!? St. Hilarion the Great of Czenstochau (291-371 AD) & 'Monk Hilarion' (d. 1476)

!? Saint or 'Monk' Hilarion (d. 1476)


In Fr. Culleton's book: “The Prophets and Our Times” - there is a prophecy attributed to a 'Monk Hilarion' who he says died in 1476.

The only monk I can find who died in that year is a monk of the Orthodox tradition who is considered a saint by them, Venerable Hilarion, Abbot of Gdov and Pskov Lake, but I cannot find any information at all that he was gifted with prophecy.

I have also failed to find any early credible text source for this prophecy attributed to St. Hilarion the Great also known as St. Hilarion of Czenstochau (291-371 AD), or, even to the Italian Cistercian Abbot of the Santa Croce Monastery in Gerusalemme, Hilarion (Ilarione) Rancati (1594-1693).

In fact, since the earliest date attributed to this prophecy is 1476, this may be another of those spurious medieval elaborations falsely attributed to the earlier St. Hilarion and also the orthodox 'Monk Hilarion' as there is a passage that sounds very similar to a prophecy regarding three wise men or three wise successors to the 'Angelic Pontiff' that only first appeared in a work attributed to Bl. Joachim of Fiore (c. 1135 – 1202) called the 'Liber de Flore', and is the most questionable element of all the prophecies attributed to him:

Quote attributed to Blessed Joachim de Fiore: "His three immediate successors shall be men of exemplary holiness. One after the other will be models of virtue, and shall work miracles, confirming the teaching of their predecessors. Under their government the Church shall spread, and these Popes shall be called the Angelic Pastors." (Source, Footnote 1)

Similar material is in the 'St. Hilarion' and 'Monk Hilarion' Prophecies: “The Holy Man (Angelic Pastor?) will bring peace between the clergy and the Eagle and his reign will last for four years. Then after his death God will send three men who are rich in wisdom and virtue. These men will administer the laws of the Holy Man and spread Christianity everywhere. Then there will be one flock, one shepherd, one faith, one law, one life and one baptism throughout the world."

Of interest, this is not the first time a prophecy attributed to Bl Joachim was embellished and attributed to another author, this same thing happened with the 'Abbot 'Merlin' Joachim' prophecy dated to 1202, the correct time for Bl Joachim Fiore, but misattributed to Jacques (Joaquim) Merlin - (c.1480 – 1541), click here for more info.

Misattributions are a big problem regarding prophecies from the Medieval period – the real Great Monarch commentary by Monk Adso for instance was elaborated upon and misattributed to St. Augustine and St. Anselm.

As there is evidence the 'Monk Hilarion' is another falsified prophecy, it is not in the Timeline.



(1) Source, "A Companion to Joachim of Fiore", by Matthias Riedl, Brill, 2017, p. 262

Post published; August 5, 2020.