Fr. Marin de Boylesve, S.J. - (1813 - 1892)



(Image: the family home Fr. Marin de Boylesve, the Château de la Coltrie.)

Fr. Marin de Boylesve, S.J. - (1813-1892)


Also known by the Latin rendering of his name, Marianus de Boylesve, and “Evseloyb de Niram”, a humorous pen name he used for some of his poetic and dramatic writings.

Although not a prophet, he was a Jesuit priest and professor who was loyal to the French monarchy and a zealous defender of the Faith, a true son of St. Ignatius who adamantly adhered to the Council of Trent and the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas whenever 'new methods' were brought forward in his day.  We might even consider him a 'proto-anti-modernist'!

Fr. Marin de Boylesve was born on November 28, 1813 at the Château de la Coltrie in the commune of Saint-Lambert de la Potherie near Angers in the Vendeé. He came from a distinguished noble family whose name can be traced back many centuries and held a hereditary knighthood. He descended directly from Eslienne Boyliaue (or Boilyeve), the great statesman and the principal adviser of St. Louis IX, King of France. Other illustrious ancestors included intrepid knights, one in particular also named Marin joined the cause of King Henry IV.

However, upon entering a Jesuit school for his education while yet a young boy, he immediately knew what his vocation would be – a Jesuit, even if it meant giving up his title, his lands, also, his noble line dying with him as he was that last direct heir. Right when he saw his country ravaged by another revolution, and, to see the absolute Catholic monarchy under Charles X toppled again to which he was completely loyal, he decided he would be true to his noble family's motto: 'Religion – Country' – and declared:

“I could not remain without doing anything. God will ask us for an exact account of all the moments He gives us. Full of this thought I ardently wished to serve my country and the Church especially. At a time when both are in such great peril, as a Frenchman and as a Christian, I felt the need to throw myself into the thick of the fray. To take place in the first rows under the banners of religion whose triumph alone can bring glory and happiness back to my homeland, to serve immediately under my first head Jesus Christ, to be one of His companions, seemed to me the most glorious at the same time as most useful for my neighbour. Immense advantages, treasures of happiness and glory, the hundredfold from this life of all that I would give to the Lord, all of these promised in the gospel by Jesus Christ, strongly attracted me to be generous. What more could I do than give myself? (...)”

He became a professor of grammar, rhetoric, the humanities, and also philosophy, as well as teaching other subjects, including the catechism, and was beloved by all his students, his knightly manner of leadership impressed them all greatly. He was a gifted preacher to where hardened sinners would walk out of his sermons converted. He was a chaplain to the Papal Zouaves during the Franco-Prussian war, and spread devotion to the Sacred Heart. He was so fired with holy zeal for faith and country with his preaching, that even when facing defeat by the Prussians, soldiers once declared "This man can lead us to the fire tomorrow; we would gladly be killed for him."   Fr. Marin is best remembered in France for spreading this devotion by his writings and thereby helping to build the famous Sacre-Coeur basilica in France, the construction of which helped to hold off the chastisements, at least for a time as we now know from the prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny.

Fr Marin was indeed a prolific writer, and, while translating his other books, I had found a few sentences that made me suspect he was a supporter of the Great Monarch prophecies, he was a loyal son of the legitimate Catholic monarchy of France after all, but I had nothing really certain to go on, only a few 'one-liners', that is until I began translating his book, “Jesus Christ According to the Old Testament”.

While Fr. Marin did not make any new prophecies, his text does cryptically hint to the existing ones of his time in a very similar fashion to the 'prophetic sermons' of Bl Pius IX who cryptically mentioned his hope of 'another Moses', or a deliverer being raised up that would deliver Christ's Church. (We must remember Bl. Pius had read the original secrets of La Salette that mention a restoring-king will indeed be raised up in France. You can read the original secrets, click here. You can also read Bl Pius' 'prophetic sermons', click here.)

Fr. Marin's book is a cry of encouragement for the faithful of the time suffering under the ongoing anti-clericalism of France, alongside the loss of the Papal states during the anti-clerical Risorgimento of Italy and the rise of the 'Prisoner Popes', which began under Bl. Pius IX.

Since he does apparently allude to the prophecies, and, his observations are very similar to those of Bl. Pius IX, his encouraging words are as relevant today as they were back then - which is why I've decided to include them on this site.  In fact, I definitely recommend the entire book (click for details on it here) – Christ the King wins in the end.

Woe to the nation that will not serve Christ the King and His Church!



Excerpts from “Jesus Christ According to the Old Testament” by Fr. Marin de Boylesve.

(Note: headings are mine added for clarity / emphasis, etc.)



A Call for Patience and Hope – God Always Raises up a Deliverer -

“The growth and prosperity of the impious makes you impatient for justice! For example, there is a people who date their greatness from the time when they abjured their faith to give in to worship gold, throwing themselves at the feet of an impure tyrant (Henry VIII) and then a shameless and bloodthirsty queen (Elizabeth I). There is also a State (Germany) whose existence dates back to an apostate (Luther), who to free himself from his vow of chastity became a Protestant, and since then, has continued to grow through crime at the expense of the Catholic powers. Continuing on, there is a nation which only became significant since the time when its Czar became its pope, (schismatic Russia of the 19th century) and one would say that its strength grows with its fierceness against Catholic Poland. Beyond the seas, it is a new people who reach their peak through a civilization without religion or morality. (USA) (Note 1)

However, “God is patient because He is eternal” - ‘patiens, quia aeternus’ (St. Augustine). (Note 2) The centuries belong to Him, because He is the King: “The king of ages ... immortal,” - ‘Regi saeculorum immortali’. (1 Tim. 1:17) So do not be in a hurry for justice. Wait until these happy and proud nations have filled the measure. Who knows? Perhaps even now he is ready, the man whom God has chosen to be able to justify His Providence, and who is destined to confound at the same time both those whom His patience scandalises and those whom it encourages.” (Note 3)

(“Jesus Christ According to the Old Testament”, pp. 72-73)


(FOOTNOTES / OBSERVATIONS of this section):

    (Note 1)- I.e. the separation of Church and State of the USA must be referred to here = a new civilization without an official religion. Also, the right to the 'pursuit of happiness' more often than not leads to the pursuit of immoral pleasures of an earth-bound happiness, and rarely to a spiritual life.

    (Note 2) St. Augustine explaining verse 9 of (2 Peter 3): “The Lord delayeth not his promise, as some imagine, but dealeth patiently for your sake, not willing that any should perish, but that all should return to penance.” This is also in accordance with the various prophecies foretelling a time of mercy before the time of chastisement and justice when the Great Monarch will finally arrive– God is delaying that people may convert. The time of Mercy will be misused by the impious to commit more sins, and, even seem like a scandal for the righteous who cannot comprehend why God grants this long period granted to the impious, letting them have free reign with seeming no punishment coming, but, God will indeed step in. God told Marie-Julie Jahenny we are to wait and see – God will step in and fulfil His prophecies / promises. To doubt His promises of the Triumph and sending the King of His Heart because of His patience would be to offend Him.

    (Note 3) Destined to confound at the same time His patience scandalises and those it encourages”: As we see in Biblical history, God raises up chosen souls to turn around the tide of evil and to bring about His justice. Fr de Boylesve notes there may be a predestined soul waiting in the wings so to speak for these modern ages and who will confound those scandalised by God's patience and His seeming 'slowness' in punishing the wicked nations, and, also confound those who are 'encouraged' by this delay, i.e. those misusing the time of God's patience to grow more in evil rather than repent and return to Him. We cannot help but suspect that Fr de Boylesve may have been making a reference to the Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff prophecies with this observation, hinting God may have already chosen the man. When know from several mystics that God already had back then in Fr. Marin's time, and, had named him in detail.



Victory of Christ the King through France and the Church

(Fr Marin):  “Who can count the tears and the drops of Blood shed by the Saviour, when, casting a glance into the future from the height of His cross, He saw the Eldest Daughter of His Sacred Heart, (France), devoured by the cruel monster of revolutionary impiety and sold to a foreign barbarian; (Protestant Germany during the Franco-Prussian War) when He saw His beloved Vicar also sold and reduced to the condition of a prisoner? (Note A) However, let us be reassured: Joseph (of the Old Testament) left the prison, and Jacob was able to see him again in all the splendour of grandeur. Thus so will it be the Church and France: one through the other and one with the other, they will emerge from the ordeal more powerful and more glorious than ever, because Jesus Christ must triumph, reign and dominate through France, His Eldest Daughter: “Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands,” - 'Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat'. (Note B)

('Jesus Christ According to the Old Testament”, pp. 85-86)


(FOOTNOTES / OBSERVATIONS for this section):

(NOTE A): Fr de Boylesve is speaking of the events of his times: the Franco-Prussian war and the siege of Rome.

(NOTE B): Christus vincit ...”; from the hymn, “Laudes Regiæ”, or “The Royal Praises” at solemn events, such as the inauguration of a pope, or, in centuries past, at the coronation of the Holy Roman Emperor.

“Eldest Daughter of the Church”: since the time of the conversion and coronation of Clovis I, the first King of France, France became known as the 'Eldest Daughter of the Church' and was the defender of Catholic Christendom and the papacy. Again, we may see evidence here with the mention of the 'Eldest Daughter' together with this Imperial coronation hymn of the Holy Roman Empire that Fr Marin de Boylesve may have believed in the Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff prophecies that foretell a King of France will rise up, re-establish the Holy Roman Empire, and restore both the world and the Church one last time in union with a saintly pontiff, thereby establishing Christ's universal Kingship during the Age of Peace before the arrival of the Antichrist.



Was Fr Marin de Boylesve a Supporter of Henry V's Declaration of the White Flag?

Here is where his text gets rather interesting: there may be a hidden message to Henry V, the 'Miracle Child', who was alive and in exile at the time of this publication – but we have to first summarize his section “Moses” to see how we will recognize when God sends a deliverer.

Fr de Boylesve was spiritually gifted in seeing details in the Bible and giving insights about them, and, has given me personally at least, an indication why God so loved Henry V and proves the point why he is still the chosen Great Monarch according to the prophecies. Like the deliverer Moses - he did not give one hoof to Pharaoh!

As we know, constant plagues were sent until Pharaoh would finally release the children of Israel, but, he was not going to just let them off. When he says they can go, he first attempts to have only the men go, then when Moses refuses this compromise, Pharaoh attempts to have the children of Israel 'buy' him off by leaving just their flocks and herds behind. But, God had ordered they were to take everything:

(Fr. Marin de Boylesve from the chapter “Moses”):  “Politics, it seems, would attempt to have Moses bend to another compromise, that the deliverance of his people needed to be purchased at the price of a sacrifice, a sacrifice light in comparison with the servitude and the oppression they were under. But, Moses understands nothing about human politics, he will not sell out what God has declared theirs. “All the flocks will go with us,” replies the old shepherd, “and not even a hoof will remain,” - ‘Non remanebit ex eis ungula.’ (Exodus 10:26) Moses gives the example! Grant nothing to error; do not give up anything of the truth, not one syllable, not one iota. Remember St. Athanasius and Basil the Great, the St. Anselms and the St. Thomas Beckets of history, the Gregory VIIs and the Pius IXs. Beware of the soft and yet useless negotiations of a policy which calls itself 'liberal' when it is nothing but base enslavement. Despise this false moderation, which, under the guise of religious liberty, shows itself gentle and easy-going towards the enemies of faith while at the same time reserves nothing but proud harshness and ferocity for the defenders of the Church and the Pope.”

Good advice, but how does this quote tie in with Henry V? We see how in another chapter of Fr de Boylesve's book: “To Serve or to Perish” where he brings up the prophecy of Isaiah that the nation that will not serve Jesus Christ shall perish:

(Fr de Boylesve): “For every nation, every kingdom that will not serve you, will perish,”- 'Gen et renum quos non servierit tibi, peribit.'

But, it is pointed out that certain powers on earth are still standing, that they even seem to be growing since they refused to serve the living Jesus Christ in the Church. Isaiah already anticipated this objection, and he responded. Be still, be patient: this apparent greatness of theirs is only pride. “It is pride only, sit still.” – 'Superbia tantum est, quiesce.' (30:7) These nations imagine themselves to possess strength because they possess gold and iron. They say they are happy, because they live in luxury and have good food. They forget that a nation is not merely a material or animal assembly, but a meeting of intelligent and free beings. So already these so-called high and great powers are staggering like drunken men. The Lord mixed in their drink the spirit of sleep, and their eyes are closed. “For the Lord hath mingled for you the spirit of a deep sleep, he will shut up your eyes, ... And the Lord said: Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips glorify me, but their heart is far from me, and they have feared me with the commandment and doctrines of men. ... Woe to you that are deep of heart, to hide your counsel from the Lord: and their works are in the dark, and they say: Who seeth us, and who knoweth us?” (Isaiah 29:10-15) Their policy, their diplomacy, their militia are struck by blindness. All the wisdom of these clever men consisted in playing one against the another, and the one who knew how to best deceive prevailed for a time; but, the one who prevailed by by dint of lying, he has now been worn out; the mocker is done with him: “For he that did prevail hath failed, the scorner is consumed,” - 'Defecit qui praevalebat, consummatus est illusor.' (Isaiah 29:20) (September 4, 1870!!!)

(OBSERVATION): – I.e., the addition of the date here September 4, 1870: Fr de Boylesve is referring to the establishment of the Third Republic of France and the end of the reign of Louis-Philippe, aka Napoleon III. (1808-1873), nephew and heir to Napoleon I. Louis-Philippe, had been approached by the French royal family to be regent until the rightful heir to the throne, Henry V was of age. Instead, with backing from the (Masonic!) French Assembly, Louis-Philippe was made a constitutional king. He was the only President (1848–52) of the French Second Republic and, as Napoleon III, the Emperor (1852–70) of the Second French Empire. Thus, he had helped to end the legitimate absolute monarchy in France after its short-lived restoration while also usurping the throne, and, compelled Henry V to go into exile. Now, the very powers that he had sold out to in order to gain the throne had turned on him, which is what Fr. Marin is referring to the 'scorner is consumed'. The Third Republic that was formed after his reign collapsed during the Franco-Prussian war.

(Fr Marin continues): “Rise up, O Sion! “And the children of them that afflict thee, shall come bowing down to thee, and all that slandered thee shall worship the steps of thy feet,” (Isaiah 60:14) The entire chapter should be transcribed here to give an idea of the triumphs promised to Sion, figure of the Church. You ask how the thing will be done; where is this triumph, especially in our times? For example, in 1861, the year when we first wrote these lines, or in 1870, the time when we rewrote them, or finally in 1875, the time when we reprinted them?

(NOTE: Obviously, this text is the third reprint: Fr de Boylesve is asking where is the promised triumph during all these years of masonic, revolutionary and anti-clerical political upheaval in Catholic France?)

(Fr Marin continues):Where is the man, where is the nation that will avenge the Church for the universal desertion of current governments and peoples, and who will restore its influence and its empire over nations and over kings? God will find him. A man of little or no means is enough for His purpose; but above all He delights to take up an abandoned man, unrecognised, forgotten in the desert, a David also forgotten in the fields where he feeds the flock, then hunted like a wild beast by a jealous king. Such a man is chosen; he is a Mattathias, a hundred-year-old old man; he is a Constantine exposed to a thousand pitfalls, a Theodosius withdrawn far from the court; he is a Pelagius entrenched in the mountain; he can also be a Charlemagne already seated on a throne. But whoever God takes by the hand, as long as he lets himself be led and obeys, listening to those secret voices that speak to him and that he alone hears just like St. Joan of Arc did - against him all the perfidies of politics are in vain, and the dagger is as powerless as the cannon blast. The chosen man at the right hand of the Lord is small, always small in some way, but he is worth a thousand. He is alone, alone like Moses before Pharaoh and Israel, alone like Leo the Great before Attila and Genseric, alone like Gregory VII before the German Caesar, alone like Pius IX before the Revolution; but he is stronger than the multitude and the strongest nation; “The least shall become a thousand, and a little one a most strong nation:” -'Minimus erit in mille et parvulus in gentem fortissimam.' (Isaiah 60:22).

When will this man appear? When will this salutary turnaround take place? When? At the marked time: 'in tempore ejus.' How? Suddenly: 'Subito' - “I the Lord will suddenly do this thing in its time,” – 'Ego Dominus, in tempore ejus subito faciam istud.' (60:22)”

Here we cannot help but see a pointed reference by Fr Marin to the hope that God will raise up a new deliverer – aka, the exiled Great Catholic Monarch of prophecy. (???) And thus, one might even dare say this was a hidden note of encouragement not only to the Catholics of the time, but even perhaps to Henry V himself to not lose hope despite bravely giving up the throne considering Fr de Boylesve has just compared the end of the usurper Louis-Philippe's reign with the wicked ones of Isaiah's prophecy, i.e. the scorner that prevailed for a time, but was eventually consumed.

In 1873 to the astonishment and bewilderment of many, including Pius IX, Henry made a bold stand with his Declaration of the White Flag upholding the absolute Catholic Monarchy of France; he refused to make the least compromise with the Revolution by rejecting the offer dangled before him by the National Assembly in that he would regain his throne by accepting the Tricolour and a constitutional monarchy. Henry preferred to stay in exile rather than accept the throne under the conditions of the masonic Revolution. He refused to sell out like Louis-Philippe had done who had stolen his throne and become their pawn. But, to lose the throne over the colour of a flag? This was an act of 'insanity', even Bl, Pius IX couldn't understand Henry taking such a stand over a white 'napkin' and losing the throne in the process, but, we may dare venture a guess that Fr de Boylesve was one of Henry's supporters and one of the very few who understood why Henry made such a bold and insane declaration at the time, insane to the eyes of the eyes of the world that is. As pointed out, notice that Fr de Boylesve had demonstrated that when defending the Church and God's royal right of kingship, it is a fight for the truly zealous. Just like the deliverer Moses before Pharaoh, one must hold their ground, one must not make the least compromise and not sell out, no matter how small and insignificant the compromise may seem, not 'one hoof' should be left behind for the Pharaohs of the day as we saw in the his section-chapter: 'Moses'.

“Moses understands nothing about human politics, he will not sell out what God has declared theirs. “All the flocks will go with us,” replies the old shepherd, “and not even a hoof will remain,” - ‘Non remanebit ex eis ungula.’ (Exodus 10:26) Moses gives the example! Grant nothing to error; do not give up anything of the truth, not one syllable, not one iota.” (Fr Marin de Boylesve)

So, we now see Henry V did not give one hoof to the Pharaohs of his day, that is, he did not surrender up one 'napkin' of a flag to the enemies of God and His Church despite the ridicule and what the world thought!

Apparently, Fr. Marin saw this and highly approved, judging from his text. Henry V passed the test where everyone else would have caved in and failed. We could dare say he was like another Moses!

Hence, we can understand why God promised through Marie-Julie Jahenny, and also Ven. Josepha of Bourg that due to Henry's love of the White Flag of Catholic France, he was going to be sent back at a future epoch. He is still the chosen King.



The Destruction of Paris Hinted At?

In His book, Fr Marin then lays out the punishment that God metes out to rebels who dare to challenge God's authority and the leadership He sets up on earth with their leadership based on the multitude. (Democracy.) As we know, the Great Monarch is destined to overthrow all Luciferian, Masonic, and socialist republics and democracies for a time.)

In the opening paragraphs of his chapter “How All Revolutions End up”, Fr.. Marin sets forth the rebellion of Core, Dathan and Abiron as another one of the forerunners of all modern democratic revolutions set against God and His Church, challenging God's royal authority. (We must remember modern democracy has been denounced in the other prophecies and that God intends to wipe it from the earth during the chastisements):

“The revolutionaries cry: All men are equal, all are holy, ‘omnis multitudo sanctorum est.’ This is the programme, this is the declaration of Core, Dathan and Abiron: “And when they had stood up against Moses and Aaron, they said: Let it be enough for you, that all the multitude consisteth of holy ones, and the Lord is among them: Why lift you up yourselves above the people of the Lord?” (Numbers 16:3) No more master, no more prince, no more priest. Everyone is the master, the prince, the priest. The sovereign God resides in each member of the multitude, “The Lord is among them,” - ‘et in ipsis est Dominus.’” (Fr Marin de Boylesve, “Jesus Christ According to the Old Testament, p. 121.)

Fr. Marin then concludes this chapter with the telling words:

“We know how the insurrection of Core and his accomplices ended. The fire of Divine wrath enveloped them; “The earth broke asunder under their feet: and opening her mouth, devoured them with their tents and all their substance. And they went down alive into hell the ground closing upon them, and they perished from among the people.” (Numbers 16: 31-33) We know this, and we are frightened by the threatening pride of the new Cores of these days. Look then and see: the ground is already undermined under their feet, the spark is ready, just a little more longer, and you will see them swallowed up with all that they possess. Such is the history of all revolutions. Thus end all the Cores, all the Dathans and all the Abirons!”

As you can see in the Timeline on this site, there are several prophecies made concerning the destruction of Paris with its democratic "Chamber of Hell", has been described as 'Babylon' and 'Sodom' in several of them. First, a horrific revolt will rise up against Christianity there, but later, as Pere Nectou foretold, the city will be destroyed so completely that the plow will pass it by and people will wonder what this place was, so desolate shall be its ruin. Bl. Emmerick notes that not a stone shall be upon a stone.

Of interest, Fr Marin continually mentions in his book that all revolutions, particularity those that ravaged his country, stem from the ancient revolt of Babylon. He even dares to liken the revolutionary government of the masses (democracy!) to a 'woman of the street', a hidden dig that this is the whore of Babylon as seen in Revelations.

However, the prophecies that were known at the time of the publication of Fr Marin's book did not mention Paris literally being swallowed up into the earth, that would come through Marie-Julie Jahenny who would predict it a few years later later: that the revolution and the punishments would start with a 'spark', and, that the ground would literally open up and swallow the revolutionary evil doers and the city, even the fires of hell and heaven would mingle, destroying the very stones to the point they could not be reused to rebuild the city.

It is very interesting to see Fr. Marin actually getting some details correct regarding the punishment reserved for the revolutionaries just by his biblical studies alone, details that line up exactly with Marie-Julie' prophecies of the destruction of revolutionary, Masonic Paris only a few years before she made them.

Again, we can see Fr. Marin was a very insightful theologian.



A Word of Encouragement for the Faithful

“The current times are bad you say! It is true. However, no more so than the time when the Messiah appeared. At last He came, this Son of David Whose coming seemed impossible. He was born, this little Child, and for nineteen centuries He has not stopped growing. There will therefore also come that day when the Lord alone will rule and dominate, when the new idols that modern industry and power offer to the civilized people of the present century will be reduced to dust: “The Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. And idols shall be utterly destroyed.” - 'Et elevabitur Dominus solus in die illa; and idola penitus conterentur.' (Isaiah 2-17-18)” (Fr. Marin de Boylesve)

(OBSERVATIONS): This is a good reminder. And, we know God cannot lie, and is faithful to His promises, He being Absolute Truth itself can never go back on His words, which means He will always be true to the prophecies He gives, which are promises He cannot fail to fulfil – in the Bible we see the following pronouncements:

I am the Lord and I do not change,” - 'Ego Dominus et non mutar.' (Malachias 3:6)

God is not a man, that he should lie, nor as the son of man, that he should be changed. Hath he said then, and will he not do? Hath he spoken, and will he not fulfil?” (Numbers 23:19) ” (Numbers 23:19) -

(That is, He is not like us, corrupted mankind born in original sin – men sin, lie, cheat, and go back on their promises. God is incorruptible, cannot lie, and is faithful to His words and promises. Prophesies are actually promises or declarations made by God on what He plans to fulfil. This is why Christ told Peter to stand back and not fight in the Garden of Gethsemane – the prophecies all foretold told this, God Himself declared how the salvation of mankind was to come through His death, and Christ told Peter the prophesies needed to be fulfilled.  Why?  Because everything that was to happen was declared by God Himself, and therefore, God always fulfils His word.  Christ even said He did not come to do away with the prophets, but to fill everything, and, not one 'tittle' (= 'jot' or the dot of an "i") of the law will be let pass. ALL MUST be fulfilled.  "Do not think that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.   For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled." (Matt. 5: 17.18)

And they shall know that I the Lord have not spoken in vain …” (Ezechiel 6:10) (God cannot and never speaks in vain, when His prophecies of punishment come, people will know He has not spoken in vain.)

"I have sworn by myself, the word of justice shall go out of my mouth, and shall not return." (Isaiah 45:23)

Therefore, God of course will not renege on His promises to send in an Age of Peace, and, a great king of His choice to renew the earth one last time as we see in the Great Monarch prophecies from authentic mystics. God cannot lie, nor go back on His word.

Our Lord affirmed to Marie-Julie Jahenny (November 26, 1875): “Wait in confidence and hope. To doubt would be to offend Me. ... Be sure, France, the days and hours are marked in My Heart; a little time and I will fulfil My promises!” It pained Him that the faithful did not believe in the coming chastisements as the time seemed so far off, nor trusted in His promises to bring the Great Renewal and the King and the Reign of the Sacred Heart because of the long delay (August 5, 1879): “I warn you, you, all My servants to wait in trust and hope. What pains Me the most is that many Christians refuse to believe in the Promise of My Divine Heart, and that many souls go so far as to say: “If the Heart of God had wanted, this miracle would have happened long ago before now.’.”

Let us trust in God, and believe in His prophecies – the promised renewal will come, for God cannot fail to bring forth the great king that He has promised just as He could not fail to bring forth Cyrus who who was foretold by His prophet Isaiah literally by name almost 200 years before that deliverer arrived to liberate the people of Israel from their captivity in Babylon and ordered the rebuilding of the temple. (Prophecy of Isaiah 44:28 and chapter 45. )

God cannot fail to bring forth the king of His Heart that He has already named in detail over 200 years ago through several mystics – Henry V of the Cross, the 'Miracle Child', Prince Dieudonné – the 'Gift of God'. It needs be that He fulfils His own word in saying He will bring Henry V back in a future epoch. Nothing is impossible with God.


Return to the Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Timeline, click here.

(July 2024)