Bl. Elena Aiello was born
on April 10, 1895 and died on June 19, 1961 in Italy. She was the daughter of
Pasquale and Teresa Aiello, and was graced to have lived in a very
Christian and exemplary family environment. Bl. Elena had quickly
shown a keen intelligence, at four years old, she was already
answering a certain number of catechism questions. In 1901, when
she was only six years old, she was sent to the Sisters of the Very
Precious Blood in order to attend elementary school and continue her
religious education.
Her early life was an
indication of what was to come – a life of sacrificial suffering
and of miraculous heavenly consolations. She made her First
Communion on 21 June 1904, however it was after a spiritual retreat
in preparation for receiving her First Communion when she and some other girls later obtained
permission to wear a penitential belt. En route to receive the belt
she had an accident to where two of her front teeth were knocked out,
but she put them in her handkerchief and continued on the path to
receive the penitential belt despite the pain. Another odd accident
occurred when she inhaled water from a glass while laughing that
afterwards caused a constant cough for over fourteen months at night and her
voice strength decreased due to this, treatment only made it worse.
Bl. Elena begged Our Lady to heal her and she came to her in a vision
at night, assuring her that it would be so. Tragedy in
the family then came when her mother died in 1905 when Bl. Elena was only
ten years old, leaving her father with eight children to raise: Emma,
Ida, Elena, Evangelina, Elisa, Riccardo, Giovannina and Francesco.
Everyone, depending on their age, helped with the household chores.
Bl. Elena discerned she
had a vocation to become a nun, but due to the outbreak of WWI, her
father asked her to postpone entering the religious life until things
improved. She obeyed her father and dedicated her time taking care
of the victims of the Spanish Flu epidemic that raged throughout the
country, which even included helping to make wooden coffins to bury
the dead.
The Sisters to whom she
went to school with and also helped began to regard her as their own.
Her father finally gave his assent for her to enter the religious
life. On August 18, 1920, Bl. Elena entered the Most Precious Blood
Sisters, but she did not stay long with this order.
One day she was found
practically lifeless on the floor of the laundry room. They quickly
lifted her and put her to bed to find that her left shoulder was
black up to the neck. The doctor that attended her suggested surgery
but then delayed operating on it because of the persistent fever she
suffered. The sisters then decided to call in the community doctor.
On March 25, 1921 (Good
Tuesday), in the dormitory itself, tied to a chair, Bl. Elena
underwent the excruciating surgery to remove the necrotic black flesh on her
shoulder without any anaesthesia. For courage she held a wooden
crucifix in her hands and touched on her forehead an images of Our
Lady of Sorrows.
The doctor was not skilled
for the task at hand, while cutting in he had damaged the nerves
which paralysed her shoulder as well as tightening her mouth. The
after effects of the surgery were also terrible, for about forty days
she was tormented by vomiting. However, despite all this, she
wished to take part in the spiritual exercises of the community and
while the wound was still open attempted to get up and continue so
she could be vested with the religious habit, but the Superior saw it
was out of the question due to her health condition. The Father
Director advised her to return home to her family to receive proper
care before attempting to return back to the Community.
Of interest, Bl Elena
recorded in her notebook that before she left, she had twice received
an invitation from the Lord Himself to leave this convent and to
accept what He had arranged, which included an invitation to embrace
the cross that He was preparing for her.
The Cross did come. She
was in a terrible condition when she arrived home. She was greatly
wasted to the point of being unrecognisable. She could neither wash
nor comb her hair, her left arm was paralysed and on her shoulder the
open sore remained, which soon began to fill with vermin. Very
concerned about her condition, her father took her to a specialist in
Cosenza who noted there was nothing he could do as the doctor who had
operated on her was not a surgeon and had damaged her nerves "Only
a miracle can resolve your state of health; now your wound may be
affected by gangrene!" Angry, her father wanted to sue the
Community, but Bl. Elena talked him out of it.
Some time later, she began
to suffer gastric disturbances, and was diagnosed with stomach
cancer. Bl. Elena then said a fervent prayer to St. Rita, patron
saint of impossible cases, asking for a cure. While praying, she
saw the statue of the Saint become surrounded with a dazzling light.
During the night, the Saint appeared to tell her that she would like
to have her cult instituted to revive the faith of the people and
asked Bl. Elena to start a triduum in her honour.
The next day, Bl. Elena
returned to Montalto and began a triduum in honour St. Rita. After
finishing, St. Rita appeared again and asked the triduum to be
repeated if she wished her stomach to be cured. As for her shoulder,
she would have to keep this agony and suffer it to atone for the sins
of humanity.
On October 21, 1921, she
received the grace of a complete recovery from her gastric tumour. Her
sister Evangelina, who was lying in the adjoining room, saw a bright
light come out at this moment. Believing that it was a fire, she
immediately ran into Bl. Elena's room ad found her passed out. When
the other family members entered the room, Bl. Elena was completely
awake and healthy. She then told them of the visit of St. Rita, the
healing, the words of the vision; then she asked them for something
to eat.
On March 2, 1923, the
first Friday of the month, an event took place for the first time
that would repeat itself every year until her death. In the
morning, after Holy Communion, an internal voice announced in advance
a new kind of suffering chosen for her by the Lord.
Around 3:00 p.m. she was
in bed suffering greatly from the wound on her left shoulder. The
Lord appeared dressed in white and wearing the crown of thorns. Bl.
Elena agreed to share in His sufferings. The Lord removed the crown
from his Head and placed it on hers. Upon contact, a profuse flow of
blood occurred. The Lord explained that He needed this suffering to
convert sinners; for the many sins of impurity, and that she was to
be a victim soul to satisfy Divine Justice.
A family servant named
Rosaria was about to leave after finishing work for the day; hearing
suspicious noises coming from Bl. Elena's bedroom, she went upstairs
to see what was going on. Surprised to see so much blood, she went
immediately to warn the family, believing that Bl. Elena had been
They were so surprised to
see Bl. Elena in this state that they called a priest and a doctor.
Dr. Adolfo Turano washed the wound, but blood continued to flow from
her head. After three hours of continuous bleeding, the phenomenon
stopped by itself. All were surprised,
confused, and also impressed because they could not explain in any
way what had happened.
The second Friday of March
before 3 p.m. Doctor Turano was brought home as well as other people
to see if the same phenomenon would repeat. It happened again.
The Doctor tried to stop
the blood with a handkerchief, but at this contact, the skin of the
injured part on her head was irritated to the point of making the
pores enlarge, which caused great pain to Bl. Elena.
Bl. Elena then remained in
a drowsy state interrupted however by the painful ecstasies, during
which she remained with her arms open as on a cross and, her eyes
wide open, terrified, as if they were looking at a frightening
distant vision. When she woke up, she
explained she had witnessed the Passion of Our Lord.
On the third Friday of the
same month, Virginia Manes, mother of Dr. Aristodemo Milano, was sent
by her son to find out about the incident and soak a tissue in the
The woman, left alone in
Bl. Elena's small cell, dried her forehead with a handkerchief, which
she then folded and kept. Returning to San Bénedetto, she
inexplicably found the handkerchief completely clean and without the
slightest trace of blood. The son, after listening to his mother's
story, converted and asked to be baptised.
Regarding all this blood
and suffering Our Lord appeared to Bl. Elena and explained that it
was He who made her suffer; that she must be His victim to the world;
that He would give her the wounds of His Passion, which would be
visible for everyone to see.
On the fourth Friday in
March, Elena found the same sores on her body.
Jesus then said to her,
"You too must be like Me, for you must be the victim for so many
sinners and satisfy the justice of My Father so that they will be
At about 5 p.m. Jesus said
to her:
"My daughter, look
how I suffer! I shed all My blood for the world and now it's going to
ruin; nobody realises the perfidies with which it is covered.
Consider the intensity of My pain caused by so many insults and
contempt that I receive from so many provocateurs and libertines ...
The following Friday, to
all the other wounds on the hands and feet was added the Wound in her
The day of Corpus Domini
the pain in the wounds was renewed with a new bloodshed and, at the
end of the ecstasy, they were perfectly healed.
Returning to her life as a
victim soul, her sufferings of Good Friday would continue. What was
remarkable was that Bl. Elena, in a state of deep prostration during which more than once people feared for her life,
on the morning of Holy Saturday, she rose from her bed joyful and
full of energy, she gave orders, watched over everything. She
resumed her life of work and charity, as if nothing had happened to
But these phenomena
attracted the attention of the ecclesiastical authorities, and often
complicated her life. She was colloquially known as the “bleeding
sister” or “the holy nun” and people came to her for help and
(Image below - Bl. Elena in later life witnessing the Passion and suffering the Stigmata.)
(Image above - linens soaked in her blood during one of her ecstasies.)
Bl. Elena announced
several times that she would be cured of her shoulder pain.
She wrote in a letter
dated May 10, 1924 to Monsignor Mauro:
"Reverend Father,
around 3 p.m. yesterday, Jesus appeared to me and said to me, 'My
dear daughter, do you want to be healed or do you want to suffer?'
So I replied "Suffering with you, my Jesus, we can suffer
everything". And Jesus said to me again “Ah! well, I will
heal you, but every Friday I will bring you into darkness; you will
be closer to Me.” After telling me this, He disappeared."
She suffered terribly from
the open wound in her shoulder. There is an account of her
attempting to remove the vermin that continued to infest it by
looking over her shoulder with the aid of a mirror. On the night
of May 21, 1924, Bl. Elena dreamt that St. Rita told her that she
would be healed the next day at 3:00 p.m. The next day, after
reciting the Rosary, Bl. Elena began to pray before the statue, the
door of the shrine was was open.
Her sister says, “Helped
by me, she got up and approached the statue. We had the impression
that the outstretched hand of St. Rita, the one holding the crucifix,
had moved aside to reach the hand on Elena's injured side and lift it
up, and that a vibration was shaking the statue and its protection.
Elena, in front of our astonishment and our incredulity, repeated: "I
am healed! I am healed! When I leaned over to see the wound, it was
closed, remaining just a scar."
In 1926, the sufferings of
Friday in March and Good Friday were repeated regularly. The Lord, in
the visions, made clear to Elena that He wanted the Work to be
In 1928, at the age of 33,
she founded the Order of the Sisters of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus
The first task at hand in
the new Order was that of educating children of the populace. A
hundred were collected and instructed. Bl. Sr Elena, helped by
Sister Gigia, gathered children and young girls from the houses, and
instructed them on religious truths and prepared them for their First
Communion. While she did have detractors against her who decried
her as a fake, the work was blessed by God and encouraged by the
ecclesiastical authorities, and eventually attracted the good people
of Cosenza who did not fail to encourage and support it with the
cooperation of Christian charity. Many times the order and the
school was consoled and aided by miracles sent by Divine Providence.
Once, St. Teresa of the
Child Jesus appeared to all the little children who worked in the
workshop while reciting their prayers. The excited noise that ensued
made Bl. Sir Elena, who was then upstairs, come running to see what
the commotion was about. The girls exclaimed they had "seen"
the Holy Carmelite. Going back upstairs, Bl. Elena also received the
grace of a tender and heavenly smile from St. Teresa.
The house was poor, and
the founder and director of the local rural bank put the old bank
building at their disposal. Sr Elena and Sr Gigia then transferred
their Institute to these much larger premises, which enabled them to
accommodate, at the same time, a greater number of orphans and
Sisters. They also helped a greater number of poor, but often their
resources were stretched ….
On September 11, 1935,
there was absolutely nothing in the kitchen for lunch.
While Sr Angela came to
ask the Superior for money, a priest entered the house and asked to
celebrate Mass, immediately going to the sacristy. Sr. Elena, who
had not the slightest penny, asked Sr Angela to go to attend Mass,
that the Lord, in any way whatsoever, would provide for this problem
at the time. The fervent prayers of Bl Sr. Elena, the sisters and
the orphans was quickly answered by the Lord: after the Elevation, an
exquisite perfume spread throughout the chapel, as if the Lord
desired to signal the obtaining of their petition. Bl. Elena then
recited the Office of the Virgin and in her booklet, between two
pious images (the Madonna of Sorrows and
St. Theresa
of the Child Jesus) , she found a note of 50 lire. She was
sure she never put it there. When the Mass was finished, she gave
Sr. Angela the 50 lire for the expenses of the day. She then returned
to the chapel with the sisters and the children to thank the Lord for
having heard them. Another miracle came in order to prove that it
was in no way an oversight but that the 50 lire note was really sent
by Providence. The same evening, when the Community met for the
last prayers, the same perfume came from the chapel. The sisters
opened the booklet again and between the two pious images they found
another fifty-lire note, with a small message, written in green
pencil in the white circle: "50 + 50 = 100" and some
letters of the Greek alphabet. The next morning, Bl. Sr. Elena told
the confessor, Canon Mazzuca, who wanted to examine the message in
the second fifty-lira note, but the previous day's message had
In 1934, on the eve of the
feast of St. Joseph, they had to pay for some oil, but Sr. Elena had
nothing, so she gathered her orphans around the altar and together
they asked this great saint to come to their aid. The funds were
unexpectedly provided when a benefactor came to the Institute and
offered her the exact amount she needed to pay off her debt.
Another visible aid from
Divine Providence came in 1937 when Bl. Sr. Elena
realised that she had no bread and interiorly addressed a fervent
prayer to the Lord: at the same time a municipal guard knocked on the
door and graciously delivered to the Institute 36 kg of bread,
requisitioned the same morning.
In January 1948, by a
decree emanating from the Secretariat of the Sacred Congregation for
Religious, the Institute of the Minimal Sisters of the Passion of Our
Lord Jesus Christ was elevated to the rank of Congregation of
Pontifical Law. The Institute thus obtained legal recognition, by a
Presidential Decree of July 8, 1949. October 3, 1949, at age 54, that
Bl. Sr. Elena made her perpetual vows.
Sr Elena opened eighteen
houses in Italy. The reputation of sanctity of the “holy nun”
was such that the Prefect Guido Palmardita spoke of Bl. Sr Elena to
Mussolini, who took a keen interest in it and even sent help to the
House of Cosenza.
Of interest, in 1929,
Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty with the Vatican, ending decades
of struggle between the Italian state and the Papacy, and recognised
the independence of Vatican City, which ended the period of 'Prisoner
Popes' which had started under Pius IX. No doubt it was due to this
treaty and his generous help to Sr. Elena's order that the Lord would
give him a signal grace, even if Mussolini's charity might have been
tinged with personal interest and for personal gain to win over
the populace. No good deed goes without its reward from Heaven.
He was sent a message of warning to save himself and Italy. Sr. Elena wrote a letter for Mussolini, which was given
to his sister Edvige Mussolini. Edvige delivered it to him a few
days later on May 6, 1940, which was on the eve of WWII:
"To the Head of
Government Benito Mussolini,
I come to You in the name
of God to tell you what the Lord has revealed to me and what he wants
from you. I didn't want to write, but yesterday, the 22nd, (i.e
apparently April 22), the Lord appeared to me again, forcing me to
let you know the following:
“The world is in ruins
because of the great number of sins and especially those of impurity
which have reached their peak before the Justice of My Heavenly
So you will have to suffer
and be an expiating victim for the world and especially for Italy,
where my Vicar's seat is located. My Kingdom is a kingdom of peace;
the world, on the other hand, is at war.
Those who govern the
peoples are obsessed with the acquisition of new territories! Poor
blind people! ... They don't know that where God is sidelined there
can be no conquest! In their hearts there is only wickedness and
they only outrage and despise Me! They are demons of discord,
destroyers of peoples and seek to overthrow, in this terrible
scourge, Italy, where God is in the midst of so many souls and where
His Vicar, the Angelic Pastor resides.
France, very dear to my
Heart, because of its many sins, will quickly fall into ruins and
will in turn be ravaged like ungrateful Jerusalem. In Italy, because
the seat of My Vicar is there, I sent Benito Mussolini, to save her
from the abyss to which she was rushing, otherwise, she would be in
the same conditions as Russia.
In the midst of so many
dangers I have always saved him; now he must keep Italy out of the
war, because Italy is civil and is the seat of My Vicar on earth. If
he does that, I will grant him extraordinary favours and I will make
all the other Nations ally with him. On the other hand, he decided
to declare war, but he must know that if he does not prevent it, he
will be punished by my Justice! ”.
This is what the Lord told
me. Above all, don't think, O Duce, that I am involved in politics. I
am only a poor sister busy with the education of abandoned little
ones and who prays a lot for your salvation and the salvation of our
I am, with sincere esteem,
Sister Elena Aiello ”.
On May 15, 1943, Bl. Sr.
Elena sent another letter to Edvige Mussolini:
My long silence may have
made you think that I had forgotten you, while I think of you every
day in my poor prayers, always following the painful events of our
beautiful Italy. (...) The reason for this letter and that of
turning to you again, as in May 1940, when when I came to Rome,
presented by Baroness Ruggi, to deliver to you, in writing, the
revelations that I have had of the Lord, concerning the Duce.
Remember, when on May 6,
1940 we said that the Duce had made the decision to go to war, when
the Lord, by my letter, let him know that he had to save Italy from
the war, otherwise he will undergo the rigours of divine Justice?
“In the midst of so many
dangers - said Jesus ―I
have always saved him; now he must keep Italy out of the war, because
Italy is civil and is the seat of my Vicar on earth. If he does that
I will grant him extraordinary favours and I will make all the other
Nations ally with him. On the other hand, he has decided to declare
war, but he must know that if he does not prevent him, he will be
punished by my Justice! ”
Ah! ... if the Duce had
listened to the words of Jesus, Italy would not have been in such a
sad situation now! ... I think the Duce must be very saddened to see
Italy, a flowered garden, transformed into a desert, crowded with
suffering and death. But why continue this
terribly cruel war, if Jesus said that no one would have the real
This is why, my very dear
Donna Edvige, I ask you to say on my behalf to the Duce that this is
the last warning that the Lord sends him. He can still save himself
if he puts everything in the hands of the Holy Father.
If he does not do this,
said the Lord, soon Divine Justice will fall on him. Even the other
Heads of State who will not listen to the advice and directives of My
Vicar will be affected and punished with my Justice. Do you remember
when on July 7 of last year you asked me what would happen to Le
Duce. And I replied that if he did not remain allied with the Pope,
he would end up worse than Napoleon?
Now I repeat the same
words to you: If the Duce does not save Italy by relying on what he
is counselled to do and told to do by the Holy Father, soon he will
fall. Even Bruno asks for the salvation of Italy and that of your
brother. (NOTE: Bruno – this must be a reference to Musolini's
son who died in an air accident while flying a bomber on a test
mission, August 7, 1941. This seems to indicate he was saved and was
interceding for his father and Italy.)
The Lord often says that
Italy will be saved by the Pope, the expiating victim of this
scourge, and that there will be no other way for peace and the
salvation of the people apart from what will be traced by the Holy
Dear Donna Edvige, think
carefully about everything the Lord said that has come true. Who
caused the ruin of Italy? Was it not the Duce who did not want to
listen to the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ? He can still fix it by
doing what the Lord says. As for me, I will continue to pray ”.
As we can see from
history, Mussolini did not listen, he joined with Adolf Hitler, and
ended up worse than Napoleon at the end of the war. Napoleon was
exiled to a distant island and was reconciled with the Church before
he died, and, despite his eventual defeat is regarded as a great
figure in a historical sense despite whatever errors he committed.
On the other hand, Mussolini died in total disgrace: in late April
1945, in the wake of near total defeat, Mussolini and his mistress
Clara Petacci attempted to flee to Switzerland, but both were
captured by Italian communist partisans and summarily executed by
firing squad on 28 April 1945 near Lake Como. His body was then taken
to Milan, where it was hung upside down at a service station to
publicly confirm his humiliating defeat.
Returning to Bl. Sr.
Elena, her life continued in suffering and growth sanctity, and also
prophetic gifts. She also predicted her own death. In 1961, in
addition to the usual physical suffering, there was a continuous high
fever, which the doctors failed to find an explanation.
On June 12, 1961, Mother
Elena was transported to San Giovanni Hospital in Rome. During the
night of June 12 to 13, the nurses noticed a strong fragrant odour in
the room where she was interned. They told her, "Mother,
tomorrow is the feast of St Anthony and, certainly he will obtain
your healing". With great serenity, the patient replied:
"Tomorrow, neither Saint Anthony nor Saint Rita nor even Our
Lady will do miracles. "
Sunday, June 18, around
two o'clock, the priest assisted by don Franco administered to Bl. Sr
Elena the Anointing of the sick and together recited the prayers for
the dying. Around 5.30 am Don Franco celebrated Holy Mass in the
Chapel which was almost opposite the Mother's room. After Holy Mass
ended, Bl. Sr Elena died on June 19, 1961. She was
sixty and and her death came as surprise even though she had
foretold it. Her body was transferred to the Chapel, all adorned
with white flowers. On June 21, the body arrived in Cosenza.
The news of Bl. Elena's
death spread very quickly and the large crowd came to pay a last
Her cause for canonisation
was opened in 1982. She was declared Venerable in 1991, and Blessed
in 2011.
Prophecies Collected
From her Visions
1947: describes a
"A storm of fire never seen before". Bl. Elena will see it
several times in her visions.
Vision of January 7,
1950 - Prophecy of a sign in the sky that will announce the coming
Our Lady: “An unholy
propaganda has spread countless errors all over the world, even
causing persecution, ruin and death.
If men do not stop
offending my Son, the time is near when the Father's Justice will
send to earth the punishment it deserves and it will be the greatest
punishment that humanity has ever known.
When an extraordinary sign
appears in the sky, men will know that the world's punishment is
From the visions of
April 7, 1950
"Satan reigns and
triumphs on earth! See how many souls fall into Hell. See how high
the flames are, and the souls that enter it like snowflakes look like
transparent embers! How many sparks! How many cries of hatred and
despair! How much pain!
See how many priestly
souls! Look at the sign of their consecration in their translucent
hands! (In the palm of their hands, she sees the sign of the cross,
Our Lady: What torture, My
daughter, for my maternal Heart! How sad I am to see that men do not
change! Father's justice demands reparation, otherwise many will be
lost! "
"See how Russia will
Sr. Elena: Before my eyes
stands an immense field covered with flames and smoke, souls have
been immersed there, as in a sea of fire!
"And this fire"
says the Virgin "Will not be the work of men but will be lit
by the angels. Therefore, I ask for prayer, penance and
sacrifice, so that I can act as mediator for my Son in order to save
souls ”
Friday, April 11, 1952
“I want people to know
that the punishment is near: a fire never seen before will descend
on the earth and a large part of humanity will be destroyed…
Those who remain will be
under the protection of the mercy of God, while those who do not want
to repent of their faults will perish in a tide of fire! ...
Russia will be almost
completely burned. Some nations will disappear.
Italy will be partly saved
by the Pope. "
Good Friday April 16,
Our Lord: “They have
become ungrateful to My Sacred Heart and abuse graces and they have
turned the world into a scene of crimes.
The countless scandals
bring souls to ruin, especially those of the young. They indulged
without restraint in the pleasures of the world which are degenerate
and perverse. The bad example of parents produced in families
scandals and infidelities rather than virtue and prayer. The home,
source of faith and holiness, has become defiled and corrupt.
The stubbornness of men
does not change and they go further and further into their sins.
The punishments and afflictions that God sends to make them
reasonable are severe, but men are furious like wounded beasts and
harden their hearts against the grace of God.
Glowing clouds and a
firestorm will pass over the world and the scourge will be the most
terrible in the history of men.
It will last seventy
The ungodly will be
crushed and eliminated. Many will be lost because they will harden
themselves in the sin; it is then that we will see the power of light
on darkness.
I bend over the world and
brake the justice of God; otherwise these things would be done now.
You must pray and make
sacrifices so that men return to God and to my Immaculate Heart,
mediator in God and men; so at least part of the world will be saved.
“The world no longer
deserves forgiveness but fire, destruction and death.
It takes a lot of penance
and prayer on the part of the faithful to mitigate the deserved
punishment which is near now and is only delayed by the intervention
of My Holy Mother who is also the Mother of all men.
The punishment that will
cleanse the whole earth from evil is near. Divine Justice cries out
for revenge for the many offences and all the evils that cover the
earth. Nothing more will be tolerated. Men in their obstinacy are
hardened in their mistakes and therefore they no longer turn to God.
People no longer submit to
the Church and despise priests because some of them are reasons for
Listen carefully to what I
am telling you and announce it to all. My Heart is saddened by so
many afflictions that threaten the world.
The Justice of our
Heavenly Father is seriously offended. Men persist in living in their
sins… ”
"The world has
plunged into unimaginable corruption ... Those who govern have
become real embodied demons, and while they speak of peace, they
prepare the deadliest weapons ... to destroy peoples and nations. "
Visions of April 16,
"The wrath of God is
near and the world will be tormented by a great calamity, by bloody
revolutions, by strong earthquakes, by famines, by epidemics and by
terrible hurricanes, which will cause rivers and seas to overflow!
The world will be
completely turned upside down by a new and terrible war.
The deadliest weapons will
destroy peoples and nations.
The dictators of the
earth, real infernal monsters, will destroy the Churches with the
Sacred Ciboria and will eliminate peoples and nations and things most
During this sacrilegious
battle, because of the fierce impulse and the relentless resistance
of many, everything that has been done by the hand of man will be
Clouds with gleams of fire
will finally appear in the sky and a storm of fire will fall on the
whole world.
The terrible scourge,
never seen in human history, will last seventy hours. (NOTE:
The wicked will be
pulverised and many will be stubbornly lost in their sin.
Then we will see the power
of light on the power of darkness. ”
Message received by
Sister Elena on December 8, 1957, as reported by Monsignor Spadafora:
"It is natural that
we ask the meaning of such a phenomenon: why this blood? Do these
unusual manifestations have a language? The answer may be on a
simple sheet of paper that I have in my hands, light as a breath of
wind. Its content however seems rather serious: it has the warmth
and the content of a page of the Apocalypse; it contains urgent
warnings, terrible announcements; a broad vision that embraces all
nations, a deep look that goes back to the distant and very high
origins of human events.
Here are the most salient
sentences (i.e taken from her prophecies for that day):
“Men offend their God
too much. If I showed you how many sins are committed each day, you
would die of pain.
The times are serious.
The world is completely
turned upside down because it has become worse than during the flood.
Materialism advances and continues its march marked by blood and
fratricidal struggles.
There are obvious and
dangerous signs for peace.
The punishment passes over
the world like the shadow of a threatening cloud, to mount to men
that the justice of God hovers over humanity and that the power of
the Mother of God still slows the bursting of the storm.
Everything is suspended
like a thread: when it breaks, Divine Justice will fall on the world
and it will then be the great purification.
All nations will be
punished because innumerable are the sins that are like a tide of
filth, have covered the earth.
The evil forces are ready
to unleash themselves in every part of the world with terrible
violence. Unimaginable distress will ensue.
I have been warning men in
many ways for a long time.
The Governments of the
peoples, warning them of the grave threats hanging over them; but
they do not want to recognise that, to avoid punishment, it is
necessary to bring society back to a truly Christian life.
How sad My heart is to see
that men no longer even think of a return to God!
But time is running out:
the whole world will be turned upside down.
Much blood will be shed:
the righteous, the innocent, holy priests, and the Church itself will
suffer greatly. Hatred will reach its peak.
Italy will be humiliated,
purified in the blood, and will have to suffer a lot, because there
are many sins committed in this privileged nation. Seat of the Vicar
of Christ.
You cannot imagine what
will happen!
A great revolution will
take place and the streets will be reddened with blood. The Pope will
suffer a lot and all this suffering will be for him like an agony
which will shorten his pilgrimage on earth.
His successor will guide
the boat in the storm.
But the punishment of the
ungodly will not take long.
This day will be
appalling, in the most terrible way: the earth will tremble and shake
all humanity.
The wicked will perish in
the most dreadful rigours of God's justice.
Send a message to
immediately warn all people on earth, as far as possible, that they
will return to God through prayer and penance. "
September 15, 1958:
“Materialism has spread an organisation on the surface of
the earth like never before seen (…) If you don't pray, my daughter
Italy will be invaded by Russian troops.”
Vision of December 8,
1958: Feast of the Immaculate Conception
“The times are serious.
The whole world is in confusion, because it has gotten worse than
during the flood!
Everything is in suspense,
like a thread, when this thread breaks, God's justice like a
thunderclap will carry out its terrible purification ”
Sister Elena asks: "What
will become of Italy?"
"Italy, My daughter,
will be humiliated, purified in the blood, and she will suffer a lot,
because many are the sins of this beloved country, seat of the Vicar
of Christ.
You can not imagine what
will happen!
In these sad days, there
will be a lot of anguish and tears.
There will be a great
revolution, and the street will be red with blood ”.
"The Pope will suffer
a lot, and all this suffering will be like an agony, which makes his
earthly pilgrimage. His successor will guide the boat in the
"However, the
punishment of the ungodly will be cut short.
This day will be the most
frightening there has been in the world! The earth will tremble,
humanity will be shaken! ”
"There will be a real
and great duel between me and Satan ...
Materialism advances
rapidly in all nations and continues its march marked with blood and
If men do not return to
God, a great war from East to West will come, a war of terror and
death, and finally the purifying fire will fall from the sky like
snowflakes on all peoples and a large part of it. humanity will be
destroyed. "
March 27, 1959:
“The rulers and the
people are outside the light of God, and in particular those of Italy
(…) The Christian family no longer exists. Rome will be punished.
Russia will invade the whole earth (…) and will plant the red flag
on the dome of Saint Peter! "
(NOTE: Russia was fully
Communist at that time. Possibly, Russia might return to her old
errors of Communism if people do not pray and do what is asked.)
Vision of 1959
"Russia will march on
all the nations of Europe, particularly on Italy, and will raise its
flag on the dome of Saint Peter.
I will express My
predilection for Italy, which will be preserved from fire; but the
sky will be covered with dense darkness and the earth will be shaken
by terrible earthquakes which will open deep abysses, and cities and
provinces will be destroyed; and everyone will cry that it is the end
of the world!
Even Rome will be punished
according to justice for its many and serious sins, because the
scandal has reached its height.
The good, however, who
will suffer and be persecuted by justice, and the just souls must not
fear, because they will be separated from the ungodly and stubborn
sinners, and will be saved! "
"Russia will invade
all the nations of Europe, especially Italy, and will set its flag on
the Dome of Saint-Peter.
Italy will be seriously
diminished by a great revolution, and Rome will be purified in the
blood of its many sins, especially those of impurity!
The flock is about to be
dispersed and the Pope will have to suffer a lot! ”
"Humanity has moved
away from God and, obsessed with earthly goods, has forgotten Heaven
and has rushed into unheard-of corruption, even worse than during the
flood!" ...
But now the justice of God
is near and it will be terrible! ...
And if men do not
surrender, during these plagues, to the calls of Divine Mercy and do
not return to God by a truly Christian life, another terrible war
will come from East to West, and Russia with all its weapons
secret, fight America, overthrow Europe and we will especially see
the Rhine river of Germany full of corpses and blood.
Even Italy will be wrought
by a great revolution and the Pope will have to suffer a lot. "
(NOTE: a reminder again
that Russia was openly Communist during the time this prophecy was
given – it's possible Russia may return to its old ways if the
world does not do what Heaven asks, and, will overrun Europe. Here we also see that the old 'Birch Tree Prophecies' of Germany are true.)
August 22, 1960:
"The Rhine will be
bloodied from Switzerland, it will carry corpses".
"The enemy, like a
roaring lion, will advance on Rome and its gall will poison entire
peoples and nations ..."
“My maternal warnings
are not heeded, and therefore the world sinks more and more into the
abyss of iniquity.
Nations will be shaken by
terrible disasters, causing destruction and death ” .
"Russia, under the
impulse of Satan, will seek to extend its domination to the whole
world and, by bloody revolutions, will propagate its false teachings
in all the nations, in particular in Italy. The Church will be
persecuted and the Pope and the priests will not suffer much. ”
Sr. Elena: "Oh, what
a horrible vision I see! A great revolution is taking place in Rome!
They enter the Vatican. The Pope is alone, he prays.
They hold the Pope. They
take him by force. They hit him until they knock him down. They bind
him. Oh my God ! Oh my God ! They kick him.
What a horrible scene!
This is terrible! ...
Our Lady approaches. These
evil men fall to the ground like corpses! Our Lady helps the Pope to
rise by taking him for the arm, She covers him with her mantle and
says to him: “Do not fear!”
“Flagstaffs (flying
both the red flag on the dome of Saint-Pierre and elsewhere),
frustration and seduction comes out of the lodges these sinister
These atheists cry out
'never!' : we do not want God to reign over us; we want Satan to be
our master! "
Good Friday 1961:
“Russia is ruled by
Satan, (…) The Church will be persecuted. (...) They enter the
Vatican to seize the Pope ”.
"My daughter, Rome
will not be saved, because the Italian leaders have abandoned the
divine light.
Only a small number of
people really love the Church.
But the day is not far
when all the wicked will perish, under the enormous blows of Divine
Justice. "