!? - Lorena and the 'Seal of Predilection / Protection' - (2020s )


!? Lorena – and the “Seal of Protection”


I've just noticed a 'new mystic' simply named 'Lorena' getting spread around on Facebook who is promoting another 'seal of protection' called the 'Seal of Predilection' which is supposedly given by an angel onto your soul if you do a certain ceremony and pray at a certain time. This 'seal' us supposed to be a means to be 'recognised' as part of the remnant Church so you can be protected during the end times and 'raptured' into Heaven on the Last Day.

Now, I haven't looked into all her visions except for one, but it is enough!   Right now, I don't even know where she's from other than Latin America, but even with just the word Protestant concept / word 'rapture' introduced as part of the 'seal', you know that this 'seal' is already a huge red flag.

Due to the "absolute requirement" to have this 'seal' in order to be protected during the end times with the instructions that it can "only" by done on specific dates and times, (3 AM in the morning) in order to get this "seal" - this is a a huge red flag. It is 'panic inducer' and a form of 'exclusivity' common to fake mystics and hoaxers, not to mention is a 'fake sacrament'.

According to the 'instructions' of St. Michel to 'Lorena' on September 1, 2024, this is the prayer one must say while trying to fulfil certain requirements ONLY at a specific time, September 5th this time round, which is very short notice!

 If God wants a lot of people saved, this is very short notice to spread the word. This 'short timing' is usually a red flag because Our Lord said to Marie-Julie Jahenny He was spreading His messages of warning long in advance through her a good century earlier so they would spread in time.  If He left it later, the messages would not spread in time.  

And here we have only a few days to spread the word about this 'seal' to save as many as possible.

 Give me a break.

   Talk about panic inducing.  This is a good tactic for a fake mystic to keep coming out every so often to keep their hoax going with announcements like 'Oh, we've been given another opportunity to get the seal.'  Etc.  

 I think Catholics who know their faith can see the red flags here.  Just take a look at one of the prayers one is supposed to say to get this 'seal':

I, as a child of God belonging to the Holy People of Israel, I ask for the Seal through the Angel of God, so that through this Seal of Predilection I may be recognized as part of the remnant Church of Jesus Christ, and be raptured on the day God comes for his church. I ask the Angels and Angelic Choirs to protect me from all attacks of the adversary and as a prudent virgin, I oil my lamp with the Word of God, my life of Conversion and Love of God through the fulfillment of His law. I give my fiat. I give my fiat before the Holy Trinity and with the Seal of Fire on my forehead I am protected and as belonging to the Faithful Remnant Church of my Lord Jesus Christ, I declare that I will be raptured when receiving this seal I declare that i will be raptured when receiving this seal of predilection, so that through this, the angel who will come to seal us, seal us as favorite children of Israel, as the faithful people of Yahweh,. Amen”

Wait a minute, aren't we to be the faith children of Christ, and His Catholic Church? Red flag when Old Testament wording gets thrown into the mix like this. 

Also note, this prayer claims that this “seal of fire” given by the angel promises salvation on the Last Day.

The only way to get recognised as part of Christ's Church and be saved on the Last Day is to be baptised into the Church with the legitimate SACRAMENT of baptism, and follow all the Commandments and the precepts of the Church. Only a valid sacrament can impart the graces necessary for salvation and literally like a mark on the soul. You cannot be saved on the Last Day just by doing this strange, other ritual and trying to get a non-existant sacramental seal.

This requirement to get a 'seal' is the exact method of condemned seers such as Christina Gallagher of Ireland, (which first started this type of thing), and the heretic 'Maria Divine Mercy' who then spun off of her.

Basically, this 'seal' is a fake sacrament of protection attempting to replace the real seal given at baptism and strengthened in confirmation, which is the authentic way to be protected against the Antichrist according to St. Vincent Ferrer. I repeat, only real valid sacraments such as baptism can impart a seal on the soul. The real mystic Marie-Julie Jahenny warned beware of those trying to introduce new sacraments and 'baptisms' - basically, she gave a warning to avoid anything 'new' trying to impart a 'seal' on the soul, it's not real and it comes from a demonic source.


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(September 2, 2024)