!? Pedro Regis – 'Our Lady of Anguera' Brazil (1987–to present day)

!? Pedro Regis . 'Our Lady of Anguera' Brazil (1987-to present day)

STATUS-Church has not yet made an official decision.

My Personal opinion:  PROBLEMATIC / SUSPICIOUS – contains illogical phrases and statements that challenge / contradict doctrine, and has major contradictions regarding End Time events that is usually a sign of a fake apparition

*) First Red Flag: This apparition has many messages with constant repetitions – particularly in the messages from the latter years, such as 2013-2015 just to give an example - the messages and sentences are practically the same over and over and over and over and over to the point it drowns out details so you can't see them – the devil knows it is in the theological details where you can spot a true or a fake mystic, so one of his tactics is to snow blind the unwary with a load of beautiful words that sound very much like those of Our Lady or Our Lord, but you get buried in the amount of them so you miss details.

Yes, there are mystics that do get repetitive messages and sentences, but not to this extent as in Anguera. With real mystics you never get fatigued with them, you want to hear more. However, when you feel yourself getting head banged by the amount of repetition as with the Anguera apparitions-then you know something is wrong. Honestly, after only reading a few years of the recorded messages, if I see the phrase 'Do not stand about with your arms crossed' one more time ....! Sounds like a broken record!

We even see a clue this 'frustration tactic' is happening in the apparitions-there is a phrase that doesn't quite sound like Our Lady is speaking and is almost comical- it's as if 'something' is playing a game with us:

I am a Mother who repeats the same song: Convert, convert, convert.”

Huh? It was even repeated twice in the year 2013 as if to make a point about needless repetition! (July 14, 2013) (Nov 11, 2013)


*) Major red flag – sentence that challenges doctrine on hell and lacks logic:

“Have confidence, faith and hope. Nothing nor no one is lost. There is still time for you to be converted. Don´t cross your arms.” (Nov. 1, 1997)

Uh, okay. Is Our Lady saying souls will not be lost? We know there is a hell, and many are being lost now which is why she constantly tells us to pray for sinners so they won't be lost. And, if 'no one or nothing is lost', why is is calling for conversion? Another glaring contradiction or a very confusing passage that doesn't make sense. Whoever she is talking to doesn't need conversion if they aren't lost!


*) The big next red flag: Prophecies / apparition of Aguera contradicts past prophecies regarding the renewal of the earth for the Triumph and the Age of Peace and confuses it with the End of Time renewal.

Now, there are quite number of details that are correct-such as the smoke of Satan entering the Church, and that there will be an apostasy and a war-a time of tribulation, and that we are living in times as bad if not worse than the time of the flood and the earth will be changed. This is all true – true mystics have foretold this as we have seen in the Timeline on the Main Homepage here. Everything in Anguera sounds beautiful and true, but we have to be careful – Satan revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny he would get so cunning on how to sound like Our Lord and Our Lady he would lead many astray in future times. He knows all the true prophecies and can also parrot them off. He also knows of the evil that's coming and can 'predict' it too – it's his century after all, so of COURSE he knows what evil is coming!

Here is when we notice somethings is wrong - this major contradiction:

Our Lady allegedly says in the apparition of Nov. 12, 2013:

“After all the tribulation, He (Jesus) will dry your tears and you will see the new Heaven and the new Earth. Humanity will find peace with the definitive triumph of my Immaculate Heart.”

Basically, this message is saying the Age of Peace and the End of Time are the same thing.
It is also repeated again when Our Lady allegedly says that after the tribulation:

“The Earth will be transformed and peace will reign forever.” (Dec. 14, 2014)

This is wrong: the Age of Peace and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the Reign of the Sacred Heart will occur for a short period between circa 25-50 years, which will occur BEFORE the appearance of the Antichrist – the New Heaven and the New Earth will occur AFTERWARDS when the Antichrist is defeated by Christ, which will bring in the end of END OF TIME. The End of Time is when the New Heaven and Earth appear. The New Heaven and New Earth are NOT to be confused with the Age of Peace / the reign of the Immaculate and Sacred Hearts on earth, which is a completely different thing as we can see from the Bible and the authentic prophecies from other mystics.


(*) Third Red Flag: there is another impossibility in one of the messages that shows there is a mix up with the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the New Heaven and New Earth when suffering will cease:

“The definitive triumph of my Immaculate Heart will bring peace to humanity. That will be a time of joy for all my devotees. The Lord will dry your tears and there will be no more suffering.” (May 14, 2014)

Sorry, but in the Age of Peace, the first few years are going to be sorrowful – so many will have died, and, so many souls will have been lost in the cleansing, and, we will have to learn to live in the aftermath – true mystics such as Marie-Julie Jahenny have said the first three years, even in the midst of the Triumph, are going to be very hard on account of all the tribulations that have hit the earth. We are going to have lost so many people and the earth won't produce food for at least three years. The joy will come afterwards when the sorrow of the aftermath is lessened.

Also, SUFFERING WILL NOT CEASE COMPLETELY from the earth, even during the Age of Peace, not until the End of Time Happens – to expect an end of all suffering beforehand is rather naive. God will not take away the cross from us, meaning suffering will never be eradicated completely until the End of Time happens. Suffering is the necessary element for us to enter Heaven.

The true joy of the Age of Peace is that all evil will be greatly reduced, the True Faith will flourish, heresies will cease, we will be able to practise our faith and live in virtue without persecution – mankind will be charitable once again – we shall receive comfort and our tears will be dried because we will be comforted in the fact the earth is finally governed for a time as God and Our Lady would wish - this is the joy of the peace. Since sin will be reduced and virtue flourish, suffering will not be as great on the earth, but there will always be some sort of suffering until the End of Time.


(*) Next Red Flag: we then see a double-whammy with BOTH contradictions put together: 

“The victory of the Lord will occur, and the Earth will live in peace. Suffering and sorrow for my poor children will cease. The Lord will reign forever and everyone will live in joy.” (Dec. 15, 2014)

No, sorry – the Victory / Age of Peace / Reign of the Immaculate Heart and Sacred Heart is NOT the End of Time with the sorrow-less New Heaven and the New Earth.


(*) Red Flag: We then have another weird 'pre-saved' contradiction along with the 'New Heaven and Earth' mix up again:

Your names are already written in Heaven. Convert. The Lord will transform the Earth and everyone will experience His powerful action. A New Heaven and a New Earth. This is what the Lord is preparing for His Elect.”

Your name is already written in Heaven – but convert?!

Er, okay, if their names are already written in Heaven, why are the witnesses of the apparition given the command to 'convert'? Our Lady would not need to ask that of the witnesses there if they were already among the elect! And, if Our Lady is asking that of sinners in general, how can their names already be written in Heaven and they are saved if they need to convert? Sounds like another form of the illogical sentence we already saw above with the 'nothing or nor one is lost' sentence again while calling people to convert! Also, we see another confusing contradiction when the renewal of the earth for the Age of Peace is once again conflated with the renewal of the New Heaven and New Earth.

This mixing up of end time events is a constant here - for we find ANOTHER message confusing the ETERNAL New Heaven and New Earth with the TEMPORARY Age of Peace: 

 The Lord will transform the Earth and the just will live in joy. You will see a new Heaven and a new Earth.” (Nov. 27, 2015)

Again, no, the Age of Peace / Reign of the Immaculate and Sacred Hearts after the tribulations of the church and the war is NOT the arrival of the New Heaven and New Earth.

So, from these instances we can detect a visionary trying once again to mix up interpretations the Age of Peace and of the “1,000 years reign” and the End of Time with the New Heaven and New Earth of the Apocalypse – a sure sign of a fake apparition.