??? Rigord (Rigordus) of
St. Denis (c. 1150 - c. 1209)
(Image: Abbey Church of St. Denis, Paris).
STATUS: The prophecy is
not by Rigord, only coped by him, and it is technically a FAILED
PROPHECY from an unidentified source, i.e. an anonymous astrological
medieval prophecy allegedly to be from Egypt about the events
preceding the Coming of the Messiah, or the Second Coming predicted
to start in September 16 / 29, 1186 AD.
However, there are
interesting insights still to be gained from it, so, even though I
cannot put all of its details in the Timeline as accurate prophecy, I
cannot consign it to the Suspect List with the warning
exclamation mark “!?” as something to ignore or pass over.
Hence, I've marked it with
three questions marks “???” designating it as an interesting
piece that still has some observations to offer regarding the Great
Monarch prophecies in general, yet must be read with very careful
Not much is known of
Rigord, other than he was a French chronicler, was probably born near
Alais in Languedoc, and became a physician. He became a monk entered
the monastery of Argenteuil, and then Saint-Denis. Rigord is best
known for his work, the Gesta Philippi Augusti, a historical
biography about King Philip Augustus of France from the time of his
coronation in 1179 until 1206. The work was later abridged and
continued by Guillaume (William) the Breton. In fact, Rigord is
credited for having given Philip the title 'Augustus'. Rigord also
wrote a short chronicle of the kings of France. Rigordus described
himself as "regis Francorum chronographus".
The Prophecy
Rigord is becoming known
in a popular sense again after the textual scholar Fritz Baer
translated and published a prophecy in 1926 that Rigord transcribed.
(Source: Footnote 1) Baer theorised it came from an early Jewish
source / astrologer.
To be a little more
precise, the prophecy originally gained popularity in the Medieval
period in Europe and spread rapidly in a form of anonymous letters,
that were then copied and spread by other scholars. Rigord is one of
those scholars.
Considering that the
'Egyptian' or oriental text foretelling what appears to be the Coming
of the Messiah, it caught the interest of Medieval Christian scholars
as it would definitely have been seen or reinterpreted as a prophecy
foretelling the Second Coming. The dire signs, in particular a huge
catastrophic sandstorm that would break the mountains, were predicted
to occur or start to occur with a major conjunction of all the
planets in Libra in September 16, 1186 (or September 29, 1186,
according to some later translations probably taking into account the
switch to the Gregorian calendar).
This became one of the
most famous prophecies of the times and indeed caused a considerable
amount of horror throughout Europe Dorothea
Weltecke observes. She notes this prophecy also became
one of the turning points in European astrology:
“Although astronomy and
astrology had existed in early medieval Europe, it was only with this
horoscope that the age of the belief in conjunctives began, which
shaped the late Middle Ages so deeply. It also survived the
scientific revolution of the Copernican turn. The theories of the
nature and effect of conjunctions remained in university circles
until the actual 17th century. “(D. Weltecke, fn 2.)
This famous prophecy of
the 'great storm' referring to September 1186 is also mentioned many
times in other records of the period.
Hermann Grauert studied
the prophecies in 1901 and traced the prophecy of a 'great storm'
through various sources. Dorothea Weltecke writes:
“(Grauert) had Persian
texts in addition to Latin and Greek sources evaluated. There are now
a few more western ones and oriental evidence for the storm warning
was added. With that in addition to the scientific languages
mentioned, Latin, Greek and Persian, also represented Syrian and
Arabic as well as various vernaculars. The authors of the text are
mostly suspected in Christian Spain, especially in Toledo. The
episcopal city of Toledo, which has existed since the early Middle
had been under the rule of the Caliphate of Cordoba, was again in 1085 conquered by the Christians. It housed colourful groups of scholars from all three world religions. (i.e. Judaism, Islam and Christianity). These had migrated from near and far, namely to study mathematics and physical sciences. And probably Toledan astronomers actually had a part on the spread of the horoscope. But that has not been decided yet, nor has (it also been decided who are) its authors; further hypotheses are available: Grauert had several independent authors not excluded. Louis Ginzberg looked for the authors among Muslim astrologers. Fritz Baer too put forward the thesis that the text originally came from the Orient. Indeed he believed it was put into work by Jewish writers. The sources, with which he substantiated his thesis, has not been taken into account since then.”(3)
had been under the rule of the Caliphate of Cordoba, was again in 1085 conquered by the Christians. It housed colourful groups of scholars from all three world religions. (i.e. Judaism, Islam and Christianity). These had migrated from near and far, namely to study mathematics and physical sciences. And probably Toledan astronomers actually had a part on the spread of the horoscope. But that has not been decided yet, nor has (it also been decided who are) its authors; further hypotheses are available: Grauert had several independent authors not excluded. Louis Ginzberg looked for the authors among Muslim astrologers. Fritz Baer too put forward the thesis that the text originally came from the Orient. Indeed he believed it was put into work by Jewish writers. The sources, with which he substantiated his thesis, has not been taken into account since then.”(3)
As a result of these
various studies, and, as one of these letters was at the time itself attributed to an astrologer called 'Johannes Tolentanus' ('Johannes of Toledo'), the most famous of these prophecies is now called
the 'Toledo Letter'.
It first circulated as a letter to Clement III warning of the pending catastrophe, but then gained a life of it's own.
Nine Latin authors in Europe spread the letter and predicted the events in detail, but Rigord's copy, in addition to Roger von Howden's copy, are considered the most detailed and best preserved Dorothea Weltecke writes:
It first circulated as a letter to Clement III warning of the pending catastrophe, but then gained a life of it's own.
Nine Latin authors in Europe spread the letter and predicted the events in detail, but Rigord's copy, in addition to Roger von Howden's copy, are considered the most detailed and best preserved Dorothea Weltecke writes:
“The best versions in
text-critical terms come from open-minded scholars of the 12th and
early 13th centuries who were in the centres of the early
Scholasticism of France, Normandy and England. The versions by Rigord
von St. Denis and Roger von Howden, both close to the royal courts,
are particularly central. Both historians presumably independently
inserted several of the letters in the text. The other versions are
more or less directly based on their sources, but have been shortened
and changed.” (4)
However, the astronomy prediction and its various details were continually added upon and changed to suit the times as it circulated:
"Variants of it continued to circulate for centuries, with names and dates altered. A version from around 1214, which attributed the text to a 'Cardinal Johannes Toletanus', warned of the end of the world in 1229, citing the same rare planetary conjunction as the reason. By the end of the fourteenth century the text was attributed to the Magisters in Paris, though the content of the warning remained essentially the same. Even as late as 1480 it was still in circulation, now attributed to a Mount Sinai hermit and a Rasis of Antiochia, who warned the end would come in 1510." (5)
In all, from what I can
personally see from this information, there was an end times prophecy
foretold in ancient texts from the Middle East rediscovered or
studied in Toledo and the area of Cordoba recaptured by the
Christians during the Reconquest of Spain. The prophecy told of a
'great sandstorm' that would be followed by a 'Messiah like figure'
then an 'evil leader-prophet' followed by a catastrophic time of
darkness. The Toledo scholars attempted to find out exactly when this would occur by using astology / astronomy as it certainly
seemed to foretell the end of the world. The letters spread, and, grew from there.
Dorothea in her essay on
the 1186 predictions observes the horoscope prediction of Libra /
Sept. 16-29, 1186 was actually based on what the scholars considered
a scientific method at the time. Those who knew their
constellations, the 'great storm' had to be an event associated with
a sign that represented the element of Air. Libra had to be the
constellation as it was an air sign, and, lo and behold, a major
conjunction of the planets was mathematically calculated to happen in
Libra 1186 – it could only be calculated mathematically as they
would not have been able to physically observe the conjunction
happening in daytime.(6)
Of interest, there was a
major conjunction of the sun with the planets in September 1186 as
predicted, but not in Libra – thanks to modern day astronomy
software like Stellarium, we can see it actually happened in Virgo. (See image.)
In all, their calculations
were off one constellation. This is not surprising for they were
still grappling with the problem on how to accurately calculate the
movement of the planets and the stars at the time far into the 1500s.
Also, the huge storm, as
we know from the hindsight of history didn't occur in 1186, neither
did the appearance of the Great Catholic Monarch or the Antichrist.
The Prophecy Today-
Failed, or is it still Relevant?
Yes, technically, the
prophecy of the 'storm' and the events leading up to the end of the
world beginning in 1186 marks it as a failed prophecy.
Nevertheless, the prophecy
of Rigord is gaining popularity again as mentioned.
Of course, the first
section of the text recounting the provenance of the prophecy and the
astrology prediction regarding Libra, September 1186 have been
removed from versions floating around on 'prophecy' sites on the
Internet, etc. – so the parts showing it to be a 12th
century prognostic failure are conveniently missing.
Below is the full version
of Rigord's prophecy, including the astrological elements.
“The wise men of Egypt
foretold signs which would come to pass in the future when all the
planets will be in conjunction, and the tail of Draco with them in
the sign of Libra, in the month of Elul. On the twenty-ninth day of
that month, according to the Hebrews in the year 4846 from the
beginning of the world (1186 AD) on Sunday night, about midnight,
will begin the signs to come, and they will last until the subsequent
Wednesday noon.
“At that time from the
sea will rise a very strong wind, which will strike terror in the
hearts of men, and it will raise sand and dust from the surface of
the earth until it will cover the trees and the towers. And all this
because the conjunction of the planets will be in Libra, that is to
say, in the sign of air and winds. And according to the view of the
same sages, this conjunction signifies a 'A great and strong wind
which will rend the mountains and rocks.' (1 Kings 19:11) And there
will be heard in the air quakes and thunders and voices which will
strike terror in the hearts of men, and all the countries will be
covered with sand and dust, that is to say, those which are in the
fifth clime. For that wind will rise from the west corner and will
reach until the east corner, encompassing all the countries of Egypt
and Ethiopia, that is to say, Mecca, Basra, and Aleppo, and the whole
of Elam, and Rama Carmen (Carmel?), and Segesta (Sidon?), and Calla
(Acre?), and Nazareth, and Kabul, and Tiberias, and Beerot, for all
those countries and regions are comprised under the sign of Libra,
and also the lands of Rome.
those events of the winds, five miracles will come to pass one after
a most wise man will arise from the east, versed in secret wisdom,
that is, in wisdom which is beyond man. And he will walk in justice
and will teach the law of truth, and he will cause many to return to
straight mores from the darkness of ignorance, and from unbelief to
the way of truth,and he will instruct the sinners in the way of
righteousness, (Ps 25:8, Prov. 16:31) and he will not pride himself
with being counted among the prophets."
a man will come forth from Elam and will assemble a multitude of
great forces” (Daniel 11:1), and will wage a great war against the
nations (Zechariah 14), and he will not live long. (NOTE: Elam is was
an ancient civilization centred in the far west and south west of
modern-day Iran, stretching from the lowlands of what is now
Khuzestan and Ilam Province as well as a small part of southern
up will rise another man who will say that he is a prophet. He will
hold a book in his hand and say that he was sent by God and by His
prophets. And with his teachings he will cause many nations to go
astray, and will seduce even more. But that which he will prophesy
will come upon his own head. And he, too, will not live long.
a comet will be seen in heaven -- a star, that is, with a tail or
appendage -- and this apparition will signify destructions and
tumults and hard strifes, and withholding of rains, and dryness of
the earth, and mighty battles, and the flowing of blood upon the
earth of the east, and from beyond the River Habor it will reach to
the very end of the west. And the just and the truly righteous will
be oppressed and will suffer persecutions, and the house of prayer
will be destroyed. (NOTE: the Habor River, also known as the Khabur,
largest perennial tributary to the Euphrates in Syria.)
there will be an eclipse of the sun, like the colour of fire, until
the whole body of the sun will be obscured, and at the time of the
eclipse there will such darkness over the earth as there is at
midnight on those nights when there is no moonlight, in the days of
the rains..." (7)
The interesting thing is,
despite the failure of the timing, there is much still to be noticed
about Rigord's text.
As the text is based on
Bible prophecies, there events themselves are not necessarily wrong,
for we see much that actually corresponds with the prophecies of the
stigmatist and mystic, Marie-Julie Jahenny, but the events mentioned
by Rigord are flipped around.
Marie-Julie says there
will indeed by a catastrophic event before the rule of the Great
Monarch: a huge cataclysm of of hail and a great thunderstorm will
shake the mountains before the Three Days of Darkness, the Three Days
of Darkness will then cleanse the earth, after which the Great
Monarch will reign and herald an age of Peace that will bring
heresies to an end for a short time.
The rest of the credible
prophecies state the false prophet and Antichrist come after the
King's reign, then, the earth will be thrown into convulsions again
before the Coming of Christ.
Rigord does mention very
similar events, we just can't place absolute credibility in their
sequence as presented by him, (or rather, the early text he copied):
the great storm he mentions seems localised to the Middle East, while
the more credible prophecies on the Timeline in this blog mention the
great storm that comes before the Three Days of Darkness will be a
world-wide event and will be more than just a sand storm. Also,
Rigord mentions a wise man who brings peace, while another man from
Iran who raises an army to wage war against the nations comes after
him. Marie-Julie Jahenny on the other hand says before the Great
Monarch come who will bring the religious peace, a man from Iran
called “Archel de la Torre” will come and cause havoc before he
comes, not after. So, Rigord has similar details, not in the same
As we can see, Rigord's
prophecy is similar, but his details vary considerably. At least
they support the prophecies of a wise man coming who will put an end
to religious errors for a time.
Other Interesting
Details: the Great Conjunction in Virgo
The one thing about
Rigord's copy of the 1186 prophecy is that while he and the other
scholars of the time were wrong in the prediction of the alignment
happening in Libra, European scholars were remarkably close for a
time in when they had yet to understand the movement of the planets –
as mentioned, they were still grappling with the mathematically
conundrums of their orbits as far the 1500s. So, to be only one
constellation off is not that shabby for the 1200s!
The historical importance
of Rigord's prophecy regarding planetary conjunctions has drawn my
attention to the various times when there were major planetry
alignments in Virgo since the birth of Christ.
While occult astrology
connected with telling fortunes is of course condemned by the Church,
Bl Anne Catherine Emmerick affirms the art practised by the Three
Kings was something completely different – the stars and planets
were given for signs and seasons as the Bible says, and she saw in
her mystic visions that the Abraham and Job were given the gift on
how to discern the signs in the stars and the planets. She also says
the Three Kings descended from Job, and, therefore the gift of
reading the signs passed to them. They not only saw the birth of
Christ, but also the birth of the Virgin Mary, and, they could also
tell what was happening in far away lands by reading the movements of
the planets and stars. It was sign reading, not fortune telling.
Bl. Emmerich's visions
fixate on Virgo in particular, also, there seem to be an indication
of Leo, so I tend to keep an eye on that area in the sky. Of course,
none of us are the Three Kings and have their skills, but, since the
Book of the Apocalypse is full of constellation imagery, we cannot
help but notice the conjunctions associated with them and see some
patterns forming.
For instance, a few years
ago, it was noticed that Jupiter, the 'king star / planet' according
to the ancient astronomers, retrograded or 'circled' around Regulus,
also a 'king star', in the constellation of Leo, the Royal Lion that
symbolised the Tribe of Judah in the constellations around the time
of Christ's birth. There is a point in the optical illusion of a
retrograde when Jupiter seems to stop moving in the sky before it
continues, and it is noticed at that time around c. -1 BC , from the
ground it appeared to stop over Bethlehem is seen from the Jerusalem.
It has been theorised this is what the Three Kings observed, for
they said they watched this king's star 'rise in the east', which is
what Jupiter did, and, it took two years for this retrograde to be
observed – notice Herod only wanted to kill the children who were
up to two years old to make sure he had dispatched the newborn king.
After learning of the
historical importance or interest in the 1186 prediction thanks to
Rigord's prophecy, I noticed that this phenomena had happened again.
In 1184 / 1185 AD Jupiter retrograded around Regulus in Leo, then
under Denebula, another star in Leo associated with kingship, but
also with war and strife. The great conjunction of the planets
happen in Virgo, the Virgin, in 1186, then, Jupiter the King Star
Planet retrograded in Virgo and went forth during the years 1186-1187
as if the Virgin had given birth to a great king of war - just like
the image of the Virgin in the Apocalypse with the crown of 12 stars
giving birth to a child in pain who carried a rod of iron – iron is
the metal symbol for war.
Did anything spectacular
happen around the years 1184-1187? Well, enough to pay attention to
the history happening at the time – and to see the connection with
the future prophecies and planetary conjunctions.
Rigord and the scholars of
his time may actually have been 'on' to something, but they just
assumed their calculations meant the end of the world right then -
not a sign of their present historical events.
In the years when
Rigord was spreading his prophetic transcription of the 'Toledo
Letter', he was living during the reign of Philip II of France who
ruled from 1180 to 1223, just before and right after this major
conjunction happened. Rigord was the biographer of Philip II, as
mentioned. Remember the Royal house of France is traditionally
considered to descend from the House of David of the Tribe of Judah
represented by Leo, and, in 1184-1185 they just had another royal
retrograde phenomena in Leo linked to the birth of Christ from the
House of David in the City of Bethlehem, the city of David. Of
course, the importance of this retrograde sign could not be seen
either, and it doesn't seem to have been noticed then, but we can see
it now to make the connections.
+ Historically, the name
“FRANCE” appears for the first time under Philip II's reign - his
predecessors had been known as kings of the Franks, but from 1190
onward Philip became the first French monarch to style himself "King
of France". And, we know the kingdom and the very name of
France is so prominent in the Great Monarch prophecies. When the
Kingdom of France is restored by the Great Catholic Monarch, it will
be renamed 'NEW FRANCE'. (Image: The coronation of Philip II Augustus from the Grandes Chroniques de France, c. 1332–1350)
+ Under Philip, France was
entering a 'Golden Age', so to speak: he played a significant role in
one of the greatest centuries of innovation in construction and
education in France. With Paris as his capital, he had the main
thoroughfares paved, built a central market, Les Halles, continued
the construction begun in 1163 of Notre-Dame de Paris, constructed
the Louvre as a fortress, and gave a charter to the University of
Paris in 1200. Under his guidance, Paris became the first city of
teachers the medieval world knew.
+ Philip II was indeed a
war-king, and, his conquests placed France on the map as a force to
be reckoned with in Europe. After decades of conflicts with the
House of Plantagenet, Philip succeeded in putting an end to the
Angevin Empire by defeating a coalition of his rivals at the Battle
of Bouvines in 1214. This victory would have a lasting impact on
western European politics: the authority of the French king became
unchallenged, while the English King John was forced by his barons to
assent to Magna Carta, limiting the power of English kings. As
mentioned, it was Rigord who titled him 'Augustus' in honour of the
territorial gains the King added to France, obviously a nod to
Augustus Caesar who united the Roman Empire. So, we have a King who
is connected with the growth of an 'empire' so to speak, a 'French
Empire'. Of interest, early eastern Orthodox prophecies foretelling
the Empire of 'Rome' from the West that will retake Jerusalem and the
Holy Land was associated with the Kingdom of the Franks, i.e. the
French Crusaders. So, the newly restored 'Roman Empire' has been
associated with the Franks / French since early times. Note, the
French Great Catholic Monarch of the prophecies will restore the Holy
Roman Empire.
+ Philip II fought in the Third Crusade, and against the Cathar gnostic heretics in the
south of France during the Albigensian Crusade (1209-1229) and
therefore was truly a defender of the Church in accordance with the
duties of a king who was the ruler of the 'Eldest Daughter of the
Church'. The military actions surrounding the Albigensian Crusade
helped prepare the expansion of France southward. Again, note the
Catholic Empire expansion and the defeat of heretics – this will be
some of the distinguishing characteristic of the future Great
Catholic monarch to come – he will re-establish and expand the
Catholic Roman Empire and bring an end to major heresies.
+ Philip was the
grandfather of St. Louis IX (1214-1270), a most just Catholic
Crusader king who raised France to great dignity as the 'Eldest
Daughter of the Church'. True, by the time of Louis IX's birth, some
time had passed from the 1180s when the royal planetary signs in Leo
and Virgo happened, but, the sky did tell of a period of 'great
kingly rule'. France began to grow as a powerful European nation
under Philip II, Paris became a centre famed for learning, and
definitely this period of greatness, at least in the medieval age,
truly blossomed with the integrity and piety of St. Louis IX. The
important connection here is the Great Catholic Monarch of the
prophecies is foretold to be a king who will be after God's own heart
like 'another St. Louis'.
Of interest, Philip II was given the nickname Dieudonné
(God-given) because he was a first son and born late in his father's
life. King
VII had been married three times and had to wait many years for the
birth of a son, therefore, with the fear of possibly having no heir,
it is no wonder Philip was called 'Dieudonné' – of interest, this
name would become important in the later Great Monarch prophecies –
the French Great Monarch to come, Henry V, also bears the name
DIEUDONNÉ as his birth was considered a miracle sent by God.
(Black and white image: King Louis VII and
Queen Alix receive Philip Augustus from Christ as a 'gift' from Heaven - Dieudonné)
Queen Alix receive Philip Augustus from Christ as a 'gift' from Heaven - Dieudonné)
+ Another fascinating
detail of this time period – St. Francis of Assisi (b. c. 1181 /1182 –
1226 AD) lived and founded the Franciscan order that was instrumental
in 'holding up' the Church that was in danger of crumbling, this we
know from the famous dream of Pope Innocent III in which he saw St.
Francis holding up the basilica of St. John Lateran, the seat of the
Roman pontiff. Of interest, tradition states St. Francis was
originally baptised Giovanni, but his father renamed him due to his
love for FRANCE where he went on a business venture before St.
Francis was born. This is not far fetched, St. Anthony of Padua
loved France as well, it was the beloved 'glory-kingdom' of the time
as the 'Eldest Daughter of the Church', and, was particularly noted
for its devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. Therefore, we also see a
connection with saintliness and the restoration of the Church with a
connection to the name of FRANCE.
In all, there are details
that show at the time of this planetary alignment in the 1180s, with
Jupiter retrogrades in a royal constellations associated with the
Tribe of Judah / House of David, we obviously start seeing signs or
characteristics in the royal house of France when the country was
growing to be a great kingdom with intriguing connections to the
French Great Monarch prophecies which tell us to 'pay attention' to
this constellation in the sky.
The conjunctions do not
mean everything will happen at once or instantly, but they do mean to
KEEP WATCH with regards to the coming of ages with future connections
and similarities.
A similar royal
conjunction has happened again only recently.
A Jupiter retrograde
under the royal sign of Leo in 2015-2016 was followed by a huge
planetary conjunction in Virgo in September 2017, followed with Virgo
experiencing another retrograde of Jupiter as though given 'birth' to
a king of war. (See
my blog, “The Lord Says: Look to the Sky for the Signs of the
Times”, click here.)
The signs are telling us
to PAY ATTENTION again, and of importance we are now entering the
time when several prophecies have indicated the Great King will be
sent – circa the 20th and early 21st centuries, and he will come
after great chastisements cleanse the earth.
One chilling detail: I
pay attention to the Douay-Rheims calculations as they align with the
Age of the World and the birth of the Our Lord as revealed to Bl Anne
Catherine Emmerich. Another time this symbolic 'birth' of the
King planet Jupiter in Virgo with a similar convergence of planets
was in 2348 BC, and
according to the year calculations in the Douay-Rheims Bible, this is
the exact year when the Flood occurred – a time of great
catastrophic chastisements.
Another observation: the
inaccurate prediction of Rigord's prophecy pointing to the
constellation Libra is not without some merit. The Ancient Greeks
believed the goddess of Justice was represented with Virgo holding
the scales of Libra.
prophecies of Malachais of the Old Testament refer to the purifying
fire of a furnace falling and destroying the wicked, the day of the
Lord, upon which the Sun of JUSTICE will come with his wings:
behold the day shall come kindled as a furnace:
and all the proud, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble: and the
day that cometh shall set them on fire,
saith the Lord of hosts, it shall not leave them root, nor branch.
But unto you that fear my name, the Sun of justice
shall arise, and health in his
wings: and you shall go forth, and shall leap like calves of the herd
. And you shall tread down the wicked when they shall be ashes under
the sole of your feet in the day that I do this, saith the Lord of
hosts. Remember the law of Moses my servant,
which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, the precepts, and
judgements. (Malachais 4:1-3)
of course this a prophecy of the Second Coming of Christ with the
hosts of angels, but the “Sun of Justice” may also double as
another prophecy of the Great Catholic Monarch. Prophecies often
fulfil two events at once in the Bible.
the prophetic sermons of Bl Pius IX hint to God sending another ruler
like 'another Moses' to restore the Church, and, cities being
destroyed by fire like Sodom and Gomorrah - this was after he read
the original secrets of La Salette of 1851 that foretell the coming
of a king to bring the age of peace after a time of cataclysmic
punishments– (for
the story of La Salette and the original Secrets, click here.)
we see a connection with 'Moses' and the 'Sun of Justice', and the
coming of a ruler who will restore all. Notice the Woman crowned
with 12 stars in the Apocalypse gives 'birth' to a King who wield a
rod of iron, (war king). “Virgo” also the constellation for
'Justice' giving birth to a royal son.
it appears God has sent us another fiery sign in the sky connected
with furnaces and the coming of the 'sun of justice' - see my blog
post: “Did
God Just Light the Furnace?” click here.
The 'Under the Walls of Paris'
prophecy of Marie-Julie Jahenny
Regarding the astronomy
calculations in Rigord's text, what has struck me is how the signs of
his times point to a 'Golden Age' of France starting with Philip II
and culminating with St. Louis IX and how we are to 'pay attention'
to that era as well as the signs of our own times.
It has suddenly opened
some possibilities with decoding more details in Marie-Julie's
prophecies, for several of her prophecies are cryptic, need close
reading, and, do not give up their secrets all at once. She
mentioned that the chastisements will start in Paris-it will start
with a civil war and that violent 'sparks' will be set under the
walls of Paris. The fire will be so violent and deadly, the city
will eventually be destroyed. She also predicted the whole city will
have fire from Heaven fall upon it, and, that it would suffer a huge
collapse of land, and, would resemble a gravel or sand pit, i.e. be
left as a huge crater.
Of interest is her details
about the 'walls' – we know Paris is undermined with many
tunnels and abandoned gypsum mines, so, if terrorists wanted to set
the city alight, there are plenty of places to hide explosives under
the city, so why the detail of 'walls'? Would they not be on the
outskirts of the city? Would that not be a pointless place to set
explosives? Also Paris had several rings of walls built around it
over the centuries, so which ones did her prophecy refer to?

The eye-opeing part: the
signs that were in the heavens at the time of the building of these
walls has now appeared again in our own times and seems to foretell a
time of upheaval. Philip's old walls are now
literally in the heart of Paris, and, they include the old
foundations of the Louvre which can be visited as he built the first
Louvre fortress as part of the defence.
The vestiges of the walls
also have been incorporated into buildings, underground parking lots,
and, sections have been discovered while building Metro lines.
If the prophecies of
Marie-Julie indeed refer to Philip's Walls, then the destruction
during the prophesied civil war is going to be singularly
catastrophic. (For Marie-Julie Jahenny's prophecies, click here).
- Fritz Baer, in 'Monatschrift für Geschichte un Wissenschaft des Judentums', 70, NF 35, (1926).(2) Dorothea Weltecke: “Die Konjunktion der Planeten im September 1186: Zum Ursprung einer globalen Katastrophenangst (Zuerst ersch. in : Saeculum : Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte ; 54 (2003), 2. - S. 179-212) (https://kops.uni-konstanz.de/bitstream/handle/123456789/19414/Weltecke_194142.pdf?sequence=2) p.1.(3) Ibid.(4) Ibid.
(5) 'The Toledo Letter' - Museum of Hoaxes Website: http://hoaxes.org/archive/permalink/the_toledo_letter(6) Dorothea Weltecke, Ibid.(7) Text translation in, 'The Messiah Texts: Jewish Legends of Three Thousand Years', by Raphael Patai, Wayne University State Press, Detroit, (1988).:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Aug. 8, 2020