Ven. Bernardo Maria Clausi (1787-1849)


Ven. BernardO Maria (Mary) Clausi was born on November 27, 1787, at Sisto in Calabria, of one of the first families of the country and was a very close friend with Ven. Vincent Pallotti. He entered the Order of Minims of Saint Francis of Paula at the age of fifteen, but before the end of his noviceship the monastery was closed due to the Revolution and Ven. Clausi had to return home. He was then forced into military service, but even as a soldier he lived like a saint. He afterwards became a secular priest in 1821, and when the condition of the times grew better he again entered the Order of the Minims.

In 1830 he was sent to Rome where he held several positions for fifteen years. People from all walks of life came to confess to him, or to ask him for advice and prayers, to ask for help, or to kiss his little image of the Blessed Mother. Everyone considered him a living saint. He worked tirelessly, roaming the city to visit and hear the confessions of the sick, and was known to heal people. He healed a crowd of sick people with his prayers.

Bl. Anna Maria Taigi knew him, so did Pope Gregory XVI, also Bl. Pius IX who conversed with him for several hours, and even confessed to him.

In 1845 Ven. Clausi returned to the Paterne convent for two years. Then he was called back to Rome again, after spending a few months in Naples.

Ven. Clausi suffered from many oppressive attacks from the demon – even visibly for ten years. At one time they devil attacked him and Ven. Clausi visibly entered into a physical battle with the evil one, rolling in the dust and struggling with the adversary that was invisible to everyone else.

The devil went so far as to hurl him into the ocean, and he might have drowned if it were not for the protection of the Blessed Virgin. He suffered this humbly as he was accused of being insane and that he had intended to drown himself! 


There are accounts of miraculous happenings at the orphanage of Cheiri in Piedmont. Witnesses saw a statue of the Virgin Mary before which Ven. Clausi was praying came to life and stretched out its arm, offering Ven. Claudi a bunch of flowers. In this same orphanage, Ven. Clausi blessed the well and said anyone who was sick with intermittent fevers would be healed by its water and that the water should be given to all who asked for it. Cures continue to happen to this day.

Ven. Clausi had the gift of levitation, people witnessed him raised from the ground while he was praying. He also had the gift of bi-location, had the gift of discernment of souls.

He was also gifted with prophetic knowledge.

During the era of the Roman Republic, in 1848 and 1849, when several parish priests thought it prudent to hide, one of them asked Ven. Clausi if he should stay at his post or leave it and hide from the anti-clerical authorities. Ven. Clausi told him to stay and have no fear, because nothing unfortunate would happen to him; and, in fact, this priest was able to go out day and night, administer the sacraments to the sick without experiencing a bad encounter.

Ven. Clausi also knew beforehand that Bl. Marie-Christine de Savoie, Queen of Naples, had died before he was summoned to see her by King Ferdinand to give her his blessing. Ven. Clausi actually hid away from the messengers, telling the religious in the convert where he lived it was pointless to visit her as she had already passed on. The messengers of the King who came to look for Ven. Clausi returned to the palace and found out he was right – the queen had died at the time Ven. Clausi announced it.

In 1849 he foretold his death to his good friend Ven. Vincent Palloti, saying they would meet in Heaven in a short time: "Vincent, Vincent, come out of this soiled world. What do you still have to do there? In a month and three days we will see each other up there!" It turned out exactly as he said, Ven. Palloti died after him as Ven. Clausi said he would.

Before Ven. Clausi passed on to the next world, his spiritual daughter, the Marquise Corti Lepri, was saddened to know that he was dying, and said: "My Father, who will assist me at the time of my death?” Ven. Clausi replied "You will be alone with your crucifix". She begged him not to abandon her, then he repeated his message but added, “But God will assist you.” It turned out as he predicted. Some time later, the marquise's maid entered her room. She found the Marquise dead, holding her crucifix in her hands.

Not only did Ven. Clausi predict his own death, but also the circumstances that accompanied it. He assured that Saint Michael would descend to throw into hell the demon that had attacked him through his life, and that an earthquake would happen before his death, followed by a storm on land and sea. This happened all as he foretold.

He was declared Venerable in 1987.

His prophecies of future events were witnessed and written down by those who knew him.


First testimony of his prophecies – the promise of the Age of Peace

“The servant of God was adorned with supernatural gifts. And in fact, I can say that the Lord had shown him over a hundred times that he was preparing great things for the whole Church and for everyone; that all the demons would come out of hell, but that afterwards they would be relegated there and that all their power, thereafter, would be limited. After that there would be great peace in the Church.

What were these things?

The servant of God said that he had no words to describe, or to make the mind understand, the great things that God was preparing. When the time when they were to arrive, the Lord had not shown it to him."


Second testimony of his prophecies – a terrible time will come when it seems the whole order of the world is turned upside down, then God will step in

"I remember that, in the year 1831, the time of the Revolution, with a feeling of fear, I questioned the servant of God, who told me to be ''quiet, that it was nothing, but that there would come a very unhappy time.''

In the Revolution of 1849, speaking with him, I told him that the time announced by him had come, but he replied with a laugh “that what I saw was only a masquerade of short duration, and that there would come a time when everything would be turned upside down, and when the hand of man would be powerless; and then the Lord would put his very Holy hands in it, and that like a lightning, everything would be arranged so that even the wicked would be forced to recognize the hand of God.”

He added that there was still time until then and that there would be “great things, worthy of God and that everyone would taste, so to speak, the delights of Paradise.”

"And he added that the Lord had made known to him all this over and over again, and he even told me that it was as many times as he had hair on his head.

First he believed, as he said, that it was a devilish illusion; but then he could have convinced himself otherwise, because he had had these revelations even during the sacrifice of the Mass.”


Third testimony - Collected by sister Marie Marguerite Landi, nun from the monastery of Saint Philippe de Néri in Rome. (At the time, she was 82 years old, she testified under oath this words are true.)

Prophecy of the Cholera plage that came to pass – then foretells a TERRIFYING FUTURE PLAGUE that will strike the whole world but will fall ONLY ON THE UNGODLY and will last only for a moment – warns NOT TO BELIEVE ANYONE WHO TRIES TO TELL YOU WHAT THIS WILL BE. GOD RESERVES THIS INFORMATION TO HIMSELF.

"As for the prophecies, I remember that the servant of God came to this community, and I asked him, first of all, if the cholera which spread through Europe would also come to Rome.

Father Bernard replied that it would come, but that it would indeed be God's mercy.

I would point out that the servant of God made this prediction several years before the plague came to Rome.

When then the scourge broke out in this city, Father Bernard assured us that not only would he not enter the community, but also that the parents of the nuns would not perish.

In fact, none of the nuns' parents died at that time, and no member of the community was affected by this scourge.”

"He would then repeat, but in a way that would terrorize and frighten him that,"there would come a great plague, but that he would fall on all the ungodly”.

He added that "this scourge would be brand new, that we would never have seen in the world; that it would be terrible; that heaven and earth would unite; but that it would happen instantly and pass in a moment; that great sinners would be converted, because then they would know God; that the scourge would be universal (and experienced) by everywhere.

But before it happens, the evils will have increased so much, that it will appear that all the demons will have emerged from hell, and the good will live in true martyrdom by the persecutions of the wicked.”

"Things will come to a head, but when man's hand can do nothing and everything seems to be lost, God Himself will intervene and rearrange the world in the blink of an eye, like from morning to night.

Everyone will experience such joy in his heart that he will seem to taste the delights of paradise; and the wicked themselves cannot help but confess that it is all done by the Hand of God.”

(NOTE: Apparently, it this is a repeat of the prophecy before it continues to the Age of Peace)

“There will come a great plague; it will be terrible and directed only against the ungodly.

It will be a brand new scourge, and one that has never been seen in the world.

Heaven and earth will be united and great sinners will be converted, because then they will know God. This plague will be felt all over the world and it will be so terrible that those who survive it will imagine that they are the only ones it has spared. All will be good and repentant.

This plague will be instant, but terrible.

These punishments would be followed by a general reorganization and a great triumph for the Church. Blessed are those who will live in these fortunate days, because it will truly be the reign of fraternal charity.

In those who will see this, the joy will be so great, that they will forget all the pain of the past.

But, before these things happen evil will have made such progress in the world that it will seem that the demons have come out of hell, so great will be the persecution of the wicked against the righteous, who will have to suffer a veritable martyrdom. "

"Often and almost on all occasions when he spoke of this, he would say to me:

Take care not to believe those who will tell you what will be the plague, because it will be something completely new, and which has never been seen in the world, and God did not reveal it to anybody: He keeps the secret reserved for Himself. ’’

He added that “those who remain free would be few in number, and that they would all be good and truly converted. For those who remain, it will seem to them that they will be the only ones in the world, because of the terrible magnitude of the plague. Then would come the great triumph of the Church.”

And he said:

’Blessed are those who will live in these times of happiness, where we will live in true fraternal charity.”

(NOTE: the revelation regarding this 'new momentary plague' God will not reveal to anyone and which He reserves to Himself can be confirmed in “Voix prophétiques, ou Signes, apparitions et prédications recueillis principalement des annales de l'église touchant les grands événements du 19. siècle et l'approche de la fin des temps”, by Abbé J.M Curicque, (1871), p. 463)


NOTE: IMPORTANT OBSERVATIONVen. Clausi may have given us a new indication on how to spot a fake mystic in these modern times.

He warns that a new “plague” never seen or predicted before will be sent and fall ONLY on the ungodly. But be felt everywhere. It will be only an instant or a moment, but will strike many so that those who survive will think they are the only ones alive.

Is this is Three Days of Darkness? No, obviously not because Ven. Clausi says it will be “momentary”, and will never have been seen before - the Three Days of Darkness has been predicted in the Bible (and it has happened before in a different way when Moses was sent to free the Jews from slavery) and the Three Days have been predicted by authentic mystics, the first was his own contemporary, Bl. Anna Maria Taigi. The Three Days will also last more than a 'moment'. And, we see that there have been later authentic mystics who have also predicted it.

It is not the 'Burning Plague' either, as this will take time to spread as well and will also infect the good people if the remedies are not taken in time. The 'Burning Plague' is also indicated in the Bible, and was predicted centuries before Ven. Clausi's time by Bl Salusso, so the 'Burning Plague' cannot be it either.

We have an indication not to pay attention to anyone who claims to have details on a very fast practically miraculous instantaneous “plague” that will last a moment and has never been seen before or revealed before by God. If they try to give exact details on what it is or might be, ignore them, they cannot be true mystics as God is reserving this information only for Himself.

Do I have an idea of what is being referred to here? It could be the “Illumination of Conscience” - it is the only 'frightening' thing that I hear foretold that will last only a moment, strike the ungodly throughout the whole world and could possible kill with fright. It is the only plague that has NOT been foretold in the Bible, and, had never been heard of before Ven. Clausi's time.

So, this could be what we have to watch out for, if a visions tries to explain in detail what this is going to be like, they are not to be believed. See more, click here !? 'Illumination of Conscience' Event )
