Is the Novus Ordo Mass of Vatican II the ‘odious New Mass’ Marie-Julie Jahenny warned about?


Is the Novus Ordo Mass of Vatican II the ‘odious New Mass’ Marie-Julie Jahenny warned about, and if so, should we be attending it?”

Since I am the translator of the book “We Are Warned: the Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny”, and, as the blogger of the site “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Prophecies for Our Times”, I get asked this question a lot, so, I’ve posted a page on this question, but, please keep in mind I am just layperson doing my best here. I can only give personal observations and advice as a layperson doing their best to adhere to authentic Catholic tradition and doctrines in these troubling times of Satanic confusion.


First, is the Novus Ordo Mass the one Marie-Julie Jahenny was warning about?

Short answer – from what I see in her texts, no.

That is, not yet.

What Marie-Julie was warned about regarding the invalid and ‘odious’ service with the ‘new book’ is some other new rite that the leftist red state or states would impose during the apostasy period with their fake Christian religion resembling that of Islam. It will be a government sanctioned and instituted thing from what I can tell.

According to her, Satan would introduce a service where priests and bishops who once belonged to the Church and who are led astray by the new apostasy will be fooled with some glittering false promises and would wear red cloaks, have something akin to a table with bread and a cup of water, but no wine or valid consecration, and that it would be 'celebrated in all houses and under the firmament', a cryptic phrase obviously meaning in all places of worship in an ecumenical manner and in pagan-like groves, not just Catholic churches.

This obviously is not yet the Mass of Vatican II, we have wine and a valid consecration as Eucharistic miracles are still happening during Novus Ordo Masses. And the excellent book ‘The Catechism Explained’ by Spirago and Clark based on the teachings from the Council of Trent state that: “The true Church is that one which is most persecuted by the world, and which has received God’s seal in the form of miracles.” (“Note 7: Notes of the True Church” – Spirago and Clarke).

Since there is no valid consecration in what Marie-Julie saw, only bread and water with no wine, there is no valid Transubstantiation, what will come will be an empty service that will truly be an 'abomination of desolation' as when God's presence left the Temple of Jerusalem after the Church was founded. The apostate priests and bishops who join the new religion which will be a poor imitation of Catholic Christianity will think they have and do everything as when they belonged to the Church, this is the promise Satan will give them, but in reality their service will not have any validity.

This is when the 'book' with words odious in God's sight be enforced upon the clergy, and they will be punished by the State and by the bishops following the state if they refuse it, the book 'sealed with the words from the abyss’ according to Marie-Julie. Of interest Bl Catherine Emmerick also saw the rise of an extravagant 'counter-church' that will be preparing 'bread' for their hosts, but will not have valid Communion. Christ's presence won't be there.

Here is the text from Marie-Julie referring to this:

(June 3, 1880. “The Breton Stigmatist”, p. 39)

Our Lord describes how Lucifer will proceed. He (Satan) will address priests:

"You will dress in a large red cloak...We (devils) will give you a piece of bread and a few drops of water. You can do everything that you did when you belonged to Christ...."

"But," says Our Lord, "they do not add, Consecration and Communion."

And Hell added: "We will permit you to say it in all houses and even under the firmament."

By the words 'say it' we see a reference to a 'rite' being said, this rite having some kind of service using bread and water only. This seems like an abominable religion held in all places, all buildings of worship indicated by 'all houses' and even in sacred groves out in the open sky like the pagans used to worship. Now compare that with this text referring to the great time when the priesthood will be put to the test – which obviously refers to the time when the State or states are going to intervene as mentioned in other texts:

Such as this for June 9, 1881:

Our Lord: “My deepest pain, it is owing to this kind of joy in Christian hearts--who were Christians, but who have lost grace – it is seeing this joy when the power of mortal men will order throughout the kingdom, a horrible religion, as opposed to that which exists today and that makes the happiness of My people.”

(My Note here: in other words, Our Lord sees many people who call themselves Christian but are not. They will rejoice at the introduction by men of a new religion that appears Christian, but operates contrary to the way Christ established his Church. Since it will be 'ordered throughout the kingdom' it will be imposed on the populace. The fact that Christ says they are not in the state of grace indicates those followers who are contrary to certain dogmas of the faith and wish to set up a religion that panders to their worldly ideas of Catholicism / Christianity. Basically a heretical faith.)

Our Lord continues : "I am inconsolable. I see running there, to escape from death and rouse themselves from imposed suffering, multitudes of Christians. I see them embrace the religion of a merry heart, without thinking about Me, on the Church, of their baptism and all that is good for the Christian soul ... by manifesting these signs to My people (i.e., the warnings and chastisements), I want to bring back My people, before the punishment, because I love them. I see eagerly entering this guilty, sacrilegious, infamous, in a word, a similar (religion) to that of Mahomet (sp. Muhammad). There I see bishops entering.”

(My note: Rather than face death or sufferings that will be inflicted on them if they stay in the True Faith, Catholics will enter the false religion. This false religion will teach an 'easier path' that is 'merry' and therefore easier to follow. Probably a religion that will concentrate on worldly happiness and 'anything goes' if it feels 'good' rather than attaining everlasting happiness through sacrifice and carrying the cross. This new religion will resemble Islam, which refutes the godhead of Jesus Christ. Muslims believe Jesus is only a prophet but not the Divine Son of God. Here Our Lord reveals The 'Horrible Religion' will be Arian in nature, the Arian heresy will once more raise its ugly head.

Even Bishop Fulton Sheen warned of those who would one day dare promote an easy false religion without the cross.)

Our Lord continues to Marie-Julie: By seeing these Bishops, many, so many, and in their suite all their flock, and without hesitation to rush into damnation and Hell, My Heart is wounded to death, as at the time of My Passion. I am going to become an object of horror for the most part of My people. All youth will be spoiled and soon will fall in a putrefaction the smell of which will be unbearable.” (I.e. children will no longer be taught about the virtue of purity, they also will not know the faith.)

So, according to this, many bishops will enter the false Arian-style religion and bring many to damnation with them. This could be the great apostasy Marie-Julie Jahenny was warned about.

Now compare this with another prophecy of the new invalid rite coming:

(Ecstasy date November 27, 1901. Other sources say this prophecy was given in 1902):

Our Lord to Marie-Julie Jahenny:

I give you a warning even today. The disciples who are not of My Holy Gospel are now in a great work of the mind to form as the second facsimiles when they will make to their idea and under the influence of the enemy of souls, a Mass that contains words odious in My sight.

When the fatal hour arrives when they will put to the test the Faith of My eternal priesthood, it is these sheets that they will give to celebrate in this last period. The first period, it is that of My priesthood which exists since (or after) Me. The second, is the period of persecution when the enemies of the Faith and of Holy Religion have formulated - and they are strongly enforced - these sheets as the book of the second celebration, these infamous spirits (or, infamous minds) are those who crucified Me and who are waiting for the reign of the new Messiah to make them happy."

"Many of My holy priests will refuse this book sealed with he words of the abyss. Unfortunately, (they) will be the exception, it will be used."

So, we have yet to see this 'Mass of Abomination' warned about.

  It will be a false rite with bread and water only as part of the fake religion resembling Islam that will be enforced by state, (note, Islam forbids wine!) and, it will also be enforced by apostate bishops supporting the state, or, those too scared to oppose the state and will apostatize due to fear as this rite and fake religion will be enforced to the point of great suffering and even the pain of death.

The Novus Ordo Mass isn't that.  The Novus Order Mass is not a state sanctioned rite, and, it has not even been enforced to the point of death if you refuse it. It also has wine during the consecration, and, Eucharistic miracles still happening with it.

It is the next 'reformation' or 'reformations' that may be pushed that we have to truly be concerned about.

She did warn things would move in that direction.

Marie-Julie did cryptically warn on July 7, 1880 a month after she received the vision of Satan's fake 'Bread and Water Service' that Hell would have the Leonine prayers for the protection of the Church removed from the foot of the altar, and this prophecy was made several years before Pope Leo XIII would even have his famous visions of St. Michael that inspired them in the first place. (Click here to see this text.) The introduction of the Vatican II Mass did away with these prayers. Very telling development.

So, we have a prophecy and even evidence with the fulfilment of the prophecy regarding the Leonine prayers that Satan would be constantly attacking the valid Masses to eventually make way in the end for the 'red cloak, ecumenical bread-and-water' abomination without a valid consecration. Remember these particular prophecies came at a time when the heresy of Modernism was beginning to make huge inroads into everything. The Oath against Modernism was removed after Vatican II, but we are not yet at the service she described.

Are we close?

I'm personally concerned about the 500th anniversary 'celebrations' of the Protestant Reformation Pope Francis carried out with the Lutherans in Sweden for example – why on earth was he co-celebrating a rebellion attacking the true Faith in some ecumenical service with the Lutherans, who are outside the faith and not in union with Rome? Celebrating Luther who considered the Pope the Antichrist and Rome the 'Whore of Babylon', and who we know from another mystic and from exorcists that he is condemned to Hell and who has brought so many souls with him? We are supposed to encourage those outside the faith to convert, not join them to where they are led to believe their heresies now are 'okay' and accepted. What horrific false charity.

I'm in agreement with Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser who said that when future times grow dark, the Council of Trent will be our one true guide. If anything regarding the Protestant Reformation, we should be celebrating the Counter-Reformation that arose from the mess of that and gave us the Council of Trent that secured for all time the true catechism of Catholic doctrine and the Latin Mass of the ages. Celebrating with the Lutherans and other Protestants like this is pointing the way to the Satanic service that will be 'said in all houses', and, Pope Francis and Lutherans he met with during the various 'celebrations' elsewhere were wearing red stoles. You can find the pictures online. I cannot help but see the similarity / foreshadowing of the prophecy of the 'red cloak' invalid service.

Also, we have the 'Abrahamic three faiths centre' being opened in the Middle East with this happy-happy, false charity, co-celebration with the Jews and the Muslims – a lot of people are noticing a strange shift towards a 'Chrislam' movement with things like this happening – and to me at least this seems an ominous movement towards Marie-Julie's warnings about a future state-imposed 'merry heart' religion mixing up Christianity and Islam.

Also, Marie-Julie never once in the texts I see supports disobedience to the Magisterium. Her texts bemoans the bishops who will break unity with Rome and the pope, and introduce this abominable 'Christian' religion resembling Islam.

What she warns about is an apostate movement among priests and bishops, and, whoever is an apostate cuts themselves off from the Magisterium. We are not bound to obey false laws or false teachings from anyone attempting to foist apostate laws upon us, and that includes bishops and priests who turn apostate and try to force an invalid 'Chrislamic' rite on us.


Next – if the Novus Ordo Mass is still legit, should we attend?

If it is still legit – than yes, or course, you can fulfil your obligations of attending Sunday Mass and holy days of obligation by going to it.

However, I feel we must ask ourselves: is it the most pleasing Mass to Our Lord? Is it the ‘best’ Mass that gives all honour and glory due to God?

I personally see it is full of Protestant elements - it is word for word exactly the same service given by the Protestants in Westminster Abbey in London. And why are we copying heretics that have left the Church? Imitation is the highest form of flattery as the say... if we are Catholics, just why are we doing this? There is the rule of the Church ‘you pray as you believe’, so why is our highest form of worship and prayer in the Church now 'Protestant' in its outward appearance?   If we are Catholic, should we not be praying and worshiping God in a truly authentic Catholic way and not imitating the Protestants who devised their rite in opposition to the Pope and Catholicism?

Also, so many abuses happen now at the New Mass thanks to laxity and loss of true reverence for the sacred that it is becoming a danger to attend as if you just 'get used to it'. Think of all the various cringe-worthy examples floating on the internet - here are a few I've seen, Holy Communion being flown through a church on a drone, 'clown masses' with the priests dressed up as clowns, 'cowboy Masses' with the same idea.  Truly awful. 


Not to mention, I've seen so many Communions dropped on the floor with no act of reparation made, priests switching things or leaving sections of the Mass completely out and adding elements of their own to the rite that are not licit at all and actually invalidates the whole Mass: you never know if you could be complicit to the abuses or accidentally attend an invalid Mass due to wilful omissions on the part of the priest, etc.  It places the onus on us to know the parts of the Mass that must be said, and, to try and find parishes where the Novus Ordo Mass is being licitly and reverently said because of the lax nature of a number of priests these days.

You do not have to worry about this when attending a Latin Mass! 

 In fact, we should NOT have to worry about it - the Church states its members have the right to have access to the sacraments and that they are properly done - we have the right to be able to worship in peace that contributes to our spiritual growth and be able to concentrate properly during a Mass and not have to be on constant tenterhooks to see if everything is being done correctly, or terrified that Communion is going to be dropped by laypeople, or some other blatant abuse is going to occur, etc, etc, etc, – what stress and distraction!

And then, I have to ask again, if we are Catholic, why are we attending something that now reflects the way Protestants worship, and, so is open to abuse these days, even if the Novus Ordo Mass is valid?

So, this is where things can get ‘sticky’ so to speak and where we I feel are being asked to make some sacrifices.

I believe we are in a ‘testing period’ before the Age of Peace commences - God is testing us all, and, it means going through some extra hardships before we are granted the liberation just like the Jews before they were freed from slavery in Egypt – they still had to do all their slave work for Pharaoh on top of having to prep for the chastisements – note – Pharaoh even doubled their work in making them find their own straw to make the bricks.

 What I mean by this is: and this is my personal observation here, if we truly see the New Mass as not giving God the full honour and glory due Him despite being valid, we should be doing our utmost to attend the Latin Mass when possible, and that may mean making the extra sacrifice to find a Latin Mass within the one hour travel rule, even if a Novus Order Mass is closer to us. (The Church says if there is a Mass you can attend within one hour’s travel, then you are expected to make it to fulfil your Sunday and Holy Day obligations.)

Now, for example’s sake, if a Latin Mass is way too far away, i.e it is so far like a 6 to 8 hour journey that the travel breaks the Sunday rest but a properly said Novus Order Mass is closer, yes, you may attend that to fulfil your obligations.  


Of course, for argument's sake, if a Latin Mass as a little bit over an hour away, and you would like to make the sacrifice to go, then of course, you can, just note, if it gets way too hard, God does not want us to destroy the Sunday rest. 

In the end, what Mass to attend depends on everyone’s personal situation, I cannot make that judgment for people.

But basically, this is my personal rule of thumb: Latin Mass first. If I cannot get to a Latin Mass to fulfil my obligations for whatever reason that may unexpectedly pop up, or it is not available, or, so far away it makes it really really hard to go each Sunday, then I attend the Novus Ordo to fulfil my obligations.

Again, each person has to decide what is best for their situation regarding Mass attendance obligations.

I can only hope this page clears up any questions regarding Marie-Julie Jahenny’s prophecies regarding the future invalid service that will be enforced: so far, the Novus Ordo Mass is not that from what I can see.


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