information
in an article by Solanus Benfatti entitled “On the paternity of a medieval
report of Francis of Assisi foretelling a non-canonically elected
pope”, the earliest source of the St. Francis prophecy is
attributed to the sayings of Blessed Br. Conrad of Offida, who joined
the Franciscans in 1251 at fourteen years old and died in 1306.
Apparently, he in turn learned these prophecies from St. Francis'
companions, in particular, Br. Leo who died in 1271. So, apparently,
these prophecies first circulated by word of mouth from Br. Leo and
the other friars close to St. Francis and heard by Bl. Conrad who in
turn repeated them. These prophecies circulated orally until
eventually the 'Words of Brother Conrad' (Verba fratris Conradi) were
written down circa 1318 to 1328, about one hundred years after the
death of St. Francis.
The 'Verba fratris
Conradi' was circulated for the next two centuries under various
copies, translations, and borrowings, etc. which unfortunately
suffered from several editorial 'adjustments' on the part of the
translators, scribes, etc. Hence, as Benfatti observes, one of the
forms of the prophecy to be popularised was by the Irish friar Luke
Wadding (1588-1657) in his collection of the works of St. Francis
published in 1623. Regarding the prophecy of the schism and
'heretic pope' Wadding used two different non-primary sources by
authors that were rather cavalier in their approach to the texts,
Mark of Lisbon and Bartholomew of Pisa, who were influenced by the Great Western Schism. Wadding himself also was
cavalier in his treatment of the text. However, it is his version
in which the more modern translations of the prophecy have been
So, it has been
questioned if we may believe this prophecy due to how the original
texts circulated and were edited in later centuries.
However, considering that
the sayings were allegedly heard by Bl. Conrad from those who knew
St. Francis, and was written down only 12 to 22 years after his
death, and only c. 100 years after the death of St. Francis himself,
there may be some credibility to them as this still is a relatively
'short time' of transcription history.
Of interest, despite the
rise of anti-popes and confusion right after the appearance of this
prophecy, the fact this prophecy remains so popular is an indication
that people do not feel it has truly come to pass yet. We note the
prophecy mentions the great heretical pope will come when the demons
will be granted an unusual increase in power – if anything this
shows that this prophecy really has nothing to do with the Great Western
Schism, but indeed points to 'Satan's Century' as foreseen by Pope Leo XIII in his vision of October 13, 1884 when the devil and his minions would be granted greater
power to do their worst to the world and the Church. Also, mystics
closer to our modern times have predicted the rise of anti-popes
that will cause serious damage to the Church.
Therefore, in
consideration of this, I am including the St. Francis prophecy here
in the timeline. From the informative article by Benfatti I will
first present the prophecy sources he asserts are as closest to the original 'Words
of Brother Conrad' before they were reworked by Br. Wadding and his
two sources, then, I will include the prophecy as we have recently come to know it.
The More Accurate
Texts according to Solanus Benfatti
The advice of blessed
Francis: namely, that in the time of tribulation, having taken on the
Rule, his poor brothers would scarcely be able to hide among the
faithful two by two. Some would betake themselves with tribulations
to the lands of the non-believers and there find rest. Others would
hide in the deserted places and be supported by some of the faithful.
He himself, if he found himself in tribulation, would avoid it in
order to persuade others to avoid it, lest they fail in the
tribulation. And he would take on the habit and life of a pilgrim
until the time of that dark tribulation should pass.
Later the Lord would pour
out the Holy Spirit upon many, and would call many to keep and reform
the perfection of their life. And he described the sort of
tribulation it would be, and predicted that only true lovers of God
would escape it.
Through the Holy Spirit
he understood that the times of future tribulation were approaching.
In those times, both temporally and spiritually, confusions and
divisions would abound. The charity of many would grow cold, evil
would overflow, and the power of demons would be more than usually
unleashed, and the purity of his religion and of others would be
disfigured. The prophesied departure and apostasy of both empires
would be fulfilled, so that very few would obey the Supreme Pontiff
and the Roman Church out of love of the truth. Further, one not
canonically elected and corrupted with heretical depravity would be
raised to the papacy at the moment of that tribulation. He would
cleverly induce many to drink of his deadly errors. Then scandals
would multiply and his religion would be divided, and many of the
others would be shattered, because they did not oppose but agreed
with the error. Opinions and splits among the people and religious
clerics would be so great and numerous that, according to the word of
the Gospel, unless those days were shortened, if it were possible,
even the elect would be led into error, if they were not sustained in
such a whirlwind by the infinite mercy of the Lord.
For this reason blessed
Francis willed, according to what he received by revelation, these
words of the Rule: Brother Francis promises obedience and reverence
to Lord Pope Honorius and to his successors canonically elected, he
willed, I say, in what he adds, that is canonically elected, to show
the necessary knowledge of discernment to that truly humble and poor,
faithful and inseparable lover of Christ and his Church, according to
the vow of gospel life promised. And in this way he willed to
foretell the danger of scandal in the Church and to provide the
remedy, namely that they should proceed cautiously and bind
themselves more strongly and perfectly to their promised observance
of the life and rule. When they see someone not canonically elected
tyrannically usurp the papacy or hold on to it perversely when
infected with heretical depravity, then, as he said, happy are those
who persevere in what they have begun and freely promised the Lord to
For then truth will be
covered over in silence by preachers or trampled and denied and held
up to derision. But those of fervent spirit who will adhere to piety
and truth out of charity will undergo endless persecutions as
disobedient and schismatic. For then such will be the insults and
turmoil of demons and perverse men against those who walk simply and
humbly that abandoned by all they will be forced to seek out deserted
and solitary places, or cross to the non-believers, or scattered to
lead a pilgrim’s wandering life, having taken worldly clothing, or
to hide out among some of the faithful, or to suffer punishment and
death under ceaseless calumnies and accusations. And blessed, he
said, will be he who in such a whirlwind is able to find a faithful
companion. For those who persecute them, moved by evil spirits, will
consider it a great service to kill such pestilential people and wipe
them out from the earth.
They do not understand
that the demons turn all their force and fury to exterminate at its
root all holiness of life and the truth of evangelical poverty and
humility, which Christ had mercifully renewed through those two great
heavenly lights, namely Dominic and Francis, and to test them, if
allowed, right to their foundations. When the impious act, they do
not understand. For their eyes are blinded lest they see, and their
back is ever bent so that, out of blindness, they may keep their
intent yoked to evil. Having provoked the Lord they fall from grace
and incur eternal damnation unless, contrite, they are converted to
Christ and see the ways to life and cease to persecute innocent and
humble poor people out of hatred and oppression.
The Lord shall be the
refuge of the afflicted; he will save them and rescue them from
sinners and free them because they hoped in him. For the Antichrist
and his members wretchedly extol themselves against Christ and above
Christ. Then the poor and faithful servants of Christ, to be
conformed to their head, will act confidently and will buy eternal
life through death. They will not at all fear choosing to obey God
rather than men and to die rather than assent to falsehood and
faithlessness. These, word for word, are the words of the companions
of blessed Francis.
Another wording of the Prophecy of St. Francis which is the most well known – However as you can see, this is a more cavalier wording of the older text. I will place it here so you can make a comparison.
(Source: From
“The Saint Prophesies Great Schisms and Tribulations in the
Church,” in “Works of the Seraphic
Father St. Francis of Assisi”, trans. by a religious of the Order.
(London: Washbourne, 1882),
A short time before the
holy Father’s death, he called together his Children and warned
them of the coming troubles, saying: “Act bravely, my Brethren;
take courage, and trust in the Lord. The time is fast approaching in
which there will be great trials and afflictions; perplexities and
dissensions, both spiritual and temporal, will abound; the charity of
many will grow cold, and the malice of the wicked will increase. The
devils will have unusual power, the immaculate purity of our Order,
and of others, will be so much obscured that there will be very few
Christians who will obey the true Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman
Church with loyal hearts and perfect charity. At the time of this
tribulation a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the
Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavour to draw many into
error and death. Then scandals will be multiplied, our Order will be
divided, and many others will be entirely destroyed, because they
will consent to error instead of opposing it. There will be such
diversity of opinions and schisms among the people, the religious and
the clergy, that, except those days were shortened, according to the
words of the Gospel, even the elect would be led into error, were
they not specially guided, amid such great confusion, by the immense
mercy of God. Then our Rule and manner of life will be violently
opposed by some, and terrible trials will come upon us. Those who are
found faithful will receive the crown of life; but woe to those who,
trusting solely in their Order, shall fall into tepidity, for they
will not be able to support the temptations permitted for the proving
of the elect. Those who preserve their fervour and adhere to virtue
with love and zeal for the truth, will suffer injuries and
persecutions as rebels and schismatics; for their persecutors, urged
on by the evil spirits, will say they are rendering a great service
to God by destroying such pestilent men from the face of the earth.
But the Lord will be the refuge of the afflicted, and will save all
who trust in Him. And in order to be like their Head, these, the
elect, will act with confidence, and by their death will purchase for
themselves eternal life; choosing to obey God rather than man, they
will fear nothing, and they will prefer to perish rather than consent
to falsehood and perfidy. Some preachers will keep silence about the
truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it. Sanctity
of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess
it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true
Pastor, but a destroyer.”
The Torrent of Carceri
“Saint Francis of Assisi” by Rev. Léopold de Chérancé,
O.S.F.C., translated by R.F. O'Connor, printed by Sealy, Bryers and
Walker, (Dublin, 1900), pp. 132-133.
“The Benedictines, to
whom he (St. Francis) was already indebted for the convent of Our
Lady of Angels, offered him a second monastery, known since by the
name of the Carceri (the prisons). This hermitage perched like an
eagle s nest on the flanks of Monte Subiaco, about two miles from
Assisi, and hidden behind a curtain of green-leaved oaks with its
cells, or rather its grottoes, cut into the heart of the rock or
formed by its natural rents, harmonised too well with our saint's
tastes for him not to gratefully accept such a donation. He often
went up there afterwards. (…)
Those austere grottoes
are still embalmed with the perfume of his presence and his prayers;
and for six centuries pilgrims have continually mounted thither to
venerate his oratory, his cell, the stone that served him as a bed,
the wells whose waters gushed from the bowels of the rock at his
prayer, the venerable oak upon which the birds perched while he
harangued them, and lastly, a torrent and ravine that were the object
of a miracle and a prophecy worthy of being related.
The torrent, tumbling
from cascade to cascade from the summit of the mountain, rolled
noisily its foamy murmuring waters to the bottom of the excavations,
disturbed the Friars at their Office, frequently inundated the forest
lands and destroyed the harvests. Francis made the sign of the
Cross, and commanded it to be still: the torrent immediately stopped;
thence forward its waters glided noiselessly and never over flowed
the plain.
As to the ravine, it is,
at the foot of the hermitage, enveloped in darkness and generally
dry. Here is the prophecy our saint made to his disciples, pointing
to it,
"When the water
of the torrent will flow through this ravine, prepare; for it will be
a sign that great calamities will befall
(In a footnote we are told that the water flowed there
in 1859 on the eve of the Piedmontese invasion, and on the eve of
other political and social calamities, notably in June 1871, just
before Victor Emmanuel's entry into Rome. I have not been able to find current information about the torrent and if it has flowed again since then. Hopefully, in this age of social media, someone will keep an eye on this prophecy and alert the world if it should flow again.)