!? Pastor Enoc (Enoch), Columbia (2011 - to present day)

!? Enoch, Columbia (2011-present day)

OBVIOUS FALSE VISIONARY – Enoch contradicts teachings and prophecies by approved saints, mystics, theologians, Doctors of the Church.

This is a a tricky one because the prophecies and warnings from Enoch sound extremely real, the advice to pray the Rosary is good, all seems authentic, they will keep you reading ...until these visions don't match up with the teachings of the Fathers / Doctors of the Church and contradicts prophecies from saints, blessed, venerables, etc.

'Enoch' tells of all the frightening purification and warnings we are to go through, and it sounds like all the rest of the authentic prophecies, but then he says when the huge cataclysmic war breaks out and Rome is attacked and the Holy father is forced to flee for his life, the Antichrist will appear and pretend to be a great peacemaker and make his seat in Rome while the Pope who has fled will set up his seat in Jerusalem. (!?) According to Enoch from Columbia, after the Antichrist reigns in Rome, and the earth is purified, Christ is to reign and bring in the New Heaven and Earth.

There are major red flags with this.

First off, the 'visionary' Enoch apparently has not mentioned the promised Age of Peace and the restoration of the Church. Yes, according to true prophecies, we will have wars and Rome will be attacked, a pope will flee but he will die in exile. We will have a time of an anti-pope, but we were promised one last Great Age in the Church where a Great Monarch would come and also an Angelic Pontiff after the great purification. It may be short, but it will be the greatest period of the Church before the end of time.

The 'visionary' Enoch apparently makes no mention of the Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff, and no Age of Peace. You can see from the Prophecy Timeline on this page that God has indeed promised us these predestined individuals. See the Prophecy Event Timeline, click here.

When a so-called visionary contradicts other creditable prophecies by true mystics, or, omits any details in such a way as to make it sound like the other approved visions are no longer in effect and that God 'appears to have changed His mind' – then that visionary is a fake.

The only way real prophecies usually change is if people do enough penance and put the time of punishment off so the timing might be different than expected and events change as a result, or, a chastisement is mitigated. For example if a warning is given, and people actually comply with the warning, which changes the timing or mitigates the scale of the disaster. However, God never ever retracts a prophecy, which is in fact a Divine promise as God has promised a series of events will happen.

To foretell something of great magnitude such the coming of a great king and pontiff and a great period of restoration in His Church and then not fulfil it is to call God a liar, and He cannot lie.

As Christ Himself said to St. Peter when the zealous defender cut off the ear of the high priest's servant – He could stop it all and ask His Father to send legions of angels to His defence, but if He did this and stopped the Passion: “How then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that so it must be done?” (Matt. 26:54) In other words, God had foretold for epochs how salvation was to come about, and to change anything that had been prophesied about Him and His death would be to make Himself a liar.

As St. Paul declared “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance,” (Rom. 11:29), that is, God does not retract what He gives, “the promises of God are unchangeable, nor can He repent conferring his gifts.” (footnote, Douay-Rheims Bible).

The same goes for the Great Catholic Monarch prophecies. The Great King and Age of Peace has been foretold, God and Our Lady will not retract their promises or prophecies, or they will have been liars for centuries.

The terrible thing is Enoch of Columbia's 'visions' claim the Antichrist is going to make himself out to be the world's peacemaker in Rome, and the children of God must not believe him.

 This sounds like fake demonic visions attempting to turn people away from the arrival of the Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff!

Also, Enoch says the fleeing pope will go to Jerusalem, but not the Antichrist?

This goes against the teachings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church that agree the Antichrist will set up his seat in Jerusalem, or, some other place in the Middle East as he will reign as close as possible to the newly built Temple in Jerusalem and the places where Christ lived in order to make himself out to be the Messiah and fool all the Jews.

As St. Paul taught, if a vision contradicts the teachings and Traditions handed down by the Church, then don't believe them.

These visions by Enoch in Columbia cannot be authentic.