!? Christina Gallagher, Achill Ireland (1988 – to present day)

!? Christina Gallagher, Achill Ireland (1988 – to present day )


From 'Aparition Site Reviews' -  “1996 Michael Neary, Archbishop of Tuam, established a commission to investigate the House of Prayer. A year later, he issued a statement saying, "I find myself obliged to state that no evidence has been presented which might prove beyond reasonable doubt the occurrence of supernatural phenomena of whatever kind in this situation." Although he found no evidence of the supernatural, Archbishop Neary allowed the House of Prayer to remain open, asking that a private association be established to deal with the disposition of funds.

In response to the Archbishop's request, Christina issued a statement to the press stating that she had been 'harshly treated' by the Archdiocese and planned to close the House of Prayer. In order to clarify this issue, Archbishop Neary issued another statement stating that he wanted to "gradually integrate the work of the House of Prayer into the life of Achill Parish and the Archdiocese," but because he had become "increasingly perturbed by an apparent absence of enthusiasm" concerning Christian's willingness to cooperate, he concluded his statement by saying, "The House of Prayer has no Church approval and the work does not enjoy the confidence of the diocesan authorities."

Shortly after Christina announced the closure, the House of Prayer reopened and has expanded its operations to several other locations in the United States. Upon receiving this news, the Bishop for the Diocese of Austin, Gregory Aymond, issued the following warning: "Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer, scheduled to open on June 23, 2006 in Leander, is doing so without approval. It should not be considered as sanctioned by the Catholic Church. The house of prayer is associated with Mrs. Christian Gallagher of the Tuam Archdiocese in Ireland. The Tuam Archdiocese does not recommend her or the House of Prayer as credible." (Source, Apparition site reviews,)

NOTE: according to the Council of Chalcedon (451 AD) - "Religious and laity who run monasteries, martyrs' shrines or almshouses who do not obey the local bishop's authority." are commiting an offence that is EXCOMMUNICABLE. (Subject to Excommunication.)

This is why submitting to the local bishop's authority is one of the key points the Church examines in determining when a visionary is real or not. 

So, Christina Gallagher was resisting the instructions of her local Archbishop that were based on Canon law on how the House of Prayer should be operated: "The model of existence and operation which I had hoped Mrs. Gallagher would adopt for her work was that of the Private Association of the Christian Faithful, the most basic and flexible model of association presently available in Canon Law."  (Archbishop of Tuam, source, EWTN.com)

 Not only was the House of Prayer in Achill then running without official permission, she began opening houses of prayer elsewhere without formal approval from the Church, which means disobedience, not a good sign in a mystic, and, there is no formal Church acknowledgement of anything supernatural – meaning, an unfavourable decision so far, and as far as I am aware, this declaration still has not been reversed. The clergy are duty-bound under obedience to not promote a seer under these circumstances. Any priest who does is being disobedient.

In addition to these declarations, personally, the one thing that tells me something is 'off' about Christina Gallagher's message is that her visions promote a specific 'seal' or prayer of protection for the chastisements – and that unless you are sealed by her house of prayer seal etc, by a certain date, you won't be protected.  Also, that her Houses of Prayer are the ONLY placces you can get it?

She later claimed that the time to receive the Seal would end in July of 2001: Quote: “ 'That message made it very clear that the time of the Seal will be over next July (July 16th, 2001), and Our Lady has asked that many people come to the House with open hearts, and bring many others there also, to receive the gift of the Seal of the Living God,' Christina said.”

If there is a seal meant to be given out, the Book of the Apocalypse describes the Seal as being given out by the Angels of God throughout the world. Her claim that one had to go to her House of Prayer to receive the Seal is contradicted by the Bible.

Not only that, this means her vision was the only one that offered 'THE' means protect yourself from the coming chastisements, and for a limited time only!?   What about the important list of warning signs, the blessed beeswax candles and sacramentals of protection the other approved mystics have mentioned? What about all the people who might have just heard her message in later years after the specific time when we were all supposed to receive the seal? 

We've all just missed the deadline then, that would cause despair and could prevent people from preparing properly. Of, if they believe in the unapproved visions of Achill, to their detriment they may be falsely led into thinking they don't need to follow the advice of the other approved mystics if they got this 'seal' in time. This exclusivity to Achill House of Prayer 'Seal' of protection is very suspicious. When you have a 'visionary' telling you that they are the only one that can offer protection and we're all doomed if we don't get it, despite what all the other approved messages say, etc, then something is very wrong. 

Also, her messages are theologically incorrect in places, and, she claims ´The' Antichrist is already born here on earth since 1995, ´not a precursor, when according to approved mystics and saints, we know the Antichrist won't be born on earth until about the time the Great Monarch appears and brings the 25-30 year reign of peace, the Antichrist comes to rule after the Age of Peace, and we haven't even seen the Great Monarch arrive with his armies yet to restore France.   

Therefore her visions are not in the Timeline.