(St.) Andrew Salos (b.?- d. 936 AD)

(St.) ANDREW SALOS (b.? - d. 936AD) also known as Andrew of Constantinople or 'Andrew the Fool' he was a Slav by birth and was a slave of Theognostus, who was serving as a bodyguard in Constantinople. Upon reading St. Paul's exhortation it would better to be considered a 'fool' for Christ rather than wise according to the sinful world's standards, he dedicated his life to become a fool for Christ in an act of penance, literally acting as though he were insane and humbly accepting all the ridicule and rejection this would bring. According to some sources, a heavenly revelation showed him that this unique life of penance was God's will.

It is related Andrew had a vision of Our Lady in the Blachernae church of Constantinople, while the city was surrounded by enemy troops, some sources say by Muslim Arabs. Andrew and his disciple Epiphanus testified that they saw the Holy Virgin surrounded by many angels and Saints, praying and extending her motherly protection over the faithful. After this vision, Constantinople was saved when its attackers retreated. That vision and the preservation of Constantinople from destruction that was attributed to it inspired the creation of one of the most famous Eastern Orthodox holidays: the feast of the Protection of the Theotokos.

Andrew died in 936. He is honoured as a saint in the Eastern Orthodox church. His memory is commemorated by the Eastern Orthodox on October 15 (Oct. 2 old calendar). The earliest manuscript of his Greek hagiography is a quire in Munich in a 10th-century uncial script.

In a record of his Life written by an individual known as 'Nicephorus in Constantinople' in the 10th century there is an intriguing section in dialogue form, which details a conversation between Andrew and his disciple Epiphinus who asks him when he believes the world will end and what will happen in the 'birthbangs'.

This apocalyptic part of the text contains a Great Monarch prophecy made by Andrew, and considering he died before the Great Schism occurred between the Eastern Orthodox and the western Roman Catholic Church in 1054 AD, he lived in a time of union with the Church, therefore his prophecy has often been included among Roman Catholic texts on end time prophecies.


Because in the last days God the Lord will raise a king from poverty and he will reign in justice; he will become agreeable to everyone through charity, and will abolish every war, and he will take care that the poor become rich. And there will be peace in the way as it was in Noah's days, because none will ever make war. In those days men will be very rich, in peace and in deep calmness eating and drinking, getting married and making marriages, living in much freedom, unmindfully relying on earthly things. And owing to the lack of war on earth, they will cut up their swords and change them into scythes and agricultural tools….”

And after that he will turn toward the east and will humble the sons of Agar, (i.e. Hagar, the Arabs descended from Abraham's first wife, Hagar. Islam exited at this point, and it is to Islam Andrew refers to here.) Because the Lord will be angry with them because of their blasphemy blaspheming our Lord Jesus Christ, and of the sodomy they practise. And many of them, receiving the holy baptism, will become agreeable and will be honoured by that devout king; as to the rest of them, the king will destroy and burn and put them to death…”

In those times the world will be restored; also Illyricon of the kingdom of the Romans (Greeks); and Egypt will bring her treaties. And he will lay his right hand on the nations all around. And he will tame the blond nations; and will defeat those who hate him. For thirty and two years will he govern the kingdom.  He will not impose taxes for 12 years, and will not accept presents (bribes). And he will raise the shattered altars and will have the holy churches rebuilt. There will not be law suits in those days, and neither wrongdoers or wronged people. Because all the earth shall shrink before his face; and he will, through fear, make the sons of men be prudent. And he will exterminate those magnates who will transgress the law …”

In those times God will reveal to the King where all the hidden gold and treasures are located. And he will scatter it 'by the shovel' throughout all his country. The very rich noblemen will live like kings and the poor will live like noblemen. The king will accomplish great feats. He will set out with great zeal to drive away the Jews. Not one Israelite will remain with the City. (I.e. It will be a localised expulsion, apparently, Jews who will not convert.) Amusements with lyres, guitars and obscene songs will not be heard. Nothing lewd and shameful will happen because he will hate and utterly destroy 'out of the City of the Lord all them that work iniquity' (Ps. 100:8)

And after this kingdom, the misfortunes will start. The son of perdition, the Chiliarch Aran (i.e Antichrist) will come to this City and he will reign for three years and six months.” 

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