Bl. Pius IX (1792-1878)

THE PROPHETIC SERMONS, ADDRESSES and LETTERS of Bl. PIUS IX alluding to the FIRE of REVOLUTION, the miracle of a NEW LEADER sent by God like another 'Moses' who will deliver the Church from all her woes, hints to the THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS, and the coming AGE OF PEACE, which will come through the INTERCESSION OF OUR LADY.


BL. PIUS IX, born Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti, May 13, 1792 – February 7, 1878, was pontiff from 16 June 1846 to his death on 7 February 1878. He was the longest-reigning elected pope in history, serving for over 31 years.

Bl. Pius IX was elected when Europe, including the Italian peninsula, was in the midst of considerable political ferment. He took the name Pius, after his generous patron and the long-suffering prisoner of Napoleon, Pius VII. At first, he was a moderate liberal, and had been elected by the faction of cardinals sympathetic to the political liberalisation movements then sweeping across Europe. However, following a series of terrorist acts sponsored by Italian liberals and nationalists, which included assassinations, in particular, the assassination of his Minister of the Interior, Pellegrino Rossi, Bl. Pius IX was compelled to flee Rome in 1848 for a brief period. These vents in union with the widespread revolutions in Europe, led to his growing scepticism towards the liberal, nationalist agenda. 

It was a particularly turbulent period.

Through the 1850s and 1860s, Italian nationalists made military gains against the Papal States, which culminated in the seizure of the city of Rome in 1870 and the dissolution of the Papal States. Thereafter, Bl. Pius IX refused to accept the Law of Guarantees from the Italian government, which would have made the Holy See dependent on legislation that the Italian parliament could modify at any time. Bl. Pius IX refused to leave Vatican City, declaring himself a "prisoner of the Vatican", become the first of the line of pontiffs who would rule as 'Prisoner Popes'.

Despite all of this, Bl. Pius IX was a prodigious pontiff.

In his encyclical Ubi primum he emphasised Mary's role in salvation. In 1854, he promulgated the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. 

His 1864 Syllabus of Errors stands as a strong condemnation against liberalism, modernism, moral relativism, secularisation, and separation of church and state. Bl. Pius IX definitively reaffirmed Catholic teaching in favour of the establishment of the Catholic faith as the state religion in nations where the majority of the population is Catholic. However, his most important legacy is the First Vatican Council, convened in 1869, which defined the dogma of papal infallibility, but was interrupted as Italian nationalist troops threatened Rome. The council is considered to have contributed to a centralisation of the church in the Vatican, while also clearly defining the Pope's doctrinal authority. 

His appeal for public worldwide support of the Holy See after he became "the prisoner of the Vatican" resulted in the revival and spread to the whole Catholic Church of “Peter's Pence”, which is used today to enable the Pope to aid those who are suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease.

After his death in 1878, he still continued to enrage his enemies among the liberal nationalists, anticlerical groups attempting to throw his into the Tiber river on July 13, 1881.

His canonisation process was opened on 11 February 1907 by St. Pius X, but the hatred against Bl. Pius IX still drew considerable controversy over the years. The process was closed on several occasions during the pontificates of Pope Benedict XV and Pope Pius XI.

Finally, Pope Pius XII re-opened the cause on 7 December 1954.

St. Pope John Paul II proclaimed him Venerable on 6 July 1985. He was beatified on 3 September 2000 after the recognition of a miracle. Bl. Pius IX was assigned the liturgical feast day of 7 February, the date of his death.

Of interest, seven months after his death (October 24, 1878), the mystic Marie-Julie Jahenny foretold he would one day be canonised, and that his canonisation would prevent a terrible calamity from striking Rome. (See Post #89 on theMarie-Julie Jahenny Blog, click here.)


The Prophetic Teachings and Letter of Bl. Pius IX -Untangling the Sources

Bl. Pius IX was often described as a prophetic pope, but a couple of prophetic paragraphs have become more prominent and republished countelss of times thanks to the book on Catholic prophecies 'The Prophets and Our Times' by Fr. Culleton.

However, what is often published as one prophecy is in fact three different teachings / prophecies from two completely different documents and one unknown primary source – Fr. Culleton published all three 'prophecies' in his book, 'The Prophets and Our Times'. He numerically labelled two different paragraphs all right, but not the third small addition, which he joined to the second. To confuse matters, he did not cites his sources. Readers and authors quoting him assumed the paragraphs were from the same source and from the same 'prophecy', and republished them all smashed together into one paragraph.

I finally found two of the sources.  

The first prophecy is from the encyclical, “Ineffabilis Deus”, (December 8. 1854).

The second is an alleged quotation from a private letter to the director of the Italian Catholic newspaper 'L'Unità Cattolica and apparently came from a secondary source, a biography of Bl. Anna Maria Taigi of Rome published in 1873.

The third 'prophecy' I have not been able to identify where it originally came from.  It could have been from the same letter to the Director of L'Unità Cattolica, Fr. Culleton may have had a different source for the letter as it was not published in the source I found, or, it could be from a completely different document and added by Fr. Culleton, who in the process accidentally made it look like it came from the same letter, which unfortunately casts doubt if Bl. Pius IX wrote the final sentences or not.

Below are the actual paragraphs with the original sources cited, except for the third due to the lack thereof:


From the Encyclical “Ineffabilis Deus” -Declaration the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854

Fr. Culleton's translation:

We expect that the Immaculate Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, through her most powerful intercession will bring it about that our holy mother, the catholic church after removal of all obstacles and overcoming of all errors will gain in influence from day to day among all nations and in all places, prosper and rule from ocean to ocean, from the great stream to the ends of the earth; that she will enjoy peace and liberty…that all erring souls will return to the path of truth and justice after the darkness of their minds has been dispelled, and that there will be then one fold and one shepherd…”

For comparison, the translation by Papal Encyclical Online (

“We have, therefore, a very certain hope and complete confidence that the most Blessed Virgin will ensure by her most powerful patronage that all difficulties be removed and all errors dissipated, so that our Holy Mother the Catholic Church may flourish daily more and more throughout all the nations and countries, and may reign “from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth,” and may enjoy genuine peace, tranquillity and liberty. We are firm in our confidence that she will obtain pardon for the sinner, health for the sick, strength of heart for the weak, consolation for the afflicted, help for those in danger; that she will remove spiritual blindness from all who are in error, so that they may return to the path of truth and justice, and that here may be one flock and one shepherd.”

(NOTE: this part of the Encyclical is considered prophetic as it reaffirms what the saints and mystics have foretold - the Age of Peace and the and the greatest age of triumph for the Church will be accomplished through Mary – the timing will be left in her hands.)


A Letter by Bl. Pius IX to the 'Director of the Unità Cattolica dated February 6, 1863 - reprinted in “Library of Religious Biography, Vol. V – The Venerable Anna Maria Taigi', Edward Healy Thompson, ed. (Burns and Oates. London, 1873)

(NOTE: The Vatican Website does not have a copy of this letter, it does not seem to be listed anywhere else. The recipient must have been Giacomo Mangotti, founder of the Catholic paper, L'Unità Cattolica. Obviously, the letter must have been received before the paper was founded in October 29 1863.)

“Seeing that we know for certain that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Church, these many and great difficulties ought not to depress the mind of him who considers them, but ought to animate him to greater hope. For, relying on the incontrovertible oracle of God, the very atrocity of a war so vast and manifold, waged by Divine permission against the Church, is sufficient to convince the believer that such a triumph is prepared for her as for fullness and splendour shall surpass all that have preceded. And whereas God in lighter and less perilous struggles prepared for her an efficient aid in the arms of princes, or in the marvellous energy and authority of holy persons, and whereas in the present far greater trial He withholds all succour, this again proves that He has reserved to Himself the victory over His enemies. And this will be more manifest if we consider that the root of present evils is chiefly to be found in this, — that men, having turned themselves with their whole mind and strength to earthly things, not only have forsaken God, but have altogether rejected Him, in such wise that it would seem that they could in no other way be recalled to Him save by some fact which cannot easily be attributed to a second cause, (i.e cannot be attributed to a natural cause) but is of such a nature as to constrain every one to look up and exclaim, "This is the work of God, and it is marvellous in our eyes." '

(NOTE: Bl. Pius IX is saying the evils even in his time were growing so much that it was apparent God was preparing a greater triumph and splendour for the Church than ever seen before in proportion to the evil that was attempting to destroy the Church, also, that mankind was altogether rejecting God to such an extent that it would take a great miracle to open their eyes.

For this reason this letter is considered prophetic and confirms all the other prophecies that great miracles would be needed and were going to happen in order to wake up humanity which will have grown almost completely faithless, and, to prepare the world for the chastisements and the Age of Peace.)


(?) The Third 'Prophecy' attributed to Bl. Pius IX

(NOTE: as stated, Fr. Culleton included this with his excerpt of the letter to Mangotti, but, it is not included in the earlier source I discovered. Either Fr. Culleton had a source we do not know about, or, this is not from the same letter at all but a separate quotation.

It is unfortunate Fr. Culleton did not cite his document source, as this now places doubt on the authenticity of Pius IX's authorship of this third 'prophecy', but until further evidence is discovered, it shall be included here as there is no firm proof he didn't write it either. However, I have marked it on the Timeline as questionable, read with discernment - (?).)

There will come a great wonder which will fill the world with astonishment. This wonder will be preceded by the triumph of revolution. The church will suffer exceedingly. Her servants and her chieftain * will be mocked, scourged and martyred…”

(* Note: this could be an odd translation from the Italian 'capo' – 'head' as in 'leader'. This sometimes ends up translated into 'chieftain'.)



I have recently discovered a French source that has numerous quotes from the pope's Addresses and some private letters and words, and it is surprising Fr. Culleton and Yves Dupont missed this source:

“Les Prophéties Modernes Vengées ou Défense de La Concordance de Toutes Les Propheties” by M. L'ábbé Chabuty, (Paris, 1874)

These quotations reveal that Bl Pius IX not only hoped for a coming Age of Peace, but that he also knew it would not come by any endeavor of man, and, that it would take an absolute miracle from the Hand of God in order for it to happen.  He also  cryptically references the terrible chastisements that will come beforehand, the ravages of revolution, and also that the times even back then were resembling Sodom and Gomorrah, and that chastisements were coming, hinting at another time of FIRE FALLING FROM THE SKY.   

Of interest, despite all of Bl Pius IX's assertions he did not know when or how the miracle of God would be brought about, he also cryptically hopes for another Moses or a 'great leader' to come from God who would bring the promised age of peace and the Triumph of the Church-he may have made a Great Monarch or Angelic Pontiff prophecy. 

The cryptic references to Moses are important as the Bible indicates we are to pay attention to the 'law of Moses' when God is about to send His Day of Wrath, (aka the Three Days of Darkness with fire falling upon the earth, and the arrival of a 'Sun of Justice' with whom the elect shall tRead down the wicked, meaning 'a DELIVERER'):

"For behold the day shall come kindled as a furnace: and all the proud, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall set them on fire, saith the Lord of hosts, it shall not leave them root, nor branch.  But unto you that fear my name, the Sun of justice shall arise, and health in his wings: and you shall go forth, and shall leap like calves of the herd.  And you shall tread down the wicked when they shall be ashes under the sole of your feet in the day that I do this, saith the Lord of hosts. Remember the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, the precepts, and judgments. (Malachais 4:1-3)

Of interest, the original secrets of La Salette sent to him in 1851 show that a Great King will bring peace and religion will flourish through the world after a time of chaos - no doubt he was influenced by the Secrets when writing his sermons, click here to read more on La Salette and the original secrets of 1851 that were rediscovered in the Vatican Archives in 1999.

Below are the quotations from Bl. Pius IX:


(December 4, 1870) - Words addressed to a Bishop of the Orient. - Religious week (or retreat) at Angouleme

The world is plunged into evil, it cannot continue like this: a human hand is powerless to save it; 
the Hand of God must manifest itself visibly; and I say, we will see this Divine Hand with the eyes 
of our body.”   (M. Chabuty, p. 41)


(February 11, 1871) – Address to a Congregation of the Children of Mary

The demon is only too unleashed against the Church, but we must hope that in the
 days of combat will succeed those of triumph.”  (M. Chabuty, p. 39, his source, 
R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol., I 1873)


(February 16, 1871)- Address to the Priests and Preachers of Rome:

But, after so many prayers, will we finally see appear the dawn of peace? And will it appear soon? It is certain that it must shine; but if it will be soon, I don't know.

We too must arise from the mire where they plunged us We will certainly be glorified That he (the Lord) gives us the strength to support us in the thorny path on which we hope to see a light of mercy shine. (M. Chabuty, p. 36. His Source, R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol., I 1873)


(April 12, 1871) – Address to the Roman Ladies:

If it is not this Vicar of Jesus Christ, it will certainly be one of his successors who will see this city (Rome) restored to its first state, as peaceful and flourishing as it was a few months ago, and the Holy See will be reinstated in its old rights.” (M. Chabuty, p. 37, His source: R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol., I 1873)


(April 12, 1871) – Address to the Rectors of Foreign Colleges

"The God who humbles is the very one who exalts.   The triumph will come, and the enemies of 
the Church, who afflict us so much, will be tamed. But when, but how? As for that, it 
is the secret of God, and in truth, I do not know it."  (M. Chabuty, p. 40, His source: 
R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol. I, 1873)  


(June 15, 1871) – Address to to the Roman Primary Society for Catholic Interests:

The Lord will at last let shine the day of his mercies, and He will deliver us from the evils that overwhelm us. Do not doubt it. May the blessing I give you ... be the pledge.” (M. Chabuty, p. 37. His Source, R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol., I 1873)


(June 22, 1871) Address to the Young Men of Cercle de Baint-Pierre

The Lord ... will come to our rescue. Let him lift a little finger of His hand, and human pride
 will disappear ... It seems to me that He is already preparing to do for that moment designated
 by Divine Wisdom a miracle so sublime that the world will be in awe.(M. Chabuty, p. 42, his 
source, R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis,  “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol. I, 1873)


(December 10, 1871) Address to the the 2,000 Women of Burgo:

We would like the miracle of deliverance, I know it. He will come in His turn, do not doubt it.”
 (M. Chabuty, p. 42, his source, R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis,  “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere 
le Pape Pie IX” , Vol. I, 1873)


(January 7, 1872) – Address to the Catholic Women of Trastevere

The time for a greater peace will come; let's hasten it with our prayers.”
  • (M. Chabuty, p. 37, his source, R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours 
     de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol., I 1873)


(January 19, 1872) – Address to the Belgian Deputies

Society is very sick. See France, Spain, Italy. It seems like it will take miracles to get society afloat.” (M. Chabuty, p. 42, his source, Univers et Monde, January 27, 1872)


(January 24, 1872) – Address to the Catholic Representatives of all Nations

Society has been launched as if in a labyrinth from which the Hand of God alone can bring it out.” 
 (M. Chabuty, p. 41, his source, R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere 
le Pape Pie IX” , Vol. I, 1873)


(February 18, 1872) Address to Romans from several parishes: .

"You (the men of the Revolution) will enter Rome to attract the most terrible punishments which will reach you and make you victims of your ambition. Let us pray to the Lord to take the severity of His chastisements, and to move away from this beloved people the consequences of vengeance which are only too well deserved and even greater misfortunes by which justice will have to punish the obstinate culprits.” ~ (M. Chabuty, p. 34. His source, R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol., I 1873. )


(March 3, 1872) , Address to Romans in different parishes (PROPHETICALLY HINTS of A 'GREAT LEADER' LIKE MOSES) :

Make them understand (to those who are at the head of the people) (O my Jesus!) The danger to which they are exposed, and that they do not wait for another Moses who could make them be swallowed up in the passage of another Red Sea."    (M. Chabuty, pp. 35-36. His source, R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol., I 1873.)

(NOTE: this one is a rather unusual cryptic prophetic reference by Bl. Pius IX – he begs that the evil revolutionary-minded leaders of his time realise what danger they are in and do not wait to put off their conversion until God is forced yet again to send a great leader like Moses who eventually led them all to be swallowed up in the Red Sea when he delivered God's people.  It appears by this cryptic reference to Moses that Bl. Pius IX made a prophecy God would indeed send another 'great leader' who will wipe out all of the enemies of the Church if they do not convert. One can detect a Great Monarch or Angelic Pontiff prophecy here.)


 (April 28, 1872) ~ Address to Romans from several parishes:

How pitiful are those who make a pact with the Revolution! They want to play with the Revolution, and the Revolution will engulf them in its abysses ..... They are those who govern, and who believe they can put out the fire of the Revolution by approaching it closely, without noticing that they are themselves affected by a fire which threatens to burn down the whole earth, and whose warning signs are already being felt.” (M. Chabuty, p 34. His source, R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol., I 1873. )


(May 25, 1872) - Address to the Young Roman Men and Women

We can say, in a way, that these are real prophecies (the announcement of the end of evils, of
 deliverance from Rome and the Church); and we must hope that the Lord will show us the inevitable accomplishment.” (M. Chabuty, pp. 44.45, his source, R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol., I 1873)


(June 16, 1872) Letter to Cardinal Antonelli.

We can only invoke on all ... a special blessing which can preserve them from new and more terrible chastisements.” (M. Chabuty, p. 34. His source, R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol., I 1873. )


(June 20, 1872) – Address to at the college of Prelates and at the Council of State

Let us wait for this return (the influence of Religion) when it pleases God to make us see it. I hope He will grant it, if not to me, at least to my successor, but it will certainly come.” - (M. Chabuty, p. 38. His Source, R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol., I 1873)


(July 4, 1872) -Address to the Employees of the Minister of Finances

It is certain that society experiences every day new dangers. It is certain that the disorder has assumed such proportions that if the hand of God does not come to our rescue, we will hardly be able hope for calm and tranquillity.”   (M. Chabuty, p. 41, his source, R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol., I 1873)


(July 20, 1872) – Address to the Former Employees of the Police: (PROPHETICALLY HINTS OF GOD SENDING SOMEONE TO AID THE CHURCH)

There is nothing to hope for from the world; but from one moment to another there 
can come a man sent from God; and it remains for us to pray, that God may lay His Hand
 on the treasure of His mercies. "  (M. Chabuty, p. 43, his source, Univers et Monde, July 24, 1872)

(NOTE:  these words are prophetic – it appears Bl Pius IX was aware of God promising 
to send a great leader who would rescue the Church and that his coming would be completely
 miraculous and out of the capabilities of human endeavour.    This is also in accordance with the
 prophecies of the  mystic and stigmatist Marie-Julie Jahenny who would also say we cannot hope from
 anyone in the world to bring the peace, except through the miracles of God, and He has already chosen
 His King to rescue the Church.) 


(July 24, 1872) – Address to the former employees of the Police:

It remains for us ... to pray to God that he will reopen the treasure of his mercies, that he will ward off the ungodly and grant us days of peace and tranquillity. As far as I am concerned, I wish to end my days in the midst of this peace and this rest of the soul. I am sure, this era of tranquillity will return. How and when? I do not know; but I have the intimate conviction that peace will return. So let's join our prayers to hasten the moment when God will speak in our favour.” (M. Chabuty, p. 38, his source, Univers et Monde.)


(September 20, 1872) – Address to the Nobility of Rome

Providence allows injustices to be committed; let's not be moved. When they (the injustices) have arrived in full, (then) will arise the day of triumph.” - (M. Chabuty, p. 43, his source, Univers et Monde, September 24, 1872)


(October 2, 1872) – Address to the Youth of Rome

We hope that, like the Hebrews who arrived safe and sound at the end, we will be able, after having miraculously crossed these times of persecution, to sing like Moses: Cantemus Domino, gloriose enim magnificatus est: equum et ascensorem projecit in mare.” (Let us sing to the Lord: for he is gloriously magnified, the horse and the rider he hath thrown into the sea. ) (M. Chabuty, p. 38. His source, Univers et Monde, Oct. 7, 1872)

(NOTE: compare with the Address of March 3, 1872 above – again, it almost sounds as if Bl. Pius IX was hoping for a 'great leader' like Moses who would deliver the Church.)


(December 22, 1872) – Address to the Former Employees of the Minister of the Interior, of Commerce and of Finances

Pray that the time will soon come when God manifests all the means in his power to calm the storm and bring tranquillity, order and peace to the whole world; for it may well be said that the whole earth is prey to the spirit of disorder, and that there is everywhere the necessity of the Hand of God; that of men is not enough to restore peace to us." (M. Chabuty, p. 41, his source, Univers et Monde, December).

(NOTE: Bl. Pis IX was aware things would get so bad that it would be out of the hand of man to save the Church, it would take a miracle of God.)


January 1, 1873 - Address to the Palatine Guard:  (POSSIBLY HINTS OF FIRE FALLING FROM THE SKY):

Something similar is happening today (in the world) (as to what happened in the cities of the Pentapolis * before they were consumed "by the fire of the sky"): very great misfortunes threaten the world. Europe, Italy, Rome and many followers rejoice and dance on a ground full of danger. " (M. Chabuty, p. 35. His source, Univers et Monde, Jan. 4, 1873)

(*) NOTE: it appears Bl Pius IX was cryptically referencing the evils of the world were similar to the times of Sodom and was possibly afraid of FIRE FALLING FROM THE SKY? - “Pentapolis” is a reference to a passage in the book of Wisdom mentioning the five cities destroyed by fire from the sky and Sodom Gomorrah were among them. “She (wisdom) delivered the just man (i.e Lot) who fled from the wicked that were perishing, when the fire came down upon Pentapolis: Whose land for a testimony of their wickedness is desolate, and smoketh to this day, and the trees bear fruits that ripen not, and a standing pillar of salt is a monument of an incredulous soul.” (Wisdom 10: 6-7) 

(OF INTEREST- the THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS that will cleanse the earth will also consist of FIRE FALLING FROM THE SKY.  See the Bible references and the prophecies of the the Three Days, click here.)


May, 25, 1873 – Address to a large number of young Roman men and young people of Rome

"I say, I, that there came a certain time when yourselves, young people and young girls, you make miracles and prophecies ..... As for the prophecies, one can say that you do them by your addresses (speeches); for I hear you affirm there, with a presentiment which does honor to your faith, that the end of all our evils must certainly come; I hear you say there that we must get out of this deplorable condition once and for all, and that the day will come when the enemies of the Church are confounded, Religion will no longer be oppressed or persecuted, but on the contrary aided and supported. You can say, dear children, that these are real prophecies; and we must hope that the Lord will soon show us the inevitable fulfilment.” ~ (M. Chabuty, p. 37-38, his source, R. P. Pasquale de Franciscis, “Discours de Notre Très-Saint-Pere le Pape Pie IX” , Vol., I 1873)


(September 28, 1873) – Address to a Deputation from Civitá-Vecchia

You see how many subjects of bitterness come from Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and other kingdoms and provinces where so many men contribute to afflict and oppress the Church. But I am not telling you that all these evils will pass soon, I will not tell you that we are on the eve of deliverance and triumph, but I will tell you that God will show Himself certainly, although I don't know when will operate this prodigy.” (M. Chabuty, p. 43. His source, Univers et Monde, October 8, 1873)
